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So, I love leatherwork and all and it's paying the bills, but I feel like my mom would be pissed watching me sew away my design degree. As I have about 2.5 semesters left, I'd like to start getting some independent jobs going and not just have student work in my portfolio. heres where yall come in :)

i'd like to do some identity projects. This means logos, letterheads, buisness cards, banners, packaging if you need it, brands, etc... maybe even website redesigns this summer if i get my web skills up to par (working on my site now, i'm more of a print add and logo person so i don't know as much as I should). I'd like to do as many as I can, I figure I can take 2-3 a month maybe if theres a lot of people that would like to give it a go (hell, even if you don' use it i'd love to do it as a portfolio piece). If you just need a logo, or just a buisness card design, that's cool too, I just want to design more. The way it will work is I'll design everything like a professional, not just blindly give you a random identity but listen to what you want and send you sketches, let you pick what you'd like, etc. then when everything's done, i'll send you all the files and you can get them printed at a printer and use them!

Now I know what you're thinking, what's the price? The answer: $0

I want to design more, so I'm not going to take any money from anyone. If you'd like to send a trinket or a nice little tooled scrap for me to use in one of my wallets, I would love that, however this is about practice and getting myself the confidence to go out and interview for jobs when I graduate. plus, i've met so many nice people and learned so much, its all I can do to give back.

so who first?! :)


Heck Corter, Thats an awsome offer.... I'll give it a go!

What do ya need first to get started! I already have my ideas so this ought to be fun!

  • Moderator

This must be Fate. I was thinking about posting a request for someone to please design the board a logo that can be used on stationary to t-shirts... What a kind and generous offer! Leatherworker.net will take you up on it! Thank you!


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Posted (edited)
This must be Fate. I was thinking about posting a request for someone to please design the board a logo that can be used on stationary to t-shirts... What a kind and generous offer! Leatherworker.net will take you up on it! Thank you!


absolutely guys, it seems theres going to be a bunch of people (which is awesome, the more the better and more practce) so what i'll do is write down a list and work my way down it. i could even post progress, sketches, etc. here and everyone could help make some decisions if whoever was getting designed at the time was ok with it!

Edited by corter
  • Ambassador

Corter, that will be a Done Deal, I'll be very willing to trade one of my Bilfolds for your services...

Put me on your list.

What information would you like from me :clapping:

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I've been thinking of designing a new logo for some time. I would be interested. I would also like to see something you've already done.

Troy West

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I'll give it a go. What do ya need?

Posted (edited)


I've been struggling through figuring out the marketing side of things, and I'm doing ok for the most part, considering. What I really need is a web banner for a convention I'm doing in August. It's more on the web design side than print design, but I have absolutely no idea how to do it - do you? Is this something you'd consider adding to your list?

Your mother will be very proud of you. This is a great way to enhance your marketing skills, while also helping people and working within your personal interests. I started out in much this same way, and some of the people I made free things for are now my good friends and returning customers. And, their needs forced my skills into directions I most likely would not have gone on my own. :)


Edited by TCLeathercraft
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I would love for someone with more talent than I have to create a logo for my wife's site and something for me : ) Just let me know what you need.


I'll give it chance. I've been calling what I do SideLine Leather Co. almost since I started with leather. I would appreciate a LOGO for letterhead and business cards. Just let me know what you need, and thanks a heap, Billy P :You_Rock_Emoticon:

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it seems that you will be swamped with work. hope that it doesnt interfere with the school aspect of it all. when you end up getting a little downtime, in say a few months, keep me in mind, an we will figure out what Id like to have done

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it seems that you will be swamped with work. hope that it doesnt interfere with the school aspect of it all. when you end up getting a little downtime, in say a few months, keep me in mind, an we will figure out what Id like to have done

cool, i'm going to get everyones name in a list and start right away. first up are Froghunter and our leading lady, johanna! i'm honored to get us a new logo for the site, so this is going to be fun :)

keep em coming if you'd like to get on the list, I'm totally down to have all the design work this summer

  • Ambassador

put me on the list, heck put me on the list twice.

  • Ambassador

Corter, I think I better get in here quick before this wonderful offer ends to high demand.

Beaverslayer Custom Leather should be a good challange for you. Presently I really don't have a logo, I did carve a back piece for the vest I wear each day, but it's nothing that I really would call a logo.

Thanks for the wondeful offer.



I have a logo that Daryl and others have helped me with. It is very nearly completed but for a few minor tweaks. I just haven't had the time lately to sit down and think along those lines. I would absolutely love to see what you can do with the Corel Draw files I already have created.

Thanks for the offer,



I also would like a logo done. I have a "brand" I would like incorperated into the logo/maker's stamp. I will PM you later with a drawing.




Whilst, i don't need a logo I am writing to congratulate you on restoring yet more of my faith in humanity. This site, its people, people like you have al most completely changed my view on humanity. It needed changin'. Keep it up and I might start admitting to being human again....

Joking aside a really nice gesture.... I applaud you. :clapping::dance::thumbsup::cheers:

  • Contributing Member

If you have room on the list I am looking for a business card size stamp/logo ideas. I just went legal with the state and city as "Nygaard Custom Leatherworks" and would like to emboss my scrap leather as cards I can distro to paying customers. Have'nt really settled on products yet other than holsters, belts, bags, wristbands and cases, still experimenting and making whatever strike me at the time. If you get to it I can give you more info through a PM. Jordan

  • Contributing Member

Hold the train, I'm jumpin' on too!

My wife and a friend are starting a horse based business, can definitely use your skills, Corter. And, for mine, later on, waaaaaaaay down the road, I'll come back to you.

Hey folks, how about this situation? Instead of doing stuff to get leather, now we're doing leather to get stuff! Corter is a lucky guy to get paid in leather- heck, he might be able to start his own gallery with all the pieces we send him. Corter, PM me a list of whatever you need.


Sign me up too!!! Great offer and we all really appreciate it. I'd like a maker stamp and a logo. I have one piece of artwork to incoporate into both. The name of my business is Drunk Horse Leather..........