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Everything posted by bermudahwin

  1. Where in the UK? I am in Norfolk, and I do restorations. Personal Message me, if you're interested H
  2. This is truly sad news. Heartfelt best wishes to Keith and his family Harry
  3. I got horizontal and vertical from Amazon a while back Look for wallet inserts H
  4. The material of the burnisher head, the physical speed at the point of contact with the leather, the type of leather AND the pressure put upon the leather onto the burnisher are all components of 'what you need to sort out what suits you'. Unfortunately Mike "the physical speed at the point of contact with the leather" will get you caught up in that. I personally put it all together and try it, raher than working it out, but a large burnishing wheel has a much faster contact area than a small one - watch the inside label versus the outside edge of a vynil disc on a recored player. BTW, most of my veg tan burnishing I do by hand with a rough rag, but as people of the forum have realised I am a wee bit old fahioned. Best H
  5. Not a problem I've experienced, but will bow to other's experience. Using a pound type board, on a sturdy bench, on strong legs should be ok. I like the leaning board suggestion, though.
  6. Snap, me too. But it was 11 pm in Queensland when I wrote, I think its before 5 AM at the moment. H
  7. I may be a bit namby pamby (nod to drill sergeant on old Geico ad) but I really don't think you should be stitching kids together. https://sewingfromhome.com/the-best-sewing-machines-for-kids-a-complete-guide/ And how long would the needles have to be? H
  8. Thanks for the Heads Up, My Brother is in Queensland at the moment, and I'll try to get him to visit the store, Is it Packer Direct? Best Harry
  9. DUH! often not offend, but too late to edit it now. I NEVER EVER OFFEND oh, OK it has been known.
  10. So you may think of a diagonal bracing from the top of the backboard to the side of the desk...
  11. If the gymwork is toning, then that's all good too, well done.
  12. Oh, how long since I heard that phrase, thanks Wiz for the laugh. I am going to use it at least once today. What you're saying is so true, and those of us with multiple machines "often" get good second hand ones, so the comparison would be a bit invalid there too. H
  13. It does look good, you've done really well. H
  14. If its Chrome tanned Matt is spot on. I'd look for an opaque edge paint for cut edge work, after ensuring edge is tidy, paint and let dry. A quick tip to see if it's chrome tanned, is that there may be a blue/grey core showing on the cut edge. Look for other posts on chrome tans, there are heaps on the forum. H
  15. Now that will be a sight... Pleased the leatherwork's continuing, though, and I trust there will be JLS contributions to the forum to make me grin, in the future. There is life without holsters... live in the UK, no-one has ever asked me to make one. Leg of mutton shotgun sleeves, yes, holsters no. Have fun. H
  16. You need to talk to Harriet with whom I worked last year. They phone her to say they have new designs coming in, and she gets invited to special evenings!
  17. I've got various JJ sizes, and am still using some from from my college days in the early 1980s. I don't use pliers, so that may well be part of it. If they made shirts it wouldn't matter, I'm 4 sizes bigger than when I was in college...
  18. Hi Chris, I have time mid next week and could show you the basic pattern making process, if you wanted to come over. If the recipient wants it earlier, I am tied up birdwatching for a few days, so could not help sooner. I have some dark blue and green Connolly Hide, as used by top marques in their cars, which whilst softer may make a flexible sleeve. H
  19. Having lived overseas, I would agree that is what's needed in Ontario... Unless global warming has sped up big time, this should not really be an issue for us Brits. ...at least, I hope its not...
  20. You'll have to be careful, mate, it'll be better than the neighbors houses, they'll move in
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