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Everything posted by DieselTech

  1. Nice work. It looks great. Really like your edge treatment with the lacing.
  2. Looks great. Nice craftsmanship.
  3. Nice work. Looks beautiful.
  4. Lmao you did not by chance wash them with lemon dish soap. Ha just kidding! Maybe the original owners used lemon pledge on them.
  5. Nice looking Ole tools. Be interested in who & how old. I am wondering if the threaded handle is so you can add weight to the tool. If that was full of lead shot. It would make it fairly heavy, & maybe aid in creasing.
  6. Nice work. Love the color combo too. Really like the looks of the plum horween.
  7. Nice fabrication work. They look like quality to me. What is the handles made of? Looks like a couple different woods.
  8. Nice work. They both look great.
  9. You need to resize your file to the proper size to post. I use shrinkpictures app/website. Size your pictures to 760x800 I use my phone cause it's all I got to use.
  10. Beautiful work!
  11. At 1 point I was able to toggle between the old theme leatherworker & the new theme leatherworker. But now it only let's me use the new theme.
  12. Welcome. Bunch of great people here.
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