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Everything posted by bermudahwin

  1. Kind words, good to see you back, my friend.
  2. No point in asking us in the UK, I cannot think of a time it would be legal to have this on a belt, unless it's on your own few hectares. Sorry I have no suggestion for web search. H
  3. I use make up sponges, cut up smaller and gripped with a peg (like we used to grip bits of saddler's felt for the same job back in the day) , as they're designed to hold 'make up stuff' (dont know what it is as I dont use it) and they wash out and dry well. Nearly did myself a mischief lifting 2 out of 3 rag boxes (my, my wife's and our friends old clothes and sheets etc (yes they are properly washed)) up onto the very top shelf ready for a quiet day to cut into squares. Plastic food containers are used for mixing dyes and glues, then get washed again. Packing paper from moving is hand smoothed, and used to wrap sold Items. Mail boxes and envelopes have printed labels over the old address, noting that 'whitcher.biz recycles, reuses and repurposes whenever it can'. (that has always got positive feedback). Small spice jar is on hand for used replaceable blades, bigger jars for many other purposes. I don't think of it as cheap, just planet and pocket friendly. Keep up the good work Amy. Oh, and we ALL collect, and reuse tools and machines. H
  4. Some people overcome this by emailing the photos to themselves, and using the emailed versions, depending on email client, they're often reduced in size. I still use good old Win 7, Microsoft Office Picture Manager, from Office 2010, which enables you to edit and compress the pictures. HoHum, Win 7 is out of favour and the Win 10 equivalent, on my other machine is a nightmare. There are loads of online image compressors, and also you can do a fair job in Paint. Best Harry
  5. I just wish I could remember important stuff too....
  6. That looks like a rugging hook, for making Rag Rugs https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Rag-Rug-Tool-/292263181285 Harry
  7. Or a handy piece of toughened glass, with polished edges and rounded corners, to place between work bench and work... could be good for fine skiving too. H
  8. And relevent masks, if you must laser such materials. I'd avoid them and pvc too. H
  9. http://www.bunkhousetools.com Used to make an embosser and mini embosser, they're us based but the mini may be an affordable shipping option. (If they still do it) H
  10. The historic case example from the 50's and 60's, for anti-money laundering was 'insert nationality here' restautant actually owned by 'insert crime organisation here' being observed as having 10 to 15 'cash' covers a day but banking thousands and thousands of dollars, which was then paid to owners as dividends etc.... I am not silly enough to enter a sydicate that rhymes with raffia. Fredk's comment was found to be true, when I was working for a major international electronic payments firm, as worldwide compliance manager, last year, but not as often as the 'oddly mispriced' scenario. We removed service from many in the far east, and reported to home and european tax authorities, one storefront alone was churning $1million per annum, and they had 20 mirrored storefonts, it beggars belief. When we queried it, it was all innocence and 'what? little me?' H
  11. Hi Chris it does depend on the 'veg tan' you're using. If I make a belt from a bridle, or dyed butt or similar, I will often finish with a balm or carnuba was, as dubbin can, if not left to soak in and dry, cause staining on jeans and slacks. If I know its for a real outdoorsy person, I offer to dubbin, but explain the need to re dubbin. If its tooling leather. I feel it needs a sheen or Matt seal of some kind, and often more than one coat.. I don't carve or tool that much so others will 'correct me'. Best Harry
  12. I am not saying this is a scam but there are scams whereby some sellers on some marketplaces have goods extortionately priced, to only sell to their own associates and possibly not even deliver goods but refund, either way dirty money can be cleaned, as its passed through a legitimate transaction. Many of these have been cleared recently. H
  13. I am going to sit and watch this one roll by, BECAUSE I speak British English, and understand the slang.... H
  14. That is not funny ... ASDA, one of the UK's leading retailers/supermarkets (part of Walmart) is stopping selling single knives to anyone, just sets of knives, because of the hysteria at the moment regarding knife crime. ??? want a 3 inch paring knife ? no I cannot sell you that, but you can buy this set with an 8 inch boming knife and 6 inch kitchen knife. What should you do with the unwanted 'blades'? I'm sure we at ASDA have no idea, sir, maybe there's a black market somewhere you could offload them.
  15. But its electric, mines manual is 1.2 " or the bookbinding technique with a spokeshave and lots of bad language H Oh Yes, been there, H
  16. Few in the UK would get that reference, but I was hooked when it was shown at stupid o'clock in the morning over here. Loved the unseen neighbour. H
  17. I don't sell anything but leathergoods and Financial Consulting.... I understand that IF I were to run it at full power, it would not be a happy bunny too long, the phrase used was @a Mclaren will go at 200+ MPH for a while then need maintenance, but will cruise at 100MPH for ages@, which makes sense to me. The first scraps we tested were very waxy heavy leathers, and very dark, the machine was running at about 45% power and hapilly branded the leather (I have specific orders for this kind of function, and will post a pic when I have done the next one). We then used some scrap veg tan tooling hide and went right down to almost too low to see, and got some stunning results. Again I wil post a pic when I have it as a decent 'test' piece. @GrantNOVAROBOTICS makes these and is following this thread, he will be better placed to answer your query above. I will also email him to ensure he picks up on the point. Best Harry
  18. It was Grant at NOVA Robotics that built it for me, it has some upgrades to standard, and having the bigger bed is a great opportunity. The high power running at lower wattages, gives me great flexibility in depth of engraving etc, but its all very new, and shiny. Grant will be getting many questions over the next couple of weeks regarding how to do this and that with it, but one key point where mine differs from the one pictured is that mine has extended legs so that I can decorate, personalise finished items, up to 4 or 5 inches high, by sliding them under.... will photograph when I get to that stage. Best Harry
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