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Everything posted by DanishMan

  1. The reverse lever broke off during shipping, but I have a spare.
  2. Hi Jimi. I hope you are well. I have picked up several machines in Poland, and this one in Bulgaria. While it is missing several parts, most screws and parts are in good condition. I probably need to paint it. I will see. I have about 10 old PFAFFs, that I need to work with. I found a 595 today and a skiving machine.. Take care. Søren
  3. I thought so too, but when it arrived, most of the parts were there. Otherwise, I have many parts from other machines, that I can use.
  4. I managed to find this old PFAFF 335 in Bulgaria. It is a wreck, but I will get it to work. Kind regards Danish Man PS - I also found a PFAFF 595 today - for 130 euros. Bargain
  5. Hi Scoutmom For the inside, I used a normal metal paint. For the outside, I used Hammorite primer and a danish hammorite paint. It looks really good. Kind regards Søren
  6. I finally managed to take apart the knife shaft
  7. Dear Friends I have two old skiving machines, that I want to restore. Both need to be sand blasted and repainted. However, I am not sure how to remove the knife shaft. I ruined another skiving machine, while trying to do that. I would be grateful, if anyone in here could advise me how to do it. Cheers Danishman
  8. Good job. I have two old skivers, that I will start working on soon. Could you please tell me, how you removed the knife shaft with all the parts (worm wheel etc) Brgds DanishMan
  9. From what I can see from the photos, the needle enters the feed dog and the vibrating presser slightly offset (to the left). From the 245/1245 service manual, I would try to work a bit on the sideways adjustment. I had a 145, which was causing me a lot of problems in sideways adjustment. I did find that the needle bar rocker (as indicated by Constabulary) was able to pivot slightly sideways, which messed up how the needle entered the feed dog.
  10. I suggest you download the 245/1245 service manual. It describes the different steps in setting up a machine. it is very explanatory and 95% applies for a 145/545. https://www.supsew.com/wpfb-file/pfaff-245-1245-246-1246-service-manual-pdf/ Good Luck Danishman
  11. I guess, it should work fine for that.
  12. To me it looks to be a PFAFF 483. Cheers Danishman
  13. Hi Volker Thank you. No it looks just like a 335. It has a little bit of needle feed, but not much. Brgds DanishMan
  14. But one can also buy the item in China. Might be a better option. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Needle-Bar-Frame-91-141-313-75-For-Pfaff-335-1245/143007202784?hash=item214be4bde0:g:d~AAAOSwFLFb5XjABrgds DanishMan If it works on a 335, it should work on a 145
  15. It probably can - if the welder knows, what he is doing. And then it requires some grinding afterwards. Cheers DanishMan
  16. I have a slightly broken needle frame rocker, which may be ok to use. Or could be welded. Brgds DanishMan
  17. Dear Friends Can anyone tell me of the difference between a PFAFF 335 and a PFAFF 337. A local persons wants to trade a 337 for a 545, but I have no idea, what a 337 does. I would only get hold of it, it does the same thing as a 335, which I know well. Cheers DanishMan
  18. Thank you Hockeymender I will give College Sewing a call tomorrow. If they come up with a solution, I will post it here. Cheers DanishMan
  19. Hi Constabulary. Good idea - I will do that. Cheers Søren
  20. Dear Friends I am in the process of replacing the motor of a PFAFF 593. After having qualitiy issues with the supplier of the motors, I used before, I bought two ISM SV-71 motors at College Sewing in the UK. They appear to nice motors, but the one I put on the 593 rattles just before stopping (when releasing the foot pedal). I might have programmed the motor wrong - Any ideas to what the problem might be? Cheers DanishMan
  21. Hi Jimi I need one for a walking foot machine. I have bought several items from this guy - when I needed parts for a 145 to be converted to a 545. Take care Soren
  22. I am looking for the same part. To be used on a Pfaff 145. This can also be used on an older Pfaff 335. It might be possible to use the part from a two needle 146 or 546 and change the needle bar. Brgds Danish Man What is wrong with the existing one?
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