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Casey Jordan

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Everything posted by Casey Jordan

  1. Helloooooo, Any Braiders interested? Is this thing on? I have had only one response from all the members of this forum. I suggested this category because of all the nice work I've seen posted on this forum. Now you want to keep it hid from the buying public?
  2. To all, After the above post on two websites and sending emails to over 130 makers about the ProRodeo Hall of Fame invite I have been swamped with calls and emails. There is a lot of interest in the added exposure of the ProRodeo Hall of Fame. Some from last years contest and some new makers. This is being sent to 124 makers and will be posted on two websites. My point is this contest is limited to the first 25 in each category, First come - First Serve. With all of the sudden interest don't wait or you might not get in. Just want everyone to have fair warning. Our website will answer most questions: www.artofthecowboymakers.com There is a button at the bottom of the rules page to download the application. Any questions just email or call: 602-482-9758
  3. To All Makers: As you know one of our main objectives of Art of the Cowboy Makers contest is to promote and get exposure for the contemporary makers. We are now taking it one step farther - going to the next level! We have just confirmed a new project we have been working on for a while now. The top 10 makers from the makers judging in each category will be invited to have their entry go straight from the contest to the ProRodeo Hall of Fame in Colorado Springs, Colorado. It will be on display there with your biography and description. The length of time is still to be determined but we are looking at around two months, give or take. When we have a definite time frame we will let you know. This is a great opportunity for any maker invited. The ProRodeo Hall of Fame is a very prestigeous museum with thousands of visitors from all over the world. We are very happy to have the ProRodeo Hall of Fame support our makers by offering to display our top makers with a special showing.
  4. To All Makers: As you know one of our main objectives of Art of the Cowboy Makers contest is to promote and get exposure for the contemporary makers. We are now taking it one step farther - going to the next level! We have just confirmed a new project we have been working on for a while now. The top 10 makers from the makers judging in each category will be invited to have their entry go straight from the contest to the ProRodeo Hall of Fame in Colorado Springs, Colorado. It will be on display there with your biography and description. The length of time is still to be determined but we are looking at around two months, give or take. When we have a definite time frame we will let you know. This is a great opportunity for any maker invited. The ProRodeo Hall of Fame is a very prestigeous museum with thousands of visitors from all over the world. We are very happy to have the ProRodeo Hall of Fame support our makers by offering to display our top makers with a special showing.
  5. To all Braiders: The Art of the Cowboy Makers contest is rapidly approaching. Original post and details here: http://leatherworker.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=17409&st=0&p=112304entry112304 Unfortunately at this time we only have one Braiding entry. I was hoping there would be more interest by now. I have talked to several of you on the phone and several by email that said you were interested and wanted in. Unfortunately if we can't get at least 10 entries we will be forced to cancel this category.We just can't justify ordering 2 Trophy Buckles for just a couple entries. This is your opportunity to have your work seen by hundreds of people. The chance to gain new customers from all over the country. Not to mention a chance of winning a Trophy Buckle and cash prizes. We will give until next Sunday, February 21st to get more confirmed entries. If it is canceled all braiding entries will receive a full refund of entries paid. Please feel free to email with any questions. Or call me at:602-482-9758 leave message if no answer and I will call back. Thanks, Casey Jordan
  6. You will probably have to use Internet Explorer to get it to work. The link is at the bottom of the rules page. I know we have been in contact Tracy. We had makers from 12 states last year and already have makers from 9 states so far this year. There are a couple categories that look like they will fill up pretty quickly, so don't wait 'till the last minute to enter. We have filled all of our category sponsors but have room for other sponsors who would like to get involved and get some exposure. This years sponsors: 2010 Contest Sponsors Event Sponsor: NBSSCA www.nbssca.org Category Sponsors: Saddles: Colorado Saddle Makers Assoc. www.coloradosaddlemakers.org Spurs: David Hewitt Bits: Roger Allgeier -Brighton Feed & Saddlery www.brightonsaddlery.com Boots: Allen & Cathy Wilkinson – Boot King www.cowboybootsRus.com Braiding: u-braid-it Braiding Supply Co www.ubraidit.com Engraving: GRS Tools & Engraving School www.grstools.com People’s Choice Saddles: Dave & Cheryl Richardson People's Choice Spurs: Suzy Barrier People's Choice Boots: Joe Flores People's Choice Engraving: Lucky Stars Ranch www.luckystarsranch.com People's Choice Bits: Engel Auction Co. www.engelauction.com People's Choice Braiding: Larry & Cindy Peck As always if you have any questions please ask!
  7. I'm planning on being there. Candy store for leatherworkers. My suggestion is to bring lots of money. For some reason Barry King gets $$$$ in his eyes when he sees me coming. I couldn't even pass him last month at the NFR without giving him some of my money. Oh well, money well spent.
