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Everything posted by Vaelloc

  1. Yes it's real. I bought scraps off a gentleman out of South Dakota who retired. Enough to make a couple holsters. Knife sheaths and wallets. On the back of some there's a tag on where it was made or ordered from. I'll double check when I get home
  2. Please feel free to critique.
  3. Does anyone know where I could purchase some javelina leather?
  4. Very nice work
  5. A couple of knife sheaths I made for an auction for the yearly skeet shoot fundraiser. Been working with shark, elephant, and snapping turtle. Small, not to time consuming, and people willing to buy the exotic leathers.
  6. They are dyed then black n red. I used sheen to keep the natural leather look. Then did nothing on a couple stripes then used brown antique finish (I think it's what it's called). Damped a paper Towl then wiped the leather till I liked what I had. Thanks Thank you
  7. Auctioned off these 2 knife sheaths with the knives at a benefit skeet shoot event. One elephant the other was stamped and dyed.
  8. Wow. Very nice
  9. thanks everyone. I got texts messages for 24 more orders. only one complained that 30 was too much. but he also complains how much dinner is every shift. I just told him that it's an expensive hobby and that the helmet tag would last a long time. and was made for a fire fighter by a fire fighter.
  10. been making helmet tags for my fire dept. 11 fire fighters in my station. around 500 total in the dept. been selling at 30 a tag. Is that a good price or am I over charging.
  11. did you make the suspenders as well. if so I'd love to see more pics of them
  12. that's a very nice holster you have made, would love to see more. im currently trying to make my own. I'm usually doing knife sheaths for case knives and sell them to some of feed stores and western stores around my area. sometimes i do custom made sheaths and gun holsters. Laredo fire department would always go to college station for training for years. now we've got a state of the art international training facility. i've been in the Laredo fire dept for 17 years with the last 7 years assigned to the technical rescue station. I got a few orders from guys in the dept to make some straps, anti sway straps and glove holders. so hopefully I'll get busier with the more I sell. it's a nice hobby to make a little side money. all the best to your son fighting those wild fires. glad he's back home
  13. I didn't want to use a groover on the front but I was able to get a pretty decent stitch line. other than that it was a good project. I lined the front with suede and the back is veg tanned.
  14. bought some scraps of elephant leather. 1st time working with it. anyone have any tips on how to work with this stuff. had trouble smoothing out the edges. but it fits knife well sits on hip comfortably
  15. Thanks everyone
  16. Now that is a work of art. Very nice. If you gonna work with stingray again invest in some tin snipping tool.
  17. Very nice. Beautiful work
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