Moderator Johanna Posted January 16, 2007 Moderator Report Posted January 16, 2007 This site just goes on and on with misinformed and ridiculous accusations...when I first looked at the site, I thought it was a parody. Sadly, in their mission to "educate" us, they prove they are ignorant of leather and how farmers and ranchers care for their animals. The suggestion to switch to vinyl shoes should be taken by all these bandwagon zealots, and they should all get athletes' foot, just for not taking the time to get real facts, and spreading lies and propaganda. I have never been to a slaughterhouse and seen cows skinned alive. And we all know this is crap: Goats may be boiled alive to make kid gloves, and the skins of purposely aborted calves and lambs are considered especially "luxurious." Snakes and lizards are often skinned alive because of the belief that live flaying imparts suppleness to the finished leather. Alligators on factory farms are packed into half-sunken sheds, immersed in filthy stagnant water rife with their own waste and the stench of rancid meat. Crocodiles are often caught in the wild with huge hooks and wires and reeled in when they become weakened from blood loss or drown. Many animals are skinned when they are still alive-sometimes remaining conscious and in agony for up to two hours-and then beaten to death with hammers, axes, and aluminum baseball bats. Since leather is normally not labeled, you never really know where (or whom) it came from. Most of the millions of animals slaughtered for their skin endure the horrors of factory farming before being shipped to slaughter, where many are skinned alive. Buying leather directly contributes to factory farms and slaughterhouses since skin is the most economically important byproduct of the meat-packing industry. Leather is also no friend of the environment since it shares all the environmental destruction of the meat industry, in addition to the toxins used in tanning. With every pair of leather shoes that you buy, you sentence an animal to a lifetime of suffering. Instead, you can choose from hundreds of styles of nonleather shoes, clothing, belts, bags, and wallets. Fashion should be fun, not fatal! Leather is not a slaughterhouse byproduct. It's a booming industry, a driving force for the cattle industry, and it accounts for two-thirds of the value of the slaughtered cattle. Even the hides of "veal" calves are made into high-priced calfskin. The economic success of slaughterhouses and factory farms is directly linked to the sale of leather goods. Decreasing demand for both animal foods and leather products will result in fewer cows' being factory-farmedather is not a slaughterhouse byproduct. It's a booming industry, a driving force for the cattle industry, and it accounts for two-thirds of the value of the slaughtered cattle. Even the hides of "veal" calves are made into high-priced calfskin. The economic success of slaughterhouses and factory farms is directly linked to the sale of leather goods. Decreasing demand for both animal foods and leather products will result in fewer cows' being factory-farmed Good grief, someone should explain economics and standard slaughter procedures to these folks...but that might be beyond their grasp. Johanna Quote
Ambassador freak Posted January 16, 2007 Ambassador Report Posted January 16, 2007 Good grief, someone should explain economics and standard slaughter procedures to these folks They're to busy to listen and if they did then what would they rally about .? You should send them and invite to the forums here. Tell them most of the stuff they see here was done while the leather was still on the animal and alive. We call it eXtreme leather working. I love animals.... They taste great !! Quote
Members Chitin Posted January 16, 2007 Members Report Posted January 16, 2007 Because the process used to make vinyl and other leather substitutes is SO environmentally friendly. If you're for animal rights, then you're against leather anyway, and that's fine; there's no reason to go lying about it. If your position isn't strong enough to back with the truth, it's time to reconsider your opinion. Quote
Ambassador abn Posted January 16, 2007 Ambassador Report Posted January 16, 2007 Tell them most of the stuff they see here was done while the leather was still on the animal and alive. We call it eXtreme leather working. LOL Quote
Members CitizenKate Posted January 19, 2007 Members Report Posted January 19, 2007 (edited) So... like, meat is actually just a by-product from the leather industry? I guess this implies that they are opposed to eating, then? Whew - global warming has nothing on this! Edited January 19, 2007 by CitizenKate Quote
Members dsenette Posted January 19, 2007 Members Report Posted January 19, 2007 (edited) i'm not a leatherworker...but i have been to a slaughter house...(a school field trip that i wish i could have skipped)...the animals are dead within 10 feet of entering the's the first thing they do... has anyone ever tried to skin a live animal?...i haven't but i would imagine that they might protest a little... i have been to an aligator farm as well...i didn't see any mistreatment...sure there were more aligators in the water than there normally would be in an area that size....but..the water was filtered and refreshed daily... Whew - global warming has nothing on this! it's a known fact that global warming is caused by the hot air escaping from the member's of heads mixing with the patchouli and sandalwood given off by the pores of hippies... Edited January 19, 2007 by dsenette Quote
