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Everything posted by harley45

  1. I like the hammered background! If I may ask how does one do that?
  2. Can the clips be purchased separately or do you need to canabalize a holster for them? Thanks
  3. I'm getting a lot of requests for this model with the popularity of the RIA guns. Has anyone had any luck finding a mold or do I have an excuse for a new gun! Thanks, Eric
  4. I also won't do one that I don't feel is safe, I've put to much work into my business to risk it.
  5. I do a lot of gun shows and am always on the lookout for cheap magazines to use for this. I don't care if they feed or function I just need them to be fairly dent free. If it's a truly oddball gun like the Sig P210 I just did I ask the client for a Mag to use.
  6. I to love the Jock Strap! I was just reading Bluesteel and Gunleather again and was reminded that Bianchi felt these high ride western rigs made great field holsters. I may have to try one someday!
  7. Do you find the 1/8 thick enough? Thanks for the reply!
  8. I can't help with the cross draw but I have one of the six-pacs and mine is not attached in front. Hope it helps
  9. I have normally used sheepskin for my rigs but I have a customer who wants felt added to his, he says about 1/4 inch thick, does anyone make it in black a gold search is not my friend today. any help is appreciated!
  10. I haven't done an ankle holster yet but I did carry one on duty for 15 plus years and it had the 1/4 inch felt backing that was very comfortable and didn't allow the rig to slip down both when I was wearing my boots or in plain clothes. By the way where do you guys get the metal end piece that the strap goes thru? I've looked all over the net with negative results. Thanks
  11. Love the crossdraw! Any pics of it on a belt? Thanks
  12. Do they have a minimum order I really like Horse and need to order some more?
  13. I bought one for a HK p2000 and really like iot the ejection port isnt a deal breaker for me either and the trigger guard is working well for leather.
  14. I must not get out much because I don't think I've ever seen something like this, but I do have a request for an own pancake style but instead of slots or wrap around belt loops he wants clips. Anyone ever do this or have a pic? I'm kinda at a loss and maybe I need to get out more!!
  15. Mine is a New Model Blackhawk in 44 special, I think its about the same as my Full Size 1911s. Not my cup of tea as a carry gun but I'll do a couple of holsters and see where it goes.
  16. I actually showed my wife the emails I have several guys interested in CC holsters for this model which at first I found odd but then figured what the heck....
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