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    Trying to get as much knowledge as possible from the great minds on leatherworker.

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    Gun belts
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    Make leather vests
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  1. Kind of late to the party but that knee lifter probably wont work. Show me a picture of what split apart.
  2. @jimi yes you are correct. My mistake i saw another video and i then saw the feed roller. Looks like a good skiver. May have trouble with thicker leather.
  3. On this type of skiver you have to pull the leather which will stretch the leather. On a traditional skiver the feed roller turns and moves the leather. I wouldn't want to have to pull and stretch the leather. Just my 2 cents.
  4. @toxo where did you buy that that hand wheel?
  5. Yes it is still available.
  6. Both are good machines. The brother is a great machine with a big bobbin. The only problem with the brother is parts are hard to find. I have the brother LS2-B837 and some parts from the consew 255 fit and others dont. It is difficult to find the parts for the brother. The juki parts can be found fairly easy.
  7. I actually wasnt looking for a trade. If you have something of equal value i may consider it. Let me know what you have.
  8. Sorry i already have 2 cylinder arm sewing machines
  9. Yes it is still available
  10. The brother is also missing the spool pin. The machine is identical is the same as a consew 206. Have both a 206 and the BROTHER LS2-F52A and the parts are interchangeable. Best of luck
  11. I would use a size 19 or 20 needle if you are using tex 90 thread. there may be a issue in how you threaded the top thread. you can upload a picture and im sure someone will be able to let you know if it is threaded correctly.
  12. The skiving bell is not stuck. After you remove the screws inside the bell knife you need some of the tools listed below to remove it the bell knife . These are the accessories that come with the machine when you buy it. I was able to screen shot the parts you will need. You can find the manual and parts book here. Best of luck. http://www.consew.com/Files/112347/PartsBooks/DCS-S3.pdf
  13. aroh99

    techsew 3850

    Sold please move to Old/Sold.
  14. you didn't mention what thread sizes you use. Most standard flat bed machines will take up to 138 thread max. There are a few exceptions the Juki LU-1508H and the cobra class 4 which are rated to sew up to 207 thread. there maybe more but these are the 2 im aware of. if you sew with thicker thread you would need a bigger machine.
  15. aroh99

    techsew 3850

    still for sale.
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