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    Lego, Top Gear, and my electric guitars...just your typical girl stuff

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    wallets, bags, belts
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  1. wow! Covering that rivet is so much work and it is looking beautiful! I have not worked with sully at all but like to give it a try some day. Does it burnish at all or did you turn all the edges?
  2. Depending on what I am making, I usually glue the paper to cardboard, mark the leather with the exact size but cut out most parts with an additional 1-2 mm. After gluing, I cut to the exact size. This helps immensely to get sharp edges for the edge finishing process. For example, when making a wallet, I leave space on the sides of the T-slots, and side and bottom of the T-slot cover. When I am happy with a template that I made, I will re-do the template and include the additional 1-2 mm where needed and keep the original template as a cutting guide.
  3. very, very cool!
  4. very nice, love the design of the closure. How did you do the tip?
  5. MsEdna

    More stools

    very nice!
  6. no, it is the shoulder and actually quite firm. But, since it is a trifold wallet, maybe the outer shell stretches too much when folded and is causing the marks. I glue the outer shell while the inside is bent, so the outer is approx. 1-1.5 cm longer. I thought this would be enough but maybe that is what is going wrong.
  7. Hi Mike, thank you for the input. I use wide spacing and the pocket was skived. the bulge is definitely from the thread. I will try your suggestion and use a plastic card next time. Still, this is the only wallet where I run into this problem. Very strange...
  8. As it is a trifold, maybe the outer shell is too tight? But still, it shouldn't look like this, I think
  9. there is just one seam from the T-slot, that's it. As said, the exterior leather is medium soft and 1.2 mm, the interior leather is a firm Buttero and 0.8 mm thick.
  10. Sorry for the late reply, Hardrada. Here's a picture of how it looks. It is not a massive bulge but it is annoying and I don't really know how to avoid it. HEEELP Hi Rahere! The thread is 0.45 mm, I can't go much smaller. The leather (shell) is 1.2 mm and the inner parts are 0.8 mm. I hammer the thread down, but still...
  11. Hi everyone! I was wondering if anyone had any advice. I tried making a simple bifold wallet and ran into a small problem after I was finished. When folded, a seam is "pushing through" the cover panel. Meaning, I can see the stitching of card slot bulging the front cover a little bit. I never had this problem before. The cover leather is 1.3 mm thick and not really that soft. I flattened the seam before gluing but still it shows. I do not really want to put in a layer of stiffener. Maybe a strip of nylon tape over the seam would do it? Has anyone ever had this problem?
  12. I try to avoid edge paint whenever possible...we don't get along well
  13. Yeah, here in Switzerland you can forget to find something at a reasonable price. And should you get lucky, it's going to be an old machine that needs fixing and runs on 380 V. Can't run it in my flat
  14. Thank you for the detailed explanation, Brian! As I would like to use this specific fabric, I will need to come up with a solution for the fraying. The gussets I will try to make as you suggested, maybe it will be enough to fold the fabric on the bottom and glue/stitch. It's going to be a lot of work though. I remember from my sewing days that there is something called fray-stop. It is a liquid you can apply on the edges in order to stop the fraying. Maybe a 2mm coat of glue will do the same job. My seams are 3mm from the edge, so I figure I just need to cut the fabric 1 or 2mm short of the edges, like you suggest. This will be nightmare to finish Thank you so much for the input, I greatly appreciate it!
  15. Thank you for the pictures. I guess, I will go for a bell skiver in the next few months. Just no idea what to get an no opportunity to try one out near me. It's either going to be a real cheap one or the new compact one Fortuna will come out with in a couple of months. Beautiful patina, by the way!
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