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Credit Card Hacked - Have Questions

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Today I found out my credit card was hacked. After somehow stealing my information, the hackee ran a small payment of just over a dollar through the card, and when that was successful, tried to take a large cash advance from the account. Fortunately, this didn't go through as it exceeded my credit limit, which I deliberately keep low for just that reason.

I got my statement today, and the last place I used the card prior to this was at the local legion. My Anglican church meets for lunch at the Legion every Friday, and we all sit together at the same table. On this occasion, I decided to pay by credit card, and had the card sitting out on the table for quite some time before paying. To pay, you have to go into another room, where someone had a terminal. I don't recall if I paid by tapping, or if I had to enter my pin, but the amount was only $8.00.

I'm wondering if someone possibly scanned my card while it was lying on the table. I certainly don't suspect anyone in our group - the person immediately on my left was our priest, and the one across from me was a member of the Altar Guild, and someone I know quite well compared to some of the other people in the church. 

So, since credit and debit cards allowed tap and go, how close do you have to be to the card to steal someone's information?  And do I need to warn others about this? :(

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25 minutes ago, Sheilajeanne said:

So, since credit and debit cards allowed tap and go, how close do you have to be to the card to steal someone's information?  And do I need to warn others about this?

Man  that sucks. I hate the ' tap & go' shite. Heres an example why I hate it: I went to a bottle shop ( liquor store) got what I wanted, went to pay with savings card,  just about to put my card into the machine,  and ' beep beep ', " approved" ....WTF ???  The damn machine picked up the 'tap and go' on my credit card  that was in my wallet ....in my left hand,  a good  distance from the machine. Its happened to me a few times now. So, I went to my bank and got the tap and go component deactivated . They are too dangerous  an what happened to you is the reason why . But yes, I would warn others and  notify your bank as it could be happening to other people without their knowledge , and , they may  be able to do a trace back to the offender. 

 There are RFID materials or  devices  that prevent it happening, but you shouldn't really have to, or  alternatively , deactivate the tap & go .  Also, some banks ( here in Oz anyway)  charge a little extra for that " convenience  " . 


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1 hour ago, Sheilajeanne said:

So, since credit and debit cards allowed tap and go, how close do you have to be to the card to steal someone's information?  And do I need to warn others about this? :(

I've seen some people paying a bill from as far away as 30cm from the machine, but usually max distance I see is about 15cm. Your card may have been 'cloned' as you paid your bill

If you use your card regularly on certain things and only in certain areas have a word with the fraud department of credit card. They can take the details and will block any payments which are not normal. If your own purchase is blocked a phone call or text to or from the fraud dept soon sorts it. In the past I've had to inform the fraud dept that I was going to be in a certain area of England making big purchases but I still had to get a phone call on some to clear them

On cloning; a person not directly attached to the legion could have put the cloner on the card reader. The cloner can send the info to the dishonest person miles away. We had cases here 18 months ago. Several ATMs had cloners attached. They sent the info to a gang in Dublin, over 100 miles away from the ATMs

Edited by fredk

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I would definitely deactivate the tap and go feature. And speaking to others who paid by card in this establishment should show whether their card reader is the problem. 

But as far as I understand, the card details can be read at a distance anywhere  (depending on how you carry and store your card), so the hacking may have nothing to do with the Legion at all.


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The person that processed your payment may be harvesting numbers and data.  Happened to my project manager one evening.  The team had supper at the dining room in the hotel.  He got a phone call from his CC company early morning.  A bunch of gift cards had been purchased on his card plus some other bits.  Only the server had handled his card!


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It might be a good idea to get that card cancelled and request a new one without the tap feature. Better safe than sorry. Often, there are entire gangs involved in credit card fraud - once, mine was presented in Seoul, when I was in CT. I have no idea when the information was stolen and passed on. So you never know who will use it and when. 


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jeez that is terrible I wish i had some helpful info!!! I hate thieves. 

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If you purchased gas for the car, a card scammer put in place by the criminals is one way! Standing in line at a convenience store they can use their phone if your card has the tap feature (I watched my daughter's boyfriend's brother do the swipe by my wife's purse, but I was in the wrong flooring him when I caught him doing it!) those are two distinct ways, another is an online purchase and an employee might snatch your card number 

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14 hours ago, SUP said:

It might be a good idea to get that card cancelled and request a new one without the tap feature. Better safe than sorry. Often, there are entire gangs involved in credit card fraud - once, mine was presented in Seoul, when I was in CT. I have no idea when the information was stolen and passed on. So you never know who will use it and when. 


Master Card suspended my card when the hacker tried to make that cash advance, which was over my credit limit. And here was poor me, wondering why they wouldn't let me activate the NEW card I'd just received in the mail!  :rolleyes2:  By sheer coincidence, my old card's expiry date was just days after it was hacked.

I've spoken with MC twice, and it's all sorted out, and a new card is on its way. I have also warned the Friday lunch group at my church about what happened. I'm sure the hacking happened at the Legion, as the only other place I used the card that day was at my usual grocery store.  It would be pretty difficult for someone to hack the card there, as I never let anyone get near my buggy. Most people seem to still observe the COVID 6 feet apart rules in the grocery store.

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Its simple to make your card wallet RFID (Radio Frequency IDentity) protected. Glue into the pockets, or use double sided sticky tape,  pieces of kitchen aluminium foil. A piece on the inside of each of the outer covers will do. For best practice the pieces of aluminium foil should be at least the same size as the cards, about 8cm by 5.5cm

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2 hours ago, fredk said:

Its simple to make your card wallet RFID (Radio Frequency IDentity) protected. Glue into the pockets, or use double sided sticky tape,  pieces of kitchen aluminium foil. A piece on the inside of each of the outer covers will do. For best practice the pieces of aluminium foil should be at least the same size as the cards, about 8cm by 5.5cm

i have a regular wallet. i cut out a piece the length of a dollar of foil doubled it and put in the long cash slot . my cards are inside of it when folded.

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15 hours ago, fredk said:

Its simple to make your card wallet RFID (Radio Frequency IDentity) protected.

Thats a good idea  for those that wish to do that, but considering the risk, I'd rather have the pay wave deactivated  . I never used that feature anyway.  But at the end of the day, no card  or the account is absolutely 100% safe. We just have to put our faith in the banks to make sure our hard earned is protected. 

I never do online banking either.....no sirree !!!   But thats another story. 

Stay safe  :)


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I think the card was hacked either when I paid or when I left it lying on the table for quite some time. Not going to do that again! :rolleyes2:

I believe the tap feature is disabled for amounts over $100. I know when I use my debit card, that's the case. Should check and see if it's the same with my Master Card.

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I'm glad all's well that end's well with MC. These days it is impossible to survive without a credit card however much one might want to do so.

Is it possible that  your card was hacked earlier and only used after a few days to take away suspicion from the person who hacked it? 

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6 hours ago, SUP said:

I'm glad all's well that end's well with MC. These days it is impossible to survive without a credit card however much one might want to do so.

Is it possible that  your card was hacked earlier and only used after a few days to take away suspicion from the person who hacked it? 

SUP, I really doubt that, as the initial small amount the tracker took out was on the same day I attended the luncheon. The only other place i visited that day was the grocery store, and as I said, opportunities for hacking my card there are very limited because I stick extremely close to my cart, and would notice someone trying to get close to me.

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