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Casey Jordan

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Everything posted by Casey Jordan

  1. Welcome to the forum! And thanks for the complements on my profile. I appreciate it.

  2. To antique brass I found some brass antique at a woodworking supply store. Very simple to use. Hope this helps.
  3. I accedentally deleated all my friends!

    Sorry, nothing personal to anyone, just my computer skills at work.

  4. Your right, it sure made it POP! Looks real good.
  5. Mark, That's pretty nice. The only thing you might consider on the next one is making the brand darker so it stands out more. From a short distance most people won't even know it's there. Just a thought. I like the way it sits on the belt. Casey
  6. Thanks for the closeup pictures. Now I can see the tool you used. Also thanks for explaining how you tooled it in a later post. I'm very impressed and your time and leather spent was well worth it. Nice job.
  7. I wish my first projects turned out that good. I have some of my old belt I keep around as a reminder of my slight improvement over the years. Thanks for sharing.
  8. and I've gotten one order from it already!! Woohoo! That's the best way to get orders - have people see your work! Cheap advertising! Might not be your last order. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!
  9. Very interesting pattern, never seen that before. Do you have a close up of the tooling pattern? Nice saddle!
  10. Looks like three barking dogs to me.
  11. Very impressive! Hope to see some of your other work too. (In other words-keep posting!)
  12. Very nice!!! They should be happy with that.
  13. Congratulations Alex!!! Any exposure, awards or titles are good for your work and your reputation.
  14. I think I have the majority of a side of white chap leather. I used it to make motercycle bags and a pair of chaps. It's probably 6-7oz with very minimal stretch. If your interested I will dig it out and make sure how much is left.
  15. I'm sure the end product will turn out pretty neat with the start you have. Can't wait to see pictures of it finished!
  16. Blackrosedie, I have not seen this type, you might be able to order them from Ohio Travel Bag. I use ones that are rubber and get them from the hardware store. You can use a split rivit to attach them. This type work pretty good. Hope this helps.
  17. Dan & Julia Schwarz are great people and have a boot school in Montana. Here's their website: http://www.schwarzcustomboots.com/
  18. Very nice work. I like your leather work.
  19. Welcome to the forum Sean! There's a lot of people here willing to help if they can, just ask!
  20. Joquarter, Welcome to the forum! You will learn a lot here and people are willing to share what they can, just ask. P.S. We love pictures!!
  21. Good luck on finding any color except black or white. I have seen other colors, but they are hard to find. The picture of the "Pinto Woolies" are made with plugs. You cut out a circle from the back side and replace it with a different color angora. You have to sew in the plug from the back side. I make my miniature pinto woolies this way. As far as dying angora, I have not done that before, but I have dyed Islandic Sheep with Rit dye (Orange) and it worked pretty well. Made the skin a little stiff when it dried though. Hope this helps a little!
  22. Very impressive piece of work!
  23. Very nice! The color combinations are great!
  24. Welcome Compound! You do some pretty nice work, keep posting pictures. I especially like your saddle.
  25. Thanks for the nice comments Bobby & Ed! Coming from two true artists like you two gives me confidence, but I know I still need practice to get to where I want to be with engraving. Ed, your mauls are incredable, even without someone scratching and gouging the hell out of 'em.
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