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About china

  • Birthday 02/02/1955

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  • Gender
  • Location
    South Australia
  • Interests
    Cabinet maker by trade, getting into leather work full time,<br />Camping, hunting, metal work

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
  • Interested in learning about
    all things
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. Yes I know that
  2. Thanks tom, I know about heating creasers with a flame etc, I used to have cheap adjustable Tandy example the heat just destroyed it, so thought this may suffice, the price seems too good to be true, in saying that It is not a big loss if it turns out to be rubbish
  3. Hi, been a long time since I was here last for various reasons, however getting back into leather work, asking if any one has used one of these https://vi.aliexpress.com/i/4001282163735.html?gatewayAdapt=glo2vnm china
  4. Thanks for the replies, shoe soles makes sense, I should have mentioned it has a circular blade not a bell shape blade
  5. Ok here are the pics
  6. Ok sorry I did not realize this I will suggest the poster on the other other forum posts it here
  7. Hi all Does any one recognize this I thought it may be a strap cutter
  8. Thanks
  9. Looking for a pattern for a day sporran, I did a search although all the posts are old and none of the links work
  10. That Singer sight only sells domestic items, be aware that Singer is only a brand these days the Singer company has been gone for many years, if I were you I would look at the Cowboy sewing machines they are set specifically for leather use.
  11. china


    Price reduced $1999.00
  12. china


    For sale 45k new bench and motor no further use and I need the space $2299 ono I am in South Australia
  13. Yep the one on Ebay is what I am looking for I will contact and see if I can haggle, only problem is the shipping,
  14. Getting desperate will consider overseas sale depending on price and freight
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