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Everything posted by Razz

  1. Impressive looking bag, the drawbag is a very nice feature......... Is this your design, is it hand sewn. Like the carving patern to.Great job.
  2. Cool.....well done classic, what are going to do with it. Need pics once finished.
  3. No doubt you have a eye for details ......paterns so well put together....A true artist, I had a hard time stopping myself from starring at it. Simply beautiful work. I agree, pics with it on the horse would be real nice.
  4. Nice bracelet......is the stitching for a softer liner or just decoretive......and that buckle does suit the bracelet very nicely.
  5. Very ansome knife.......Do you know what the handle is made of.
  6. These are really nice..leve the feel . What was your influence for these. I don't know if the guns are real but those carved handles are look grat with this rig. Great work.
  7. Those are very cool looking, the fitting around the bottom of the tanks are very smooth.......what do you do to waterproof them...If you don't mind me asking.
  8. Very cool !.......Nicely done, 360 pics would be real nice. Thanks for showing this.
  9. Very nice looking set......and my girlfriend happened to walk by as I was looking at it and she said...... "gorgeous I want a set like that" now I'm on the hook..... LOL Great work.
  10. Gorgeous........pratically looks edible, like fine carved chocolate LOL. Beautiful workmanship.
  11. Your attention to details is always so impressive. Love your work.
  12. Your passion for that period rally comes through in your work...and the photo compositions give them an authentic feel. Stunning work all around. Thanks for showing.
  13. Very original.....Love the hole design alot....is it your design or a patern. Real nice work....
  14. Very nice work and a lot of fun to look at, with the brief history of the articles and what you used to reproduce them. I like this little tidbit of info.... "Edward Robinson who guided the Wilson Price Hunt Expedition of 1811 (Robinson is my kind of frontiersman - he was born in 1745, lost his hair in Kentucky" LOL Thank for showing really interesting.
  15. Very nice....nice detail in the squeleton hands and lettering really stands out with that red on black....Very Cool looking.
  16. Do you know what is the thickness of these sheets.
  17. Like your style ........ best way ever to display your work. ...Nice composition, speaking photographie wise
  18. Razz

    Basic Tool-Usa

    Thanks for the info......the 70s I wouldn't mind going back. LoL. I got a few rawhide mallets in the lot......I've never tried working with a maul. Need to get myself one,see how it feels. Thanks again.
  19. Anybody know anything about this brand of tool.......the name stamped in the groove on the side says "Basic Tool-USA" Got them in a lot I bought a little while ago.
  20. Thanks, seen that book..but din't really know if it was any good...will check it out.
  21. Thanks for the info.......at this point don't think I will attempt to clean it up myself...for fear of ruining it.....but probably will succom to the temptation in a bit. Thanks again.
  22. I bought a load of leather tools at flea market and this blade was in it. There seems to be a ruby on the tip of it.......has anybody ever used one of these..... This one is a little chipped. ....here is a pic. And does anybody know of a good illustrated book of the different tools and what they do...cause I have quite a few wich I have no idea what to use them for.
  23. I may be chiming in a little late here.......but It looks like you put a lot of care and love in this work and it shows. Your daughter must of loved it and probably will cherish it.....IMOP. I need to make something like that ....photo album maibe for my son and his family. Inspiring , keep up the nice work and thanks for showing.
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