  8. Nice job Mark! One day to spare?? Your doing it wrong, they should still be wet when they open them. (Or maybe I'm doing it wrong)
  9. I know this is an old post but has anyone found instructions on how to make a corona? My saddle is almost done and I would like to make a corona for it. Thanks, Casey
  10. Nice looking saddle, good enough to enter in a contest if your interested ! Will get a lot of people looking at it all at one time, good exposure too.
  11. Nice looking Bolo. If I remember right the Bolo is our official state necktie here in Arizona. It's only fair because you got the roadrunner as your state bird and we got stuck with the Cactus Wren.
  12. Very nice Ryan! It's a great piece of work! Nice tooling and layout, the color is great too!
  13. My horse and I have the same birthday and he is 24. So, obvisouly I'm 24 too. ( I think that's how that works)
  14. Nice job Rob! The reins are killer! I do have a question I have been curious about. How do you mark your items? I'm not a braider, but it would be a shame not to mark it in some way. As we all know you pay for the name on saddles, bits, spurs........
  15. Very original! It's nice to see some creativity and trying something new. You may not know it now, but it will help down the road too. Learn and get better with each project and you will be amazed at what you can do.
  16. A guy tried this with me on some truck rims he wanted shipped to Ohio. I had heard about the scam before so I was ready. So for the address I looked up the Phoenix Police address and put ATTN: Phoenix Police Fraud Department. Never heard from him again, now that's strange! He sure was in a hurry to get them shipped.
  17. It's hard to tell much about the saddle from this picture. But I would be willing to bet the plate on the back is a belt buckle. Probably put on by a previous owner. I'll bet if you take out the screws and look at the back you could see where they cut off the bail and tongue. Let me know if I won the bet.
  18. Speaking of the S.O.B tool - guess how my kids learned how to cuss! My oldest son still calls the garbage disposal a **$$@#$@**!!! You start out trying to be a good father and teach your kids how to work with their hands and fix things. The next thing you know things have gone all sideways and their cussing,learning how to dodge flying tools, know where the first aid kit is, learn how to dial 911 and know not to tell mom what they learned today. At least they learned something ! Brings a tear to my eye.
  19. Very nice Justin! Nice unique and different tooling, great to see some creativity. That's what made you a winner in our contest last year, congratulations!
  20. Ray, Sounds like your on the right track with a full head of steam. We wanted a very professional look and a first class event. Thank you for noticing and saying so. Our main objective is to promote the contemporary makers. A description card with their name and information is with all entries. They are more than welcome to put a stack of business cards there for the public to take one. Win lose or draw we want our entrants to benifit in some way. We hade several items sell right off the table and some that were already sold took orders from their entry. One spur maker took three orders off his entry. The entry fees can be what ever you decide. We went with $100.00 to try to get the prize money up to a good amount. One way to get all the entries there early is to start the judging early. If you want them ther before 8:00am, start the judging at 8:00am. Since it will be a one day event you need to have all of them there early so they will be there the whole show. Having the entrants judge worked out well and all the entrants like this method. Might consider having a "People's Choice" that is voted on by everyone who attends. The public really enjoyed getting involved and having some input. If you don't need to charge admission that's great. Some people will stay away if it is going to cost much to attend. I wish you all the luck with your show, I would love to be there. A quick check with plane and hotel was $1250.00+ and that's not including beer!
  21. Thanks Tim! When I delivered it to Waco last weekend, they had something I don't see much of. They called it rain. I called it a frog strangler!
  22. Nice job on all items! I really like the seat, very nice.
  23. Ray, I applaud you for doing this. It is a lot of work. You will either be bald or grey by the end of the show! (just kidding) I started the "Art of the Cowboy Makers" contest last year. It was a huge sucsess and will be bigger this year. Our categories last year were Bits, Boots, Saddles & Spurs and we will be adding Braiding and Engraving this year. Here's a few of my suggestions: Have something else going on to get more people to come. Your idea of having classes and or demonstrations is very good. Having vendors will help pay expences and this will help get craftsmen to come. Do you want people other than craftsmen to come? What will draw them to your show? Our show is in conjunction with a "Western Collectable and Antique Show" and auction. This gets people other than just the makers to come. We want the public to come to our contest because they are the ones who buy our contestants work. Also we get them involved because they all get one vote in each category for the "People's Choice" prize which is a Trophy Buckle in each category. The way we do the judging: All the makers in each category are judging that category. So if you enter a saddle, you are also judging the saddle category. We have a limit of 25 per category so there can be 25 judges in the saddle category. They have to place the top four places and they are given points. 1st - 4 points 2nd -3 points 3rd - 2 points 4th - 1 point Then all the points are totaled to determine the winner. 1st place - Trophy Buckle, Ribbon & Cash 2nd place - Ribbon & Cash 3rd place - Ribbon & Cash The makers like this method very well and it is fair and honest to all. Get sponsors to help raise money for expenses and prize money. Our entry fee is $100.00 per entry and $75.00 goes right to prize money. If a category fills up the winner will get over $900.00 cash. If you go to our website: www.artofthecowboymakers.com There are pictures of last years contest and information on this years. If I think of something else that might help I will let you know. Hope this helps!
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