Members CitizenKate Posted January 21, 2007 Members Report Posted January 21, 2007 (edited) Whenever I drive past a field where there are cattle grazing, I see racks of tanned leather. Maybe I should get a therapist. Edited January 21, 2007 by CitizenKate Quote
Moderator Johanna Posted January 21, 2007 Author Moderator Report Posted January 21, 2007 I tell the kids, "Look at the pretty blankets!" Johanna Quote
Ambassador freak Posted January 21, 2007 Ambassador Report Posted January 21, 2007 I rub my stomach and yell out " Hello dinner" ! Then i think, I'de tool that. LOL Quote
Members Romey Posted January 22, 2007 Members Report Posted January 22, 2007 (edited) Hide is 2/3 of the cattle industry? Obviously this is the byproduct of when hippies do drugs, thier kids just aint right in the head. Yes i often go out of my way to ride a broncy horse in a blizzard to save a $100 calf from freezing , fight its momma, convince my ride that a wet bawlin calf SHOULD be in the saddle with me only so i can get it home, skin it alive only to toss the carcass so i can sell its hide. All this time i had it all wrong.. Scary part is, these people vote. Edited January 22, 2007 by Romey Quote
Moderator bruce johnson Posted January 22, 2007 Moderator Report Posted January 22, 2007 Agree with most of what has been posted here. I come from a background that includes two great-grandfathers as cattle feeders, one dairyman, ranchers, farmers, two uncles and a dad who were livestock buyers for packing houses, and my brother and I both worked our way through school in the packing houses. My brother has a PhD in meat science, and works for the big guy. These PETA people are not out to argue rationally, they are fund raising organizations to advance their agenda. For instance, hide prices are published monthly in ShopTalk. Let's say the average hide (not side) sells for $55 averaged out over the year. That steer it came off weighed 1200# and brought 82 cents a pound averaged. Value of the hide = about five percent. PETA, HSUS, and most other environmental and animal groups don't have to justify their numbers to anyone. If any other business reported or advertised intentionally distorted numbers like these groups do, they would harassed by every government agency available. There is not "truth-in-advertising" here. The scary thing to me is not that these people vote, it is that they have money, and most have reproduced. Bruce Johnson Quote
Moderator Johanna Posted January 22, 2007 Author Moderator Report Posted January 22, 2007 I was guided through a Georgia slaughterhouse by the boss, and he was especially proud that the only part of the animal that wasn't used was the "Moo". If people didn't eat meat, leather would be cost-prohibitive, because no one would raise cows for just their hides. Johanna Quote
Ambassador The Major Posted January 25, 2007 Ambassador Report Posted January 25, 2007 Reptiles skinned alive? Have they ever seen someone try to skin a rattle snake alive? Personally, I feel these guys are just uninformed zealots. I think the cause that everyone should fight for is the fight for the rights of plants and foliage. The animal can run away, the plant is stuck there. So all the vegetarians are even more cruel than those others mentioned. I made this up years ago when I was confornted by one of these PETA folks at a party which resulted in a lengthy debate and me pointing out her nice leather shoes and handbag. (No offense to the vegetarians out there) There is nothing wrong with having an opinion and wanting to fight for a cause. I think some people just don't know what to fight for. Now don't get me wrong, I think people that abuse animals should be shot, but lets look at the bigger picture here folks. I have even less respect for PETA now than I did before. :fire: Quote
Contributing Member ClayB Posted January 26, 2007 Contributing Member Report Posted January 26, 2007 [quote I have even less respect for PETA now than I did before. :fire: Check out this page and it will probably make it even worse. Quote
Ambassador The Major Posted January 26, 2007 Ambassador Report Posted January 26, 2007 ACHTULIEBE!!!!!!!!!! Its a crazy crazy world! Quote
Moderator Johanna Posted January 26, 2007 Author Moderator Report Posted January 26, 2007 I arrived at my Tandy store one morning to unlock the door and open the store for business, and the front windows of the store were smeared with blood. Not ketchup, blood from a pig farm, I guess. That's what the officers told me. I was confronted by two activists, both wearing leather shoes. The woman began to scream at me that I was going to hell for killing animals to sell leather and the man attempted to keep me out of the store. After a few tense words, I went into the shoe store next door, and Mark, the owner, dialed the police and then escorted me into my store, ignoring the two lunatics with their pamphlets and accusations. The police arrived and told the two they were trespassing, and not to return to the shopping center. The police had records of other "incidents" with these two, and didn't show their customary patience. I filed charges for vandalism and terroristic threats, called my boss in New York to report the events, and spent the morning washing the windows. The next morning I went in early, and there were two more PETA people waiting for me. I tried to reason with them- in a strip chopping center, with Taco Bell, Subway, Krystals and Arbys, why were they focused on the leather store? Leather is a byproduct of the meat industry. No cow or deer is killed for their hide- people are omnivores, and they need to EAT. One of them explained they were against people wearing fur. "Look around! Do you see a lot of fur in here?" A couple of rabbits, a