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Everything posted by mrwatch

  1. Shapleigh Hardware was in St. Louis, Mo until the great depression. A re-seller, not a manufacturer
  2. I mounted it so I can clamp it as needed, Oak with boiled linseed oil finish.
  3. Bought this vice tagged as a harness makers stitching vice. No markings and would like to know the age and maker for my records. The antique dealer had two others and not the build or quality. I will mount it to a board sort of like the stitching ponies. Thanks.
  4. veterinarian's tape for horses in red or green. Also used for a thumb guard wrap when wood carving so on each finger tip? check Tractor supply stores or farm stores. . yellow brass is copper and zinc mix.
  5. The price tag say's SHOEMAKER BEATING HAMMER.
  6. Thanks, I had not thought of auto body Planishing hammer to repair or metal fabrication, but shoe or saddle making. A web search shows that one side is shaped like a hand held panel beating "dolly", to form curves in metal. A dolly is a hand held cast iron shape.
  7. I looked at this this hammer several times and bought it. Not sure how the man got the name for it and not found online pictures of one. Possible faint stamp like s v g, heavy and the narrow side has a slight curve as does the round side. . any ideas maker, country, purpose?
  8. I like the style of the tools but every thing is in no English with no visible prices or shipping cost to the states. Any vendors in U S A?
  9. Thank you guy's.
  10. Antique shop find tagged as a leather working tool. No marking and could it be for edging or making laces, doesn't rotate? Possible maker and age? Thanks
  11. Looking thru the dirt, under rusty nails and junk I seen a ring. Pulled out the leather and brass horse harness heart. Lots of saddle soap and brass cleaner on his initials it has cleaned up nice. Not sure I will try to polish the brass balls? I call it a good save from a dump and will hang it up. He died in the mid 1960's so no telling the age. The next owner of the property will decide on what to dump.
  12. I do have some space in the pole barn but no need for it. We have Pennsylvania Dutch Amish in our area that use the horse and buggy and all farming by horses. as for the leather it may be good for knife sheaths or other as it was in a dry shed.
  13. the leather + a pack of wired together new shoe soles.
  14. Going thru an estate old shed, I found several pieces of 12 inch wide around I think 18 lb new leather from around 1960. He farmed with a team of horses and likely used it for repairs and it loosely rolled and very dusty dirty. I do not know if chrome or vegitaned. Besides an air hose and shop vac is their a proffered method of cleaning before using for craft projects? Their is also lots of old very dry and cracked harness belts and horse collars that has seen many years of rain and such and rusty buckles etc.. Is their an interest in saving anything like for patterns etc. as the next owner will likely dump all of it?
  15. This may not be the answer but for kitchen cutlery they say the Bamboo cutting boards do the least wear on chefs knife blades. In terms of needing resharpening. Not inexpensive, you may also check the thrift or resale stores for used picture frames and take out the Plexiglas if you do not have old one around the house. In my area .50 cents to $2.00
  16. Yes I do understand use tax. However in an online article I read it was mentioned, right or wrong. One time while shopping in Chicago a clerk said he could mail me the purchase so I would not have to pay the Illinois and Cook County taxes. But rightly I would have had to pay it to my state upon receiving it so just paid it. Which has a lot to do with so many states wanting in.
  17. I have followed this some. Many USA states now require sellers from other states to collect the sales tax and pay to the state of customers location. whether or not you have an actual store in that state. One business article I read lady said it will cost at least $25,000 to set up a computer program and manage it.she must do a lot of sales? In my state It falls under "use tax", I/e like if you buy something under your sales tax license then use it for personal use you must now pay the sales tax, or "removed" from inventory. How will they tract everybody I have no idea. But if you have a sales tax number and ship out of state you need to be looking into this. Use tax seems to be rationale behind the new law as it hurts the states revenue and local businesses.
  18. Ryoby power tools, has a silicone combo glue spreader with brush on other end. brush. Found one at a garage sale. Home Depot Stores. Silicone has be come the non stick item for cooking.
  19. https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/inches-mm-conversion-d_751.html Google Chrome browser will convert for you. Type it in and it asks when you would like. A caliper is also useful for thickness of leather.
  20. yes sharpened in that the outside tapers inward and the inside tapers more so outwards to a sharp edge. The antiques dealer said for leather but but don't know how he got it. not flat so not a drive punch. no hammer marks on the flat top.
  21. Pinterest has a page showing 93 different stitching pony images and many with dimensions to make your own. I have not tried one yet. The one shown here appears to be made of laminated wood, so it should be strong. I like it.
  22. It weighs 3 lb 6 oz. and appears unused. Likely that with a good mallet would go right through leather or heavy gasket material. Definitely intended for repeat parts.
  23. Just got this old very heavy 2 1/4 inch round disk cutter at a antique shop. $10. 6 3/4 inch tall. no name. Idea on who made it and where you would use it. Possibly gaskets? Didn't need it but may try for a key tag.
  24. Hi. from Holland, Zeeland Michigan.
  25. A friend asked at my wood carving club, said I've sold a couple of my walking sticks. Does that make me a professional? I was told as for photography, and replied when it become 50% of your income. Not sure if just an opinion. I also found that potential employers here in the states don't give much thought to all of the mail order home study courses.
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