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Casey Jordan

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Everything posted by Casey Jordan

  1. Crystal, Very nice and professional! I do have one question about the bullet loops. Since you did an excellent job of getting them nice and tight it is hard to tell if you sewed between the loops or just run the bullet loops through slots. I'm guessing through slots. Either way it's very nice.
  2. Art of the Cowboy Makers - 2010 contest "Bring Your Best" Maker's Contest We are now taking applications for this contest. I gave last years entrants a week or so head start for getting in and have already received some entries. We added two new categories, Braiding and Engraving, so don't let me down all you braiders!! This show was a huge sucess this past May. A good place for a lot of exposure of your talent. The judging is done by the entrants themselves. So if the category fills up there will be 25 judges for the champion in each category. Everyone who comes to the show gets to vote for people's choice, so they have to really look and pick their best in each category. So instead of walking by and saying "That's nice", they really study the items. Great exposure for all makers, and that's the whole idea. Some items were bought right out of the contest, and some orders were taken on items that were already sold. The applications can be downloaded from our website: www.artofthecowboymakers.com Any questions or comments, PLEASE ASK! "Bring Your Best" Maker's Contest May 19-22, 2010 Round-Up Productions, LLC is pleased to present the 2nd Art of the Cowboy Makers Contest Held in conjunction with the Loveland Old West Round-Up at The Ranch in Loveland, CO ü Six Categories – Bits, Boots, Saddles, Spurs, Braiding & Engraving ü Open to any member of the NBSSCA ü Entry Fee $100 per entry per category, $50 deposit ü Trophy Buckles for 1st Place in each category and 1st Place in People's Choice ü Cash and ribbons awarded to first 3 places in each category ü "People's Choice Award" for each category voted by show attendees ü One entry per category per person ü Limit of 25 items per category. 1st come 1st serve ü Judging will be done by contestants in the specific categories ü Up to 2 makers working on one item ü Bring your own saddle stand ü Cannot enter an item previously entered in the 2009 Contest ü Entry deadline is April 30, 2010 or when category is full ü Entries must be delivered by noon on Wednesday, May 19, 2010. ü Entries must be picked by 5pm on Saturday, May 22, 2010. ü Security will be provided. Not responsible for damages, loss or theft. Event Sponsor: Category Sponsors: Saddles: Colorado Saddle Makers Association Spurs: David Hewitt Bits: Brighton Feed & Saddlery Boots: Allen & Cathy Wilkinson – Boot King Braiding: TBA Engraving: TBA People's Choice Saddles: Dave & Cheryl Richardson For more details and applications contact Casey Jordan Call or Email: 602-482-9758 (if no answer, please leave message) Email: casey@artofthecowboymakers.com Website: www.artofthecowboymakers.com A couple of pictures from last contest.
  3. Welcome! Ask away, and remember we like pictures.
  4. Those are AWESOME! K-Man, You had the right man for the job. Nice choice of wood too.
  5. Thanks Rayban. Everyone that was entered seemed real happy with the whole show. A lot of exposure and quite a few items were sold right off the entry table. I know several orders were taken because the entry was already sold. The dealers and general public were real excited to be able to get involved and vote. They really studied the items to make up their minds, instead of walking by and saying "that's nice" without even slowing down. We want to promote the contemporary makers. It worked very well this way. I will be posting all the details, rules and applications pretty soon.
  6. Bob, I just tryed the link and got right through, but it does take a few minutes for the pictures to load. Maybe someone with more computer smarts than me knows how to fix the problem. It might be firefox, I don't know.
  7. Anne, Sorry for the confusion, Crystal found the easy way to get there. It's easier to start here. Thank you Crystal! Bob, Thanks for the congratulations! Hopefully you can view all the pictures now. Good quality makers in all categories. It will be bigger and better next year!
  8. Kevin, I just wished someone had told me this when I first started. It took me years to figure out that I wasn't getting better, just doing it the same way time after time. Good practice for me is to do 2 pair of spur straps with the same pattern, one right after the other. I concentrate on trying to make the second one better than the first. It's also a good way to see how you want to tool the pattern, or if using a different tool ( veiner, camaflauger...)will work better.
