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About MojoGeorge

  • Birthday 10/24/1964

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    Republic, MO

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
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  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    been here forever I think

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  1. looking for maintenance and repair manuals for a Schwabe D clicker. pdf or print, anything would help thanks y'all Geo
  2. is there any chance you have the manuals for this machine?
  3. unlikely, this site is primarily composed of craftsmen that produce their own product.
  4. would you post a picture of you with the bag over your shoulder? I find it difficult to judge the size of a bag without a human model. thanks so much!
  5. U betcha, I destroy them quickly but they are cheap as heck
  6. Tnx for the follow-up emails! Will take awhile but will post pics ad soon as they are done Geo
  7. I see pie in my future!
  8. thank you so much Jim!
  9. looks awesome! Tom, would you consider also creating a pattern for a smaller bag of the same style? This style is truly a classic and I think would make an awesome purse. geo
  10. sent you an email! thanx for the offer geo
  11. I would be in for the cd
  12. Would really look forward to the tutorial
  13. http://www.ebay.com/itm/EPOXY-RESIN-HIGH-PERFORMANCE-VERSION-OF-MAX-CLR-24-OZ-/310187764669?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4838a1abbd polymer composites sells to the public in an ebay store, safe for direct food contact
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