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Everything posted by bermudahwin

  1. T an extent I'd agree, but in the first picture there is a movement towards the trademarks in fonts and colours. But its not my look out, I was accused of cyber bullying last time I raised this. so really I was only agreeing with @chrisash I have been through cases on TM infringement from the trademark owners position, and I know that there are some on the forum that do not respect intellectual property as much as a few of us do. It is what has curtailed my input significantly.
  2. Yes Chris there is, I know I am unpopular for saying so, but there you go. Trademark Law is one of the biggest earners for lawyers. Whether they get called on the usage or not is a wholly different thing. You may choose to ignore the speed laws, and go at 100 in a 60 zone, but unless you are caught, you will get away with it. If you are caught you may get let off with a mumbled don't do it again or a cease and desist. Its still stealing someone's intellectual property, even if you make no profit or incur costs to give it as a gift its a breach of copyright or trademark. H (sits back and waits for the barrage of naysayers)
  3. Based on everything else tanners and curriers used historically, there should be a record somewhere.
  4. Hi has anyone come across a Swiss machine, by Habasit, ref number 8/80 Ser 430? It seems to be an abrasive roller skiving machine. Will try to get photos. Interested in how they work. Best H
  5. What? 45K58 and 196K205 ? or something more prosaic?
  6. GBP 72.11 = https://www.tandyleather.eu/en/product/deluxe-wood-hand-tool-rack GBP 38.51 + https://www.tandyleather.eu/en/product/deluxe-wood-tool-rack I wonder if the membership 'refumd would cover it? A friend swears by a french cleat racking system attached to a wall behind or the legs and back of the bench. I use shelves and loads of storage boxes H
  7. I am looking at various options, one of which is a motorised 20" fixed blade splitter (the Landis 8020, bench mounted with a servo motor) Is anyome using one of these and if so how happy are you with the results? Thanks Harry
  8. Slight muckiness warning... My brother the Diesel Mechanic never called a ball pein hammer anything that was not a dire threat... BALL PAIN hammer. And if helping him he'd always answer the question "would you like a screw driver?" with "No thanks I'm ten minutes late already"
  9. I understand this is known as the "Hitty Lumpy Bit" as opposed to the "Holdy Stick Bit" to avoid confusion Years back my Father-In-Law gifted me for Christmas a 13 lb Lump Hammer, to make it easier to punch holes in leather. Needless to say he was not a leatherworker, and it came it real handy with a cold chisel for masonry work.
  10. Thanks for reopening this, guys. Following last week's on threads, I was asked if I could do something out of my usual colorways (Barbours Linen based) so this is a greast resource from a UK perspective. Harry
  11. They said they would. It would be decent if they did it without people having to contact them. A gift card is not the same as $$$. You gave them actual money, they refunded a card; try putting it back in the bank or spending it at QuickiMart. Companies refunding cards for their own goods, cost them far less than you gave them as there is the profit portion in any purchase you make. I understand Corporate needs, but maintaining good relations with customers would be sensible. I used Tandy in UK from Pearce Tandy in the 1980s but I have not even looked at their site since they closed UK stores, nor will I.
  12. Thanks Zuludog, I use Barbour almost exclusively, and hand make some. H
  13. It depends on what you bought from Tandy. My knowledge of threads is very limited as I use very traditional threads. Hopefully someone that knows Tandy stock can pitch in
  14. I edited my post with the link. H
  15. If you are happy to let the folk here know your location; country or state if you don't want to divulge town, we may be able to direct you to a suitable source. There was a recent post (by @chrisash i seem to recall) that directed folk to a comparison of thread gauges. All I use at the moment are old linen and cotton 25/4, 18/3 etc which I dont know the millimeter or inch value. Best Harry The post was here
  16. I have just purchased a used Fortuna skiving machine, and was thinking about a servo motor, but there seems to be mixed feelings on this. Has anyone set up their old Skiving Machine with a servo motor? If so, what power motor did you use please, and any tips on set up that would help, would be gratefully received. Thank you H
  17. I noticed that Artisan Leathers have Vol 1, 2 and 3 @ £9.75 each https://www.artisanleather.co.uk/general-clearance.html I bought these 35 to 40 years back and still use them as reference books. Harry
  18. Not commenting on Fortuna, but on an Italian Bibo machine (not skiving) , same agent was terse, and seemed to want to invoice for the phone call....
  19. or you may look at a Basil Leather, supersoft sheepskins. http://www.aacrack.co.uk/sheepskin-burnishing-basils-natural-12-14.html in the UK H
  20. Mine are and have been since 1983 flesh side up, pared smooth, one with tallow on and carborundum (finest) rubbed in. the other jewellers rouge rubbed in, the final one, rarely used now the knoves are sharp, was an intermediate, with just tight flrsh and no rouge. 1 carborundum 2 flesh 3 rouge now almost always rouge only. Have a leather stropping wheel for an initial polish on new blades. H
  21. Does anyone know if bibo is still trading? and if so who is their rep in UK, now. SAS in Hertford can no longer get spare parts and I have had another service agent saying that they cannot get spare parts either, which is a shame. I know I can contact them in Vigevano, Italy, but wondered of others recent experiences. Thank you Harry
  22. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Titos-109028-01-Handmade-Vodka/dp/B00NUCEDXK Tito's through Amazon, and mega price drop for UK
  23. And I have just finished my 2nd last bottle of Tito's in a bloody mary, last one is in the pantry. Now that is real nice vodka. Just looked at your profile, because your info line says Opel Mok. If that's an Opel Mokka X we may have more than hairstyle, drinks choice and leatherwork in common... getting freaky niow
  24. I have not used le prevo, but that rate sounds more like courier / DHL type than 'postage' ZuluDog and Constabulary list good suppliers. The tanneries in France and Italy are often open to smaller amounts being shipped so worth tracing them direct, I will try to pull together my old list, but @mikesc may have more current information. What about Turkey and Bulgaria? They used to have thriving markets in leathergoods, certainly in the 80s and 90s, and they are much closer to you? I am sure there's a thread on this subject elsewhere on the forum, and will try to find it later. Best H
  25. Thank you SF, I quote the edited, as the information that is forthcoming is, well, copious, to say the least, and I am really trying NOT to imagine what you edited out. JD would be my choice in USA, but I am Bermuda Black Rum, Scotch and Vodka (not together) over here, but getting Tito's is very hard and expensive. Thanks HJ That's what I ended up using, but I still like Fredk's sympathy kick H
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