raccoon, a coyote, a hair on minks of foxes in that Tandy. I quickly concluded these people were no more rational than the blood smearers, and I asked them to leave the shop. My regulars, having seen the commotion from the day before in the paper, started arriving for coffee. Mike and Larry escorted the two to their car (leather seats) and we didn't have to call the police again. They didn't come back. Larry had a bumper sticker on his truck "I support PETA: People Eating Tasty Animals", so you know his thoughts on the matter, but I'm sure that it was Mike who persuaded them to find someone else to bother and not come back He trained K-9s for the Macon Police Dept. and was on the SWAT team. He has a way of speaking softly, but with authority. A few months later a lady came in with a lovely fur coat covered in red paint. She had been walking to her car when they stepped out of the shadows, doused her with the paint and called her an "animal killer". There was no saving the coat, sadly, and the paint-throwers were not caught or identified. I followed trucks in Georgia that dropped dead chickens on the road, and I knew a chicken farmer who kept an alligator pond for sick or dead chickens. I know the chickens don't live the life of Joan Rivers' dog. But people who use terrorism and harassment to make their point, like Muslim extremists and abortion clinic bombers, have missed the point of their "humanitarian" efforts. Instead of pontificating at someone eating a steak, feed a hungry child. Rather than preaching to suburbanites, start a spay & neuter program in the neighborhood. Talk is cheap. Find solutions. Johanna :soapbox: getting down now... Quote
Members braider Posted January 26, 2007 Members Report Posted January 26, 2007 (edited) Excuse me for being a bit off topic here, but, it does seem like the topic for me to express my glee. My domain name is It took me many years to pass up Pam Anderson and Peta in searches for 'Anderson leather' on most every search engine. I believe 'Pam Anderson' is still the most search term ever on the www, but, she probably doesn't take the 'yearly' title anymore. ...Dave Edited January 26, 2007 by braider Quote
Billsotx Posted January 27, 2007 Report Posted January 27, 2007 I'm with major and not being cruel to plants. I'm not going to mow my grass anymore ... lol Quote
Members CitizenKate Posted January 27, 2007 Members Report Posted January 27, 2007 (edited) I've heard of a phenomenon known as "food aversion", in which people don't recognize a basic source of their sustenance, like a deer or cow (since slaughterhouses take care of the "dirty work" for us nowadays). If they don't get it from the supermarket, they don't recognise that it's food. People are losing the connection between "beef" and "cattle". The same goes for vegetation that is found in the "wild". So if they were ever in a situation where they had to hunt or forage for their own food, they would actually be repulsed by the idea of having to eat the very thing that sustains them. The military seems to know a lot about this, I suppose because they have to re-train soldiers to be able to survive in a world without supermarkets. PETA seems to have taken this concept to a new level, eh? Kate Edited January 27, 2007 by CitizenKate Quote
Members dsenette Posted January 29, 2007 Members Report Posted January 29, 2007 I've heard of a phenomenon known as "food aversion", in which people don't recognize a basic source of their sustenance, like a deer or cow (since slaughterhouses take care of the "dirty work" for us nowadays). If they don't get it from the supermarket, they don't recognise that it's food. People are losing the connection between "beef" and "cattle". The same goes for vegetation that is found in the "wild".So if they were ever in a situation where they had to hunt or forage for their own food, they would actually be repulsed by the idea of having to eat the very thing that sustains them. that's a wonderfull phenomenon..and it's pretty common place now adays....people forget that before cows where behind nifty little fences on the side of the road..the were running wild...and at some point in our evolutionairy history...we didn't cook them before we ate them... i had a cousin at one point who LOVED and i mean absolutely LOVED deer sausage...she would eat it at every meal if it was one day her dad and brother decided to take her hunting...they shot a buck..she didn't so it was time to clean the beast... " mean...THIS is where my sausage comes from?...i thought they GREW the dear like cows!!!"...uh yeah christie...they plant little deer seeds in a feild...wait a few months and out sprouts some sausage.... she never ate deer sausage (or any other deer meet) again....unless we didn't tell her that the food had deer in it in which case she would always rave about how good the meat tasted and wondered what kind of cow it came from Quote
Members CitizenKate Posted January 29, 2007 Members Report Posted January 29, 2007 I was given a quiz in high school that included the question, "TRUE/FALSE: We eat dead animals." You'd be amazed how many students answered FALSE. I dunno... maybe they were all veggans, ya think? i had a cousin at one point who LOVED and i mean absolutely LOVED deer sausage...she would eat it at every meal if it was one day her dad and brother decided to take her hunting...they shot a buck..she didn't so it was time to clean the beast... " mean...THIS is where my sausage comes from?...i thought they GREW the dear like cows!!!"...uh yeah christie...they plant little deer seeds in a feild...wait a few months and out sprouts some sausage.... she never ate deer sausage (or any other deer meet) again....unless we didn't tell her that the food had deer in it in which case she would always rave about how good the meat tasted and wondered what kind of cow it came from Quote
