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    Springfield, MO

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  1. We actually have 4 splitters. 2 of them have pretty high accuracy and we have split some French Calf down to 1oz/0.4mm Going past that runs the risk of spaghetti leather. Can it be done...maybe, but it really depends of what the hand of the leather is.
  2. Just wanted to weigh in on a post from more than a year ago. LOL Ivan used to produce almost all the tools for Tandy. When the new CEO came in for Tandy, there was a shift and low and behold Ivan was now able to distribute his tools through other outlets. I don't think Tandy owned Ivan in the way that they were a parent company. I believe it to be that it was that Tandy got so much from them that it was don't sell to anyone else or we won't use you.
  3. At times I think everyone has put something out that was taken incorrectly or misinterpreted. The use of Genuine has been misconstrued over time. Mostly as a marketing strategy. That has turned into the use of the term genuine as a negative term. When genuine at its base is defined as from Google: “truly what something is said to be; authentic.” Then the sentence they give is humorous to this topic.HAHAH : "each book is bound in genuine leather"
  4. Looking at the site it says we should have some good stock of it. However, I will be able to set eyes on it in the morning. However, they are both genuine leather. *shhhh* LOL
  5. All the suppliers mention here are going to take care of you just fine. Build a relationship with the company you fine is your best fit. We all are going to make mistakes and we are all going to fix them. However, the way they get fixed are going to vary and very likely that will vary between different employees you might speak with. We have customers that call and request to speak to specific customers service employees we have, because they have built that trust with them. So all of that…to say…this group has done a good job of giving you great places to reach out too. Best of luck in your leather adventures!
  6. Victor is awesome and makes leather armor himself. 20 oz might…might be possible. I can also touch base with him to see who he has talked with. Most of the unsplit sides we have are 16-18 oz from HO. As @nstarleather mentioned…leather is split wet and dry. Wet is done at the tannery and not something we do at SLC. We had a piece about 6 months ago that was around 26 oz, but it was super gnarly.
  7. Same to you both! Was good to see you Frodo!
  8. Hope everyone is doing well. I check in time to time and check the posts that have the search term Springfield. Everyone seems to be heavy on the holiday season push!! Good luck with all of your crafting and keep the bellies full! LOL
  9. https://www.springfieldleather.com/shop-now/machinery/bonded-nylon-thread/bonded-nylon-277
  10. https://www.springfieldleather.com/Pro-Dye-Fiebings-Chocolate-32oz We have it back in stock
  11. GOOD NEWS!!! Rhino is now offered in 0.8mm! We are waiting for it to get here, but it is on the way! We are working on this as well.
  12. I am still here. I haven't checked this site in quite a while. We are having a hard time meeting the 24-48 hour turn around time on orders. A few factors play into that. 1. Lots of new customers and orders are coming in 2. Employment needs are going unanswered at the moment. Currently we are having around a 3-5 day...closer to the 5 day processing time before your order goes out the door. Previously stated...smaller orders (size and weight) are better over the phone. This way we can get it in first class shipping or flat rate boxes.
  13. Here is a video we did a couple weeks ago. We show how to find the middle of a belt to put a name in. Also, we talk about and show how to space letters. It is an hour long, but we have fun and answer some other questions. Customizing a Belt https://youtu.be/9-CfbHUnw1I
  14. Did you happen to contact us with this issue? Because I dealt with a few of these as we made the changed. The website is on the same platform and not a single account was canned...deleted...change...or anything. The front end of the website had nothing to do with the back end. All the accounts that were brought to my attention I was able to get access to the new site and all of their past orders. However there were some accounts that had a setting that was being made to some peoples account in the old account. Incorrect orders are not good for you or for us. We certainly fix them to the best of our ability when they happen, but the extra shipping of items back and forth is not good for anyone. We have changed our order picking and packing process and we are now able to see who might be messing up and retrain them or find them a new area to work in. 2020 we did more than double of web orders than we have ever done...and that is thanks to our customers. But doing more than double of orders has put a strain on the old processes and the amount of people we were allowed to have. Just know we are in the business of trying to make you successful and we understand frustrations with incorrect orders is not achieving that. What I can say is with any business...clear and calm communication goes a long way with anyone.
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