  9. Thanks Crystal, I appreciate your comments. Thanks for your comments Bob. And speaking of neighbors, if I could get you over here more often maybe I could learn from one of the best. I'm expanding my shop right now, you will have to come check it out, open invitation! Art, I appreciate your comments too! I have a lot of detailed pictures of the John Wayne Tribute Saddle on my website. You can also see the matching chaps I made for the customer.
  10. Crystal, It was a GREAT turnout for the first year. I don't have all the pictures. I just had some sent to me to post. All the entries can be seen on the website: www.artofthecowboymakers.com
  11. Here's the results from the 1st "Art of the Cowboy Makers" contest. It was a huge sucess and we will be adding 2 more categories for the next years contest, braiding & Engraving. The judging is done by all the entries, so if you are entered-your judging. The "People's Choice" was voted on by everyone who attended the show. This system worked out very well. We will limit it to 25 per category, 1st come-1st serve ! As soon as we have the dates I will post all the information. 2009 Results: Bits: 1st- Kevin Peebler 2nd- Henry Ellis 3rd- Gary Keithly Peoples Choice- Kevin Peebler Boots: 1st- Bill Niemczyk 2nd- Lisa Sorrell 3rd- Schwarz Custom Boots Peoples Choice- Schwarz Custom Boots Saddles: 1st- Casey Jordan 2nd- Bader Custom Saddles 3rd- Powder River Saddles Peoples Choice- Casey Jordan Spurs: 1st- Gary Wiggins 2nd- Kevin Peebler 3rd- Henry Ellis Peoples Choice- L&M Spurs If you have any comments or suggestions, Please let me know.
  12. Paul, Thanks for the complements, I appreciate it! My best advice would be to pay special attention to what your work looks like when completed. Compare your work to peoples work that are better and more experianced than you. I do this all the time. It's just like getting better at sports, always practice against someone better than you, and you will have to get better to try to beat them. If you practice against someone you can beat, you are not getting the need to get better. Practice, practice, practice......................................... Post pictures for feedback, it really helps.
  13. I understand the price issue completly. Used might be the way to go. I don't know what part of the country you live in, but Brighton Feed & Saddlery is going to have their big annual saddle sale in July. Might be worth checking out. Brighton Feed & Saddlery in near Denver, Colorado. www.brightonsaddlery.com Hope this helps
  14. Sounds like you want a custom made saddle to me. You'll pay more but you will get what you want. Geo metro Mercedes? My.02
  15. Great idea! The yellow color made me think of a kick board we just bought for the swimming ool. It is harder foam but could be used for inlaying guns or whatever into cases. NOTICE: My swimming ool has no "p" in it!
  16. Probably just as well. Who's stupid idea was that anyway??
  17. Bruce, You could have at least said something I could disagree with. All very good points. I have an idea- YOU talk chevygirl into looking under the padding for a mark. Then the mystery will be solved............if............it is marked under there.
  18. Nice work Ken! Interested in an Engraving contest? I will be posting details as soon as we get the dates set. We will have 6 categories: Bits, Boots, Saddles, Spurs, Braiding, and Engraving (anything except bits & spurs).
  19. I want to throw in my .02 worth ( ya get what ya pay for) A Herford saddle is a strong possibility. To me it looks like it might be an old Porter saddle. I say that because of the tooling and overall style. By looking at the pictures the strings and leather conchos have been replaced. Also it looks like the padded seat was added after the fact, and probably didn't have a padded seat when it was origionally built. I say that because it goes over the tooling in the leg area, and the tooling does not follow the contour of the padded seat. It looks like it was originally a full hard seat. I'd bet the makers mark is under the padding just behind the hand hold. Then again I could just be hipped up on Dr. Pepper too!
  20. Good thing he didn't leave his horse there!!??!
  21. Horsemanship at it's finest. Grab a hanky!
  22. I have ordered tools from them three times, once in person and twice on the phone. I have yet to see a tool sent my way. This goes back several years to the first order. I would order 8-9 at a time to save on shipping. I learned my lesson, after three times.
  23. Brent, I agree with everyone else, it should be in a contest. If you are interested please go to my earlier post: http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=14419 The contest is coming up quick, but would love to have you enter. That is a beautiful saddle!!!!!
  24. You can call it a cue case if you want, but I willl call it what it is........ A MASTERPIECE!
  25. Good points, Lobo! I do western collectable and antique shows. I may not sell much off the table, but all the orders make it worth it. I noticed I only take two kinds of belts to a show - Too long & Too short. Good way to keep samples on hand!
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