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Everything posted by lansacoder

  1. I like your work! Those tools are amazing!
  2. Yes, it is the most comfortable holster I’ve ever had. Would definitely recommend this style.
  3. Thanks, y’all! I don’t get to do leather work much but I do enjoy it and seem to learn a little more each time. I’ve been carrying with this holster daily now and love the style. I’d never had one like it. So my resolene was old and thick (I’d never thinned it). I had to remove the first coat. Then re-coated with a few thinned coats. Learned that you must thin resolene to have good results. Here is an updated pic. Call me crazy but I like the look better now. I also added a few extra stitches to tighten around the trigger guard. Now it snaps into place better but still draws fine.
  4. Looks nice! 4 might work with a belt loop added in the back in the middle. I added one to my double mag between the mags and it rides much nicer. Doesn’t bow out between the mags at all.
  5. This was my first attempt at a wallet. My old store-bought wallet was falling apart and I wanted to replace it with a real leather one. Not perfect but it works. The wrinkled plastic window is from the old wallet.
  6. Made from a scrap I had left over. I didn’t add a welt, but it is very snug doesn’t move. We’ll see if it lasts over time.
  7. Where do you get that clip? I just started a bifold wallet but want to make a money clip too.
  8. Don’t know why but mag holsters always puzzle me. The mags are secure. I did add a couple rows of stitches since this photo but I cut the slots too far out and the rear leather isn’t stiff enough to hold its shape very well.
  9. Thanks! This is more of an infrequent hobby for me that I really enjoy. You make some nice stuff!
  10. Looks nice! I think the main thing is not having your slots too far away from your gun. I try to keep my slots fairly perpendicular to my belt, but I’ve only made a handful of holsters. Trying my first wallet tonight!
  11. I guess I missed working with leather...
  12. Works but not terribly pleased with this one.
  13. Well, I had so much fun making my holster, I made a mag holster for my brother. Glock holsters are thick and I didn’t know what to do at the bottom. I guess it works. Mag snaps in securely.
  14. It’s been a couple years since I made any thing but wanted a comfortable holster for my 1911 and didn’t want to wait 6 months for Milt Sparks. This is based off of his Bruce Nelson style holster.
  15. That makes a lot of sense. Now that you explained that, I can see where hiding the screws would either create a weak loop or a loose belt loop, depending on the placement of snaps. Nice work and well thought out. I've been wanting to make one of these for myself. Thanks for the advice.
  16. Beautiful holster! My only thought is that it might be possible to embed the t-nuts in the back of the belt loop so the only screws would be inside the snaps and the loop would still be removable as you had wanted. Thanks, Bob
  17. Nice looking knife and sheath. I'm guessing this is for someone left-handed as I would like to grab the handle a little differently. I keep thinking of making a sheath for a knife but have only done holsters. Tip about the pics: if you are using a phone, you can email them to yourself and pick a smaller size to send resulting small enough images. Worked for me. Thanks, Bob
  18. Thanks for the nice comments! I was pretty proud of this one. There still are a few things I missed in my excitement to get it done: 1. Stitched the extra support leather after gluing the liner. Would rather have done that first to avoid the extra stitch line inside the holster. 2. Touched the holster before the atom wax had completely dried. :-| 3. I tried fiebings white glue instead of barges contact cement. I'm not sure which I like better. I liked that I could adjust it slightly to line things up but had more glue to clean up. An eraser did seem to work pretty well to remove the excess. I've still got lots to learn but I do enjoy it a lot. Thanks, Bob
  19. Definitely nice work on your first holster! What kind of finish did you use? Looks like maybe you did all but the suede in hot wax? My very first holster was similar only made out of old blue jeans and model glue because I was broke and going to college. I re-used the metal clip that came with a crummy nylon holster and it turned out great, although it wasn't leather. thanks, Bob
  20. 2/3 and 3/4 glued together, back to back. The resulting thickness would be about 5/7, except where the trim is added, would be somewhere from 7/10. The extra trim is another piece of 2/3. I think the overall thickness on this one was towards the lower end of the numbers because it resulted in a nice thickness for the back side (not too thick) and just what I had hoped for in the front. After the stitching was complete and everything dyed (interior and trim dyed before stitching) wet with warm water until pliable. Insert the gun (wrapped in plastic if concerned about the moisture). Start pressing the leather into shape. I used a bone to detail it and help form the sight channel. I taped a pencil that I had cut to size between the front and rear sights as well as aft of the take down lever, to provide appropriate channels for drawkng the gun. Some day I want to try stitching a nylon sight channel in place like some of the nicer holster makers do. This is only the 7th holster I've made so I am still learning. Thanks, Bob
  21. Fiebings choclate and rubbing alcohol 50/50. Maybe 4 coats or so. Fiebings Leather Balm atom wax. 2 coats. the leather balm will darken it a little Thanks, Bob
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