Contributing Member wolvenstien Posted March 3, 2007 Contributing Member Report Posted March 3, 2007 This thread is funny as hell... I never heard about the PETA killings... I have never been hunting in my life... And I will eat deer in a heartbeat... I know where it comes from, and I am glad to eat it, I would reather eat venison than beef... My oldest sister married a certified northern good old boy... and they had two boys... all three men go hunting in what ever season it happens to be... deer, turkey, whatever... My sister fixes the meat and does a nice venison jerkey... A little on the dry side, but good... she sends me a pound every christmas... it lasts me most of the year and then I start giving it to the dog as treats.... The fact that we as a society dont see the things we used to see in a market 100 years ago had alot to do with the mentality of people who are major leftist or rightist... Not just in the market place but the fact that we dont see things as they happen.... it poisons people... I am totally against harming any thing just for the hell of it... Veal... (if it is true how I grew of leaning how veal is raised) is wrong to me... Fattening up a calf that is restricted to standing in one place, and eating and nothing else until it is killed... thats a bit much and I dont eat veal... I dont go throwing pigs blood (from killed pigs) on the side of a building because I dont agree with how something in an industry is done... Hell... i just had a full slab of Sticky Fingers Dry Memphis Ribs today for lunch... In essance, I killed a pig to have some damn good ribs... when I could have had some nasty defencless salad greens... I am pro Life... I do not bomb clinics... and I dont preach it... You have a situation and you hav an abortion, thats between you and whoever... Unless I was the father then I needed to be informed before hand, but still... there is nothing I could do to stop you from doing it... I see the missinformation as a tool for two things... first being raising money from idiots who want to believe what it put infront of them without having the inteligance to investigate the info to see if it is legit or BS.... the second is also to get these same people to become activists in thier brainless army... Lets face it, you start a cult... you feed abunck of people crap, and you know it is crap as you are disahing it out, but you get people coming to you asking for more of this "nothing but crap"... you gotta think to yourself... if these idiots eat this crap... I could get them to eat any crap... and you feed them crap to mold yourself an army of mindless crap eaters.... that are willing to do your bidding because you obvious crap is what they live for... and they will always come back for more.... And, no, if you try to skin an animal while it is alive it will not stand still patiently waiting for you to finish.... when I was 10-12 I was on a farm setting, and a few of the arse kids decided they were going to go out to the pigs and have some fun... I followed along so I could go smoke away from the adults.... whiule these knuckle heads where trying to catch a pig in the mud, and what not, one of them pulled out a knife and decided he was going to try to skin it.... he got ahold of the pig and was able to cut around its neck, and the pig broke his nose, jaw, and knocked him out and gave him a concution, and busted his head open resulting in around 20 stitches.... the farmer had to kill the pig because of the damage the knife did to the pig.... I'd tool that.... I am going to get a bumper sticker made with a picture of a cow, and it saying "Oooh, Baby! I'd tool that!" Hope ya dont mind! LOL Quote
Contributing Member ClayB Posted March 3, 2007 Contributing Member Report Posted March 3, 2007 (edited) I'd tool that.... I am going to get a bumper sticker made with a picture of a cow, and it saying "Oooh, Baby! I'd tool that!" Hope ya dont mind! LOL Well if the cow could drive, and have a bumper sticker, it might look like this! Edited March 3, 2007 by ClayB Quote
Ambassador The Major Posted March 3, 2007 Ambassador Report Posted March 3, 2007 OMG, I cant stop laughing. Quote
Moderator Johanna Posted March 3, 2007 Author Moderator Report Posted March 3, 2007 Who did that, Clay? I love it!! I drive past herds of milking Holsteins and think, "Nice blankets!" My favorite meal is steak, baked potato and asparagus. I wear leather shoes because they are good for my feet. When man domesticated animals, a portion of society was free to make further advancements, and now we have the Internet. Have any of you been following the anti-whaling terrorists vs. the Japanese whaling fleet? I'm not really sure the ends always justify the means. Ramming someone's keel in Arctic waters on purpose is extreme, and so are bombs. Even Geenpeace was embarrassed, thanks to Japanese diplomacy. (I admit I snickered picturing the heroes hunkered down on the iceberg for the night waiting on a rescue ship) Is it right to hunt whales? I don't know, but is it right to kill people because they disagree? Those are fanatics, like the ones who want to kill anyone who doesn't convert to their religion. And the Japanese use every bit of the whale. They are not shooting buffalo from trains and leaving the bodies to rot to kill off Natives by starving them. They call the whaling season a "harvest", like we do to thin the deer. Better get off my soapbox(es). Johanna Quote
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