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Double U Leather

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Everything posted by Double U Leather

  1. Here's the latest from Double U. I really am happy with the way it turned out. I tried something a little different with the two tulip flowers and the stems. It worked pretty good. Anyway, take a look and let me know what you think. Stay blessed.
  2. I also have to give to Springfield Leather. I certainly have not dropped $25K with them, but I have never felt like I got the shaft. I have never gotten a piece of leather from them that was even questionable. Typically, I order HO, and they always send what I'm looking for...weight, size of hide, etc., I even ordered some chap leather from them a couple times, and not only did they send what I wanted, but offered to cut it to the size I needed so I wouldn't have excess. In fact, on one chap order, I didn't communicate the size I needed correctly and they offered to take back the piece that wouldn't work even though it was my fault. Stand up outfit they are. I won't buy anywhere else.
  3. Very nice indeed. I've got a purse order coming up soon, and I hope my construction turns out as well as yours. And of course, your tooling is awesome also. Good work.
  4. No Dink I didn't. Just sewed 'em right onto the blanket.
  5. Here's the next order done. These are just pretty simple basket stamped corners to be given as awards at an invitational team roping. The most difficult part of the project was sewing them onto the Navajo blankets. Anyway, have a look and let me know what you think of 'em. Stay blessed.
  6. Thought I'd throw my 2 cents in on this discussion. I use only HO leather for everything I do. I get it from Springfield Leather. Occasionally, I'll run into one that's incredibly tough to cut. Being sorta old school, I always would fight and struggle with a round knife. Finally, I broke down and used a utility knife on one. WOW!! Made a huge difference. Much more control and a whole lot less effort. Mind you, I use the round knife anytime I can, but if I run into a rank ol' steer hide, I whip out the utility knife and away I go. I still prefer the round knife, but sometimes ya just gotta do what ya gotta do.
  7. Here's the latest from the bench. It's a floral tooled checkbook cover that will be used for an auction item to benefit a TX cowboy preacher who's battling numerous tumors in his body. The checkbook cover goes with many prayers for this man of God. Let me know what you think. Thanks for looking, and if you would, lift this gentleman up in your prayers also. Stay blessed gang.
  8. These are the next set of Bronc Halters out the door. There are 5 total in the order, and they are all the same. Nothing real fancy, but adequate. The association that ordered them were on a real limited budget, but wanted something for the all around champs in each division. Anyway, take a look and let me know what you think. Be blessed.
  9. Uh oh....either my bronc halters have flooded this section or ya'll hate these!! LOL.
  10. Here's the next couple bronc halters done. These are a bit different in the fact the customer didn't want conchos to attach the noseband for fear of scratching her trailer?! Anyway, I simply used some loops sewn into the noseband so as to not interfere with the floral noseband itself. Let me know what you think. Thanks again for looking, and remain blessed.
  11. I'd be interested in the touchpad if the machine goes separate.
  12. Wow guys...thank you very much for the kind words. I'm humbled by them. I'm honored to be considered an inspiration to others. My inspiration and ability comes from above. It's only because of Him I'm able to be or do anything at all. Again, thanks for your compliments and I relay those thanks upward. Stay blessed.
  13. Here's the next bronc halter done in the list. This is the first one I've done with a rope halter, but that's what the customer ordered. I'm really surprised I haven't done loads more of the rope halters. Seems like those are the most common type used...at least that's all I've ever used. Anyway, let me know what you think. Thanks for looking. Stay blessed.
  14. Thanks for the nice words everyone. As usual there were some things I wish I could have a mulligan on, but oh well. The customer loved 'em, and is talking about having me make a full floral tooled rope bag. That would be a big ticket item if he goes through with it. Anyway, thanks again and stay blessed.
  15. Here's the next couple of bronc halters out the door. These are for a team roping club that's having their year end roping in a few weeks. They ordered 2 of 'em, but I'm only posting a pic of one. The other one is exactly the same except the color of the halter itself. Let me know what you think. I tried something new on these, and like how it worked. I sure enough learned something new on 'em. Now, only 7 more to finish by the end of the month. Thanks again for looking and continued blessings.
  16. Lookin' good my firend. Keep up the good work, and keep learning somthing on every project. Be blessed.
  17. Wow....thanks guys. I'm humbled that ya'll think my work is that good. I'm flattered. And Bruce...the best you've ever seen? I can't believe that. You've turned out stuff nicer than that. Thanks again for the kind words. I just posted a new one I finished earlier. Take a look at it. It's pretty sweet. Thanks again for the compliments. All I can say is that I've been blessed with a couple of pretty amazing skills. Go God!
  18. Here's the next bronc halter out the door. Seems like it's bronc halter month at the ol' Double U...I've got orders for a total of a dozen. A couple for one gal, another for a graduated senior, a couple for a ropin', 5 for a Jr. rodeo association, etc., etc. Anyway, let me know what you think of this one. I kinda like how it turned out. These are the smallest flowers I've ever done, and I got through it ok. Thanks for looking, and blessings to all.
  19. Thanks Bob...I appreciate the compliment. It still isn't to the level I want it, but I may be getting closer with each "whack". Gimme a call sometime and we can catch up.
  20. Here's the latest from the Double U bench. I tried to make the noseband a little wider and in the shape of a trophy buckle. I've got several bronc halters on order and wanted to give myself some more room for an award type halter. Take a look and let me know what you think. I'll take a pic of it on a horse when my son gets back home from the "rodeo trail". Thanks for looking, and as always, stay blessed.
  21. I want to add my $.07 worth (factoring in inflation of course). You can't find any better customer service than Kevin and his gang. I've ordered from them for quite some time now, and have never had any issues at all. In fact, one time I miss measured some leather I was going to use for fringe on a pair of chaps. They said they'd be happy to cut another piece the right size and send it to me. Even though it was my mistake in measuring and communicating to them exactly what I was needing, they were willing to make it right for me. Can't say enough good things about them. I refer everyone I know who's in the leather business to them. They live up to the "code of the west" and then some. My hat's off to 'em!
  22. Thanks for the nice words. It's starting to get closer to what I'm striving for. Not there yet though. I had the opportunity to attend a day of the Art of the Cowboy Makers show in Loveland, CO this past weekend. It was humbling and inspiring to see the work of people like Don Butler and Nancy Martiny (sp). I'm still a ways from their level. Talked to Mr. Butler...he said he's been tooling for 51 years. I told him that if that was the case, I'd be an even 100 before I got to his level...LOL. Eugene....the insides are just lined with 2 oz. Royal Oak. No pockets or anything special.
  23. No ma'am...I don't mind sharing what I know (which typically isn't much...LOL). On this project, I did a light coat of Neatsfoot oil, Clear Lac, medium brown antique (tried the paste this time), and then Tan Kote. I really liked the paste antique. I'd been using the gel stuff and had been getting uneven darkness. Someone suggested I try the paste. I kinda like it. The next experiment will be using RTC resist and paste. I used the Clear Lac this time because there was no dyed lettering or anything, and it's a bit less expensive than RTC. I'm trying to only use RTC when there's lettering involved. Anyway, hope that helps...and thanks for the kind words.
  24. Here's another item done today. This is a simple checkbook cover/wallet without any credit card slots. I really like how it turned out. I tried some different finishing techniques, and I think I may try 'em again. As always, thanks for looking, and let me know what you think. Be blessed everyone.
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