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About JamesScott

  • Birthday 08/05/1975

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Sunshine Coast Queensland
  • Interests
    Leather work, old movies, walking.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    rustic style
  • Interested in learning about
    All Aspects
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  1. JamesScott


    I think they look incredible. Really nice work for sure!
  2. You did a really nice job. Love the dark rich colour. Will age really well with time and use.
  3. You do really nice work. The copper rivets are a nice touch too. I have wanted to take a shot at one myself, but.........
  4. Looks great. Love the b&W snake skin.
  5. I'm in Australia, so to far away to help. But I wish you luck. They really do look nice and copper buckles are not something you see many of here, supply wise.
  6. Mine are rolled, same as they arrive and left on a storage shelf. I use them up quickly, so don't do more than that. However, once a product has been made, those go into plastic storage containers, to reduce sunlight, dust etc, until sold. I keep vegetable tanned and chrome separate.
  7. I use this one - no problems at all - but it is in Australia, so maybe not of any use. https://www.birdsall-leather.com.au/CTBBW/Burnishing-Wheel/pd.php
  8. Really nice work.
  9. I always found hammer and anvil set rivets, always had issues. Only when I got a leather press, did the problems stop. I found the only way to do them well, was with a press. May not be your problem, but an option none-the-less
  10. So much to make a round ball. Always wondered how they got made.
  11. That's a really good idea!
  12. I include a swing tag with business name/details on one side and a thank you note on the other specific to that person. I use the same thread I used to make the item to attach. I also add a small leather swing tag with my business name stamped into the leather. All gets wrapped in tissue paper etc. for the opening experience.
  13. Hi from Australia
  14. Looks great to me.
  15. Thanks Pastor Bob, much appreciated.
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