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About DoogMeister

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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    Camping, fishing, hunting, photography, radio-controlled aircraft building and flying, motorcycles

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Gun leather, belts, holsters, rifle slings
  • Interested in learning about
    Stitching, Sheridan carving
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    internet search

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  1. Tiger thread. Get from Rocky Mountain leather and don't look back.
  2. We have to have a sticker on the ATV, but they don't qualify for a plate - would have to be highway legal. ATVs don't qualify in Colorado.
  3. We can have ammo in the magazine, but the loaded magazine must be removed from the gun if on an ATV or UTV. I was checked for that again this year. It has become a lucrative item for Game wardens and US Forest service from out-of-state hunters. Showing the rationale for laws, if you are in a vehicle that has a highway license plate, only the chamber must be empty.
  4. Here in Colorado, we have to have our guns in a case or scabbard while on an ATV/UTV. I use the cartridge loops so I don't have to dig around in a pocket for them when I stop and remove the gun from the scabbard. Otherwise, I agree - cartridge loops are a quick way to lose (expensive) ammo.
  5. Have made several for my own rifles. All have cartridge loops. I mainly use a decorative border and some stamps like deer heads, etc. Did one with basket weave on a large magnum, that one tends to be a bit tough on the cheek. With cartridge loops, decorative carving would be on the inside - the shooter can see it and appreciate it that way. Just a thought.
  6. Looks great! Glad the French Cleats worked for you. Great job with the detail of your project. Thank you for all the work you spent sharing it with us.
  7. Ever try a French cleat for hanging something heavy? Love the sword idea.
  8. Both colors can be orangey. Diluting 50-50with 91% Isopropyl alcohol can help. Also using antiquing compound (Feibing's paste) can tone down the color. Key is to practice on scrap. I find Feibing's Pro Golden Brown to have a pleasant warm color.
  9. Looking nice! From one old Marine to another, who also makes knives, shoots, fishes, etc. I am watching this project. My wife was asking the other day what I'm going to do with all my knives. I give some away, did one as a donation for a 4-H silent auction fundraiser last year, and mostly just look at the rest. Your project may have given me something to do . . .
  10. I make a few knives as well, also buying the blades. Gives me something to make a sheath for. My scales are from wood - ambrosia maple, curly maple, walnut, sassafrass, cherry, etc. From one Marine to another, bravo zulu.
  11. stunning piece of work. Your step by step pics are greatly appreciated.
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