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Everything posted by bermudahwin

  1. Working for me in UK now, thanks Johanna. Harry
  2. Too late the 'all seeing eye' already knows
  3. I am looking into a webshop, and have narrowed my search down to one main supplier, EKM; a UK based company, to be my shop host. I would be grateful for any comments regarding EKM, from a user point of view, so that I can make an informed decision. Please feel free to PM me if there is anything a wee bit contentious, that you'd rather keep away from the wider audience, I can be discreet Thanks guys Harry
  4. Its odd the way they show the love, aint it? I can remember when getting a proper cooked breakfast showed she loved me... now its bran this, raisin that and no half and half
  5. @JohannaThank you Johanna, greatly appreciated Harry
  6. What he said, god on you latigo Amigo, from here in the UK. H
  7. Me too; I had to find the sign in page. H
  8. @JLSleather ref "I must look stupid..." Whilst agreeing with the content of the post, its hard to comment on the title as I can not recall ever seeing a picture of you. If you post one, I'm sure you'd get comments. H
  9. Aah , but she would, I have two in the house, she'd ask about 3.
  10. Anyone needing a well priced starter in the trade, in the UK should look at this, and talk to Matt. If I was not sewing machine embargoed by my wife (apparently 4 industrials, 2 domestics and a overlocker is plenty for any man) I would have had it (sorry Matt, blame my wife). Best Harry
  11. If we were doing a one off, we would make a mould / mold out of built up layers of greyboard, then sanded to shape. Cut pieces oversize, glue and weight down until you have the desired height, then carve and sand as for wood. H
  12. Thanks AB for your helpful input, I understand this, from previous jobs I have held, but do not want to have to consider the code, particularly as this computer has no sounds attached. (I know thats rare, but my personal one does, not my business one... however often Windows 10 tries to 'correct' this for me). Happy to have a music player, in the workshop / office, just not on the work / office network. Its an old fashioned view, but aesier for me to manage, and keeps the tax man happy if there is no crossover.
  13. Thanks Mark, That would make sense, but my work computers have no sound... I did not know there was a 'ding'. I am a bit paranoid cautious regarding all such things, but used to work in Government departments where such paranoia caution was part of the daily routine, so that continues now. Best Harry
  14. Thanks Chris, Good call , as I am partway through a malware wipe, just in case. Have protection already, due to my consultancy and the contracts I get... hence no soundcard on this machine. Cheers, trust all is well in Sunny East Norfolk, we are fogged in at the moment. Best Harry
  15. UPDATE It has just tried again points to the frum then: forum/applications/core/interface/sounds/notification.mp3 So it may be a sound for notifications, but I have no sound on this machine, so would like to stop the requests, any ideas? Thanks
  16. When I signed in there was an attempted auto download of an mp3, which due to my set up seeks permission first from me. I declined. Is there any normal download pushed to members? As I have no speakers on this machine, is there music playing in the background? Does anyone have any idea as to what it is? I am currently doing a text dump of activity, to see if I can track more about it. Thanks Harry
  17. This may be slightly quicker than the jerk needle. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Professional-Speedy-Stitcher-Sewing-Awl-Tool-Kit-for-Sail-Canvas-Heavy-Repair-/352552871458 I used one to repair a sail years back, but replaced the blade with a reversed very large matress type needle, do the the hole out and the point within the handle. May or may not work.
  18. What is it, is it 220 v, how much UK, delivery times needed etc please. H
  19. Depending on the amount and accuracy, hand stitch with large rounded needles and a leather thumble or sailors palm http://www.primitiveways.com/pt-thimble.html If accuracy and speed are key, its hard to avoid heavy machines, for me anyhow. H
  20. @bikermutt Each of those looks interesting, I'd never of thought of the hooks for smaller pieces, in a month of Sundays, H
  21. You can PM the English to me if you like, and I will try to sense test it. I have a friend, fluent in English and Russian, and will ask him. He translates Russian videos on leather machines for me. H
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