I know that the "real" answer is to dye it the way that I like to do it. But for a newbie like me, that's not very useful. I don't know what I like yet.
Anyway, I'm looking for advice on how I should be dying my leather for projects. I don't do much tooling, but I've been using this leather to make my projects because it's a neutral color and relatively inexpensive, so I don't feel so bad if I mess something up. I've been using Pro Dye exclusively because I've read that it's a really good product and doesn't dry out the leather or make it hard.
But should I dye before cutting out the pattern? Should I dye the flesh side? This pattern has me use hole punches for the stitching holes, do I dye before or after?
For my current project, I cut and punched everything first, then I dyed. I had a bunch go through the holes, so ended up dying the flesh side as well.
Once it's dyed, how do I get a nice semi-gloss to the leather? And will leather dyed with Pro Dye be kind of water resistant? It's a Dopp kit, so will get wet, I don't want it looking all splotchy and nasty.
Thanks in advance for any advice.