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I once sold my personal shawl because a lady absolutely wanted it. I figured, I can always make another one, so WTF, if she insists, she can have it (it had warmed up enough I no longer needed to wear it).

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When I was involved in medieval presentations my wifey used to do the sales stall.

I used to and sometimes still make a certain style of hat. I had made 4 for family to wear, we wore it under out chainmaille coifs. I'd also made about 20 for sales

After a lunch break we went to put our hats and armour back on. Hats were gone. Wifey says, she had sold them. Why? Because 'I'd sold all the rest and I needed a few more. Anyway, shure, you can make more when we get home'.  At £10 per, even though they were used and looked it, wasn't to be sniffed at. Actually, those customers were more than happy with the used look

and yes I have made more.

Actually I'm re-designing it so it not only looks better but is easier & quicker to make, but that Mark 2 will be made beside the Mark 1

Basic hat, #3 - Cropped.jpg

Also at that particular sale I'd made small shields out of hardboard. They were about 10 inches across and 15 inches long. I'd painted them up with designs on them. They were strung together to hang along the frontage of the stall, to attract attention. When it came to pack up - there were no shields. Wifey had sold them as well! at £3 each. People bought them for their children

That led on to a whole new line in my wooden toy business - White faced hardboard shields, un painted, with two leather straps riveted on, size 12 x 16 inches and also small toy wood swords*, with or without scabbards. I also downsized a real style of medieval hat,  it looks like the stereotypical 'Robin Hood' hat - which I called it. A friend got me a big bag full of pheasant feathers in swop for a hat. [* wifey sold our wooden practice swords and daggers as well ! ]

At later events we would clear between 40 and 60 shields per day, only about 10 swords, very few hats though. At one two day event we cleared 150 shields. At these No.3 son ran a 'paint your own shield' stall. £5 for shield and for child to paint it

This is what our childrens'  medieval pack consisted of [shield is painted as an example]   Leather still used in the making

sword set deluxe 1LW.jpg

For 'Viking' events I made a small wooden axe. A friend was making the round shields

Viking toy axe, 01LW.JPG

None of these things were planned from the outset - ' I'm going to make this & that and gonna sell them'

Their production stemmed from the requests and wants of the buying public, to satisfy what they were prepared to buy





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@fredk Thats quite impressive. A good little package .   Perhaps I should start making little leather ' business card' boxes eh? :dunno: 

Someone wanted to buy my crappy old brief case  that I paid 5 bucks for at a charity stall. It keeps all my business 'stuff' handy at markets. 


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1 hour ago, Handstitched said:

. . .   Perhaps I should start making little leather ' business card' boxes eh? :dunno: 

. . . .

Sometimes its what the item is called can make the difference if it sells or not and to whom it sells

I'd never even heard of a 'valet tray' until I saw them on this forum

I made a few, showed them to my sales agents -   'What is it?'   A valet tray    'What's that for?''     uh, its a key or watch tray     'oh, right, a key tray, nice, I can sell those'

Then I made some larger hex shaped ones.   'Too big'     ah, but these are 'dice trays'      'The gamers will like these, stop their dice going all over the table or onto the floor'

Thus the hex-shaped valet tray is a gamer's 'dice tray' and I include one with my board games set

The Book of Ard Mhacha, no.1 set, 04LWs.jpg

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49 minutes ago, fredk said:

I'd never even heard of a 'valet tray' until I saw them on this forum

I like that.   I have seen them before, on this site no doubt. Might try a few, like that and some in different shapes, colours . I'm sure I could find some scraps and see what happens at the markets. I could also line them with a bit of 'velveteen'  to make them look a bit 'fancy' . 



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Posted (edited)
20 hours ago, Handstitched said:

I like that.   I have seen them before, on this site no doubt. Might try a few, like that and some in different shapes, colours . I'm sure I could find some scraps and see what happens at the markets. I could also line them with a bit of 'velveteen'  to make them look a bit 'fancy' . 



I've made dozens because at some point everybody I know wanted one.  I found what works best is cheap, thick shoulder, chrome or combination tan is fine.  You want thick because it holds its shape and cheap because, well anything will do really, it's just a tray.  And if you want fancier just stitch a lining on the bottom only (not on the parts that fold).  Quick and cheap and easy sales for people to buy for gifts. 

Also a great way to get rid of off cuts :)

Edited by Spyros
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Impressive and out of the box creativity Fred.

Hey! How many of you have your own sites? Will you mind sharing the links? Cuz I am about to launch mine and need help with some content. As it is a niche profession I am not getting specific content writers. I was thinking of contacting an essay writing service and follow articles on this leather site. I started as a freelancer and was able to sell mostly through word of mouths. It's going well but not expanding, and I have no interest in working under someone. If you have individual sites, how did you manage your content fill ups?

And is it profitable to open a facebook or instagram page instead? Which one can help with more sale? I really lack the knowledge in the marketing part.

On 4/10/2022 at 1:20 AM, fredk said:

I made a few, showed them to my sales agents...

Fred, how big is your operation that you require not just one, but multiple agents??!!

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Posted (edited)

Small operation,  just two sales agents now. They sell, I make, simples, or,  I make, they sell 

On the hex dice tray:  I use inexpensive 1 -1.2mm leather for the exterior, it has a cardboard re-enforcement in the centre base and has a thin lining leather glued on the insides. 6 ready-rivets and a small amount of glue hold the ears together to keep the shape. They are light and fairly flexible but at the same time hold their shape well. No stitching needed or used, not even on my other ones, just glue and ready-rivets. Basic ones can be knocked up in just minutes  - afair I did 8 small ones [about 8cm x 8cm square] in an hour ~ cutting and assembling time, not counting the time for dye to dry

Edited by fredk

Well I know my workshop isn't exactly selling but the first one went really well and all 4 clients have booked for the next one because they didn't finish their projects. Plus I might have some spin off business involving Larping and cosplay. (:rofl: I'd love to leave you all hanging cos I didn't know either but I'm much too nice. Live action role playing) which apparently involves actual acting in the woods or somewhere versus cosplay which is dressing up but not acting.

Plus I'm beginning to be noticed in my drinking club. The stewardess wants me to make her a bag  (no doubt for mates rates but they run a looped video advertising local business ;)) and she's sucked me into making a bag for next weeks charity raffle which I'm happy to do as long as there's an acknowledgement that it came from me.

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LARP is like SCA but fantasy. With LARP you make 'fantasy' gear, steam punk etc. With Cos its more difficult as you mostly have to replicate items used in films.

I did bits for one young lady for Cos a long time ago. First time I did some serious wet-moulding. I had to replicate the belt, pouches and holster used by Queen Padme Amidala, in Episode 2, 'Attack of the Clones' of the Star Wars film. I only had low quality film stills to go by. afaik it was worn with success. I still have the bucks and have thought of doing another set sometime

In their un-finished state;

Star Wars Kit, 01, holster and large pouch, LW.jpg  Star Wars Kit, 02 large long pouch and small pouch, LW.jpg

The originals, afaik, were made in moulded plastic

There is good money to be made as in both the people are often willing to pay top ££ for the right things. And often, as in that Star Wars kit, they just cannot buy it

Unfortunately N.I. has been flooded with ex-Games of Thrones items. So many people here were 'extras' and got kit supplied and for each new filming season new kit was supplied so the extras sold their old kit

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At a regular market I attend,, one of the other regular stall holders thats sells s/h...stuff, junk etc. , tried to knock me down on the price of a plain, but long  belt. But as everything has gone up in price* , I wasn't going to budge on my prices . He kept trying to knock me down...I was having none of it, the harder he tried, the more I dug my heels in. He walked away in the end, I didn't care. However, at the same venue for an Easter market at the weekend, he came  back...trying once again to knock me down... I  dug my heels in deeper this time . " You drive a hard bargain over 5 bucks" he said.

"If I kept knocking my prices down, theres no point in me being here" I said  . He laughed, and paid me full price .:banana:

*When I went to Perth  to get some leather around 2 hrs away, I would normally pay around $30 -$40 in fuel, but as the cost of fuel has increased exponentially , I paid  over $80 - .  Its not just the cost of leather, but the cost of fuel to go and get it. I could get it couriered out, at a cost,  but I like to see what I'm buying. 




  • 4 weeks later...
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On 4/10/2022 at 1:20 PM, fredk said:

I'd never even heard of a 'valet tray' until I saw them on this forum


On 4/11/2022 at 10:52 AM, Spyros said:

I've made dozens because at some point everybody I know wanted one

I made a few of these this arvo from off cuts. Just simple square trays about 6" , dyed, dried sealed  and riveted.  No need for a pic. I'll 'test ' them out this weekend. 

But I went to check on how much these go for ...it was a case of :jawdropper:

I saw one for $945 . WTF ???????????


Was the cow fed champagne & caviar while having a facial and a  pedicure while  being serenaded  holidaying along the French riviera ??  Sh*t a brick !!! 

HS  :blink:

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There are folk out there who think that if they pay a great deal more for somat somehow they are getting something much better, but very often they are not they are just paying out more and getting standard goods or services.

I can relate this into a true story, but its long, and I'll not tell it unless asked

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3 hours ago, Handstitched said:

Was the cow fed champagne & caviar while having a facial and a  pedicure while  being serenaded  holidaying along the French riviera ??

No, but the maker was.... LOL!

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1 hour ago, fredk said:

I can relate this into a true story, but its long, and I'll not tell it unless asked

I'm asking, Do tell, don't keep us guessing  :)

1 hour ago, JayEhl said:

No, but the maker was.... LOL!

 Some idiot will actually  pay  that price  , thats what keeps me shaking my head. 

The ones I'm making  from scraps are just simple and practical .  Later, some might be a little  bit "fancy" , a bit of lining and stitching, perhaps some different shapes, depends on the  size of the scraps . I'm just testing the local market to see what sells and what doesn't .  If they don't sell, then I'll learn from it. 


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1 hour ago, Handstitched said:

I'm asking, Do tell, don't keep us guessing  :)

mmmm, maybe, dunno, its kinda long and boring, but absolutely true

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3 hours ago, fredk said:

There are folk out there who think that if they pay a great deal more for somat somehow they are getting something much better, but very often they are not they are just paying out more and getting standard goods or services.

There is an actual category of customers who get disappointed by low prices.  There's levels and levels of perversion out there.

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But where tf are they! I still have that €500-shawl....

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14 hours ago, Spyros said:

There is an actual category of customers who get disappointed by low prices.

Yeh, the " Keep Up With The Jones'  "  category.  The snobs version of ' one-up-man-ship' . ....and the neighbors  that  go broke while trying to keep up, but yet happy to brag to their mates how much 'xxx'  cost them to make themselves sound wealthy and important.

I have bags & boxes of scraps ( aka money)  lying around. Time for me to put my creative thinking cap on. 


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Five years at this and I have learned a lot about selling my goods.  I will make some custom things for the right customer.  They need to be willing to wait for delivery cause I'm slow.  Selling about $6 - 8k  a year through an art center in town and through direct sales via word of mouth.  My primary interest is in bag making but I also make high quality sandals, belts, mini wallets and card holders, wine totes, dog leashed and collars etc.  All of it adds up and periodically I'll sell a bag for $500.00.  

On 7/20/2021 at 12:20 PM, Silverd said:

Hello Helpful Folks

Can anyone help me identify this type of stitching?  What kind or type of sewing machine makes this stitch?    Image is from a vintage leather Doctor style bag or suit case that I'm remaking around the existing hardware.  It appears to me that the leather panels were stitched together using a unique machine...Possibly a post bed or???  Certainly some hand stitching seems to have been used but its not totally clear?     A lot of these cases were made and there was likely special machines used in the manufacturing process.   Anyone have information?   

Thank you in advance!







On 1/7/2022 at 1:39 PM, TomE said:

That is a sharp looking bag.  I am particularly impressed with the handles.  I tried making a similar handle for my wife's briefcase and it turned out a bit lumpy and asymmetrical.  I am buying time watching it break in, while procrastinating about making another.  Mine was based on a pattern in Stohlman's Art of Making Leather Cases.  He used a plywood form to shape after sewing but I don't have or want a band saw.


On 2/25/2022 at 6:24 AM, Mulesaw said:

First of all, beautiful work!

Second: Since they look so good and in leather, I was wondering if you could substitute the lower reinforcement with some leather as well? I think it will hold up better, but it is just a guess. Kind of like that beautiful upper soft looking round cushion.

For leather I would go with heavily oiled veg tan, I am not an expert by any means, but for horse gear I like to use something that can just get the same treatment as the rest of the gear I use. It is possible that you can also do it with chrome tanned, but again I am not that much into that science.

Would you perhaps be so kind as to show a picture of the backside and the inside too? I would like to make a set of those for our son's jumping horse, and it looks like you have really nailed it with those (That is if you don't mind me trying to make a copy)

Brgds Jonas (awestruck with those that you have made)


On 2/25/2022 at 6:14 PM, RockyAussie said:

Hi Don,

I am not sure of your meaning when you say what link? The picture above your question is a link showing off the narrow needle plate set I designed. This video shows it well enough - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a83lCJe4JKo&t=94s Sharon Harne got a set from me back in November I think and should testify to its usefulness if you ask her. The price for the narrow needle plate set delivered anywhere in the USA is $110 US dollars if you want a set.  I have one of the tall post machines coming in sometime next week and I will do a video showing it off asap. Follow my youtube channel if you want to be sure to see it soon.



On 2/26/2022 at 12:07 PM, dereckwest said:

Hi, Kenneth is willing to part out High Post-Bed Machine. You can try reach him at kenneth.krom@aol.com‬ .Thanks


On 3/13/2022 at 6:01 PM, Silverd said:

Inspired by a commissioned project for a manbag, this version is an attempt to soften the edges and improve the refinement.  Looking for opinions as I've only made one before.  Thought I should probably carry this one for a while to see what I learn




On 3/14/2022 at 5:20 AM, Samalan said:

20 Years ago I did some work for a company that had 2 custom conference tables made at a cost of 14,000 each the first day they were in a guy walks in and throws his briefcase on the table not good the company had glass fitted to the tops your concern made me think of that the company was Digital Equipment 


On 3/13/2022 at 7:46 PM, Spyros said:

I always have opinions :D

Overall opinion: I love it, it looks rigid and durable like an old Swiss army map satchel but at the same time with luxury touches like the turned or polished edges.  I can't quite figure out what you did with the strap attachments but it's a great idea, I find what often happens in other bags is the strap keeps hitting the top flap and ends up bending and damaging it over time (particularly any edge finish on the flap would be ruined within days).  The way you've done it it keeps the straps further out and clear from the flap which is great.  Now since you've made more room for the flap maybe you could take that opportunity and make the flap a little wider, it would help it sit better over the bag and cover the openings, and would give you some room to make those two folds you made.  Kind of like this (obviously a totally different bag and softer leather, just look at the flap design)

I'd also probably lose the feet, instead I would consider stitching the bottom the other way round, if you know what I mean?  Turn the bottom the other way with the edges facing down and then stitch.  You lose a tiny bit of interior space but you get a nice, rigid bottom that helps the bag stand and doesn't make this annoying sound when you put the bag on a hard surface.  Probably easier to stitch from the outside too.

Another option to consider is a simple leather strap and loop closure, it is visually appealing on those tall & narrow bags because it follows the lines of the bag.  Like this one.  (Or a simple strap and buckle would do the same). 

What are the rivets on the front, is there an interior pocket?  Do you have more photos? 

Well done anyway, it looks great as it is, just throwing some ideas in case you make another.





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