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Posts posted by jeeperaz

  1. I'm by no means a power user of bridle leather but I have purchased several sides of it from Waterhouse and also Weaver(cahill tannery?). I like the Waterhouse bridle better. It seems to have a nicer finish and overall cleaner but the difference isn't dramatic.

    I can't say what other services Waterhouse offers but the owner is always willing to answer questions and seems very knowledgeable about the leather he has. Waterhouse has become my supplier of choice. My expectations have always been met with every order I've placed with them. My last order was about 2 weeks ago and the leatherworker.net discount worked just fine.

    Call em up and ask for some samples.

  2. The reason for dropping the advertising was because we were NOT servicing this clientele the way that they should be serviced.

    it's just that we are not the company for many of you.

    The other leather companies that advertise on this board are set up much better to service y'all.

    Can you clarify your statements? Since the vast majority of us here are either hobbyist or small businesses owners, are you saying that we would be better serviced by another supplier? That is what I'm reading.

  3. Yes, losing a sponsor hurts, but we would not have been able to accept Siegel's advertising anyway, not with all the customer service complaints we've receieved.


    I've been meaning to donate to this site. After reading this thread, I'll be doing it soon after finishing this post.

    Leatherworker.net for me is a tremendous resource. I will continue to click on those banner ads and make purchases through the advertisers here (waterhouse is current favorite).

    Thanks Johanna for this place!

  4. Has anyone here heard of 'black wax'? Its supposidly used to wax your sewing thread for hand stitching? A mixture of bees wax and pine tar that sticks better and is more wear restant than using plain bees wax.

    I've looked a number of places and havnt been able to find it at all.

    good luck finding real pine tar.

    Search this website for 'rosin' and you will see plenty of discussion about hand wax.

  5. Thanks for your reply.

    I did a couple of restarts and have not had the pop-ups; following your advice I looked around and found (a folder I think) named Kodak in Program Files (x86), there are subfolders Kodak EasyShare Software and Printer Dock. There's a Tutorial in the Eashshare and it has numerous, what appear to be files, named pop-up.... whatever. I can't find an uninstall. None are .exe if that means anything. There's a couple of .htm files that I opened and they have instructions and links in them, I remember some of it from looking over the tutorial when I installed it first off. Should I delete this from Program Files since there doesn't appear to be an uninstall.

    I have Registry Mechanic and have run it. Is that similar to Tuneup Utilities?

    I have IrfanView but will look at Picasa. I saw Gimp mentioned somewhere else and will look at that too. So far IrfanView has worked for my inexperienced way. Always up to learning anything worthwhile.

    I appreciate your time and help on this.

    1. Hit start key

    2 Hit the r key

    3. type msconfig and then hit the enter key

    4. you'll see a window popup with several tabs, one which says 'startup' click it. Sort items by name then look for anything related to kodak. Uncheck it, restart computer.

  6. Yikes! I remember as a young teen, my friends and I would go out hunting/plinking in the desert with our pellet guns. Rather than carry the lead pellets in our pockets (too hard to get to), we'd each throw a handful of 'em in our mouths.

    And then there was the mercury we used to play with. :)

  7. How do you keep your hole punches / crew punches / chisels from getting blunt .

    I have seen in some of the photo's of other people working that they have wood or plastic underneath their leather when they are punching holes ? does this not blunt the tools over time , I know that the tools can be sharpened but this can easily lead to deformed tools if sharpened incorrectly .

    I was told to use a lead block under my leather ( see pic ) - this enables me to punch holes / points / crew without blunting my tools - in fact some of my tools have been used in this manner for 18 years and have never needed to be sharpened . The lead block that I have is about 8 " diameter and about 1" thick - this gives me a really heavy / stable base with which to make holes / points with - the lead block does need to be flattened with a hammer on a regular basis so as not to leave marks on the underside of the leather and sometimes a sheet of paper is used if I need to keep the leather especially clean.

    Just a little tip from the saddlery trade that I thought I'd share with you all.

    Thanks for the tip! I've been looking recently for a plastic type cutting board to use to punch on.... I'll switch gears and start looking for some lead.

  8. Competition perhaps but what is wrong with that? They do make some mighty nice looking product.

    I think you are making too much of this. eusa_naughty.gif


    Yes, I'm probably making way too much of this but I do believe there is some ultimate truth in my thinking. Of course competition is good, but financially supporting your competition might possibly be insane.

    I've let go of this... rant mode off

  9. Make your product better than them. Problem solved.

    The question isn't how to compete against them. It's a little more philosophical than that.

    For what it's worth, I make custom hiking boots. I doubt there will be a day where I walk into REI and see a sale on Weaver 'Super Hikers'.

    What I'm trying to convey is that I see their offerings as competition to that of our community... as a whole. In the same vain as I wouldn't buy a Galco Holster or Fossil Ipad cover, I don't feel right about buying supplies from Weaver.

  10. A few weeks ago I went to a feed & tack store and noticed a whole wall of finished leather goods with Weaver's brand name on them. Today, I went to Petsmart and noticed a whole section of dog collars from Weaver.

    I have a huge problem with this. I cannot support my 'competition. Weaver has seen their last penny from me.

    Even if they do not sell the same product as you, one has to wonder if it's only a matter of time. Would you still buy parts and supplies from them if they sold retail finished holsters, belts, boots, saddles?

    Am I missing something here... why shouldn't we as leatherworkers have a serious issue with suppliers selling finished goods? Especially this one who does it at a retail level.

  11. I will try out the ones mentioned above. The key characteristics of the ideal pen is that it can wipe off and does not mark the leather, it also must not smudge if grazed. I complain about the thicker silver pen I have now, but perhaps it's OK as long as you cut to one side of the line.

    Check a Michaels craft store if you have them local to you. I found a great silver pen there. I don't see a brand name on the one I have.... sorry.

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