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Everything posted by DarkDreamsLeather

  1. it looks fantastic!!
  2. So it has been so long since I have posted some of my work. I have been so busy lately but wanted to take a break to post pics of the Dog baldric I made for my Beagle Copper. And yes he is my mini me hah hah. I made my Baldric, my dogs, and both of our hats as well as tooled the leather wrap on Copper Mug (which matches mine)
  3. Can you come to Calif and teach me how to do that?
  4. Do you sell wholesale if so what is your min and quantity. I have been looking for a wholesale supplier for flasks as I have been using tandy kits
  5. I am interested in your dog leash snaps I sent you an email. How much do you want for your whole supply of them?
  6. Do you mean Pitch?, that Tar like substance that is used in chasing and repose metal working?
  7. Please post more pics, I do pirate maps and would love to find ways to improve my work..
  8. I love that toolbox, it has a steampunk look to it!
  9. I wont be vending but I will be at faire playing, not sure if I will wear any of my armor it all depends on the weather but just look for my face. If if is hot I will be dressed as I am in the above photo.
  10. Sorry that this picture is so bad but my camera needs a major tune up, anyhow here is a picture of my completed business sign. It is all leather (except the mushrooms and bugs, and fake flowers) The pic was taken at the so Cal Renaissance Pleasure Faire. I am a visiting Artisan this past weekend and this coming weekend so if you will be attending this weekend stop by to say hi.
  11. Just wanted to let everyone know that I will be vending as a Visiting Artisian on April 18th, 19th, 24th, 25th and 26th at Southern California Renaissance Pleasure faire so if you can attend please stop by the booth and say hi. Just look for my New Leather sign (I posted a pic of the almost finished sign in Show off Portion of forum)
  12. Yep, lots of work in this and still have about 8-16 hours more work to do to complete is, by the way I used the red asphault look around my letters from your instruction. I will post the finished sign once it is done.
  13. I have been so super crazy busy making stock, getting copyright stuff going for my new products (which I will show once everything is filed) and working on my new website on upcoming web store. Anyhow I just took some photos for a Ren faire app so I wanted to post a teaser photo of the work I have done so far on my new Vending Sign. Please do note that I still have a lot of work and other elements to put into it so it is still in pieces and nothing has been rivited or secured. Let me know what you think.
  14. How the heck do you get all that color shading, shadows and variations?
  15. I will have to try that, I never thought of that because the dye comes out the yellow color I want, I guess due to the amt of dyes the leather wont take other very well. Thanks for the tips
  16. I am wondering if anyone has had this problem, whenever I use fiebings Yellow spirit dye (I usually dye/airbrush light to dark) and then dye another darker color dyes. As I progress with dying they do not cover the yellow so that it blends. Basically I am making autumn colors for leaves but the Yellow acts almost like it is mixed with a blocker, the only colors that seem to cover it so I can blend the edges are Dark Brown (blends/covers to a small degree) and Black (which has no problem covering) This is fustrating me. I am using spirit dyes as I can order them and do not like the eco flow or non spirit dyes. Has anyone had this issue? Its just fustrating because I airbrush dyes a lot and I cant blend over the yellow. I do not have any issues with any other colors just the yellow. If anyone has some suggestions on how to overcome this issue let me know. Thanks
  17. That is a hella lot of work right there!!
  18. Holy C*ap how did he do that? That looks amazing!!!
  19. Looks Sweet, soo... can I have your bike? heh heh
  20. I have a friend that has a blacksmith shop he might be interested in this. I fwd him the link as well as gave him your number on voice message. Do you by chance know what tonage of pressure this is at max?
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