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  1. A big thumbs-up for this! Very nice work.
  2. Your bar stool is so much better looking than the original ones. Good job on it. The other two should go easier now that you have one under your belt.
  3. Those are beautiful. Love the Saint Michael one, especially.
  4. Looking mighty good. I look forward to seeing the completed rig.
  5. I had to work hard to get that splotchy look to a finish one time. Looks good.
  6. Thanks for replacing the image, Northmount. I'm sure others appreciate it, too. I use one of these knives for bleed knots.
  7. I agree that making your own is easy. A good portion of mine are made from bolts. Stainless bolts are certainly the best to make them from but you can get by with other materials too.
  8. Thanks. Looks like it works well.
  9. Those look interesting. How do you clean them or keep the glue from setting up inside them?
  10. The design looks very usable. Congrats. Looking forward to hearing how you like it.
  11. Thank you, Bruce. I suspected they were. They're nice looking tools.
  12. Bruce, I see 4 Gomph French Edgers in your inventory. Are those originals?
  13. You may want to contact Lonnie Height, who is running the show now at Gomph-Hackbarth. I talked to him about a year ago and he was still selling tools. 520-642-3891 or on his Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/people/Gomph-Hackbarth-Tools/100021212726476/ . He might be able to answer your question.
  14. I like the simple tooling technique you used. Looks mighty good.
  15. Nothing beats a good hand made tool. That one looks to make a perfect stitching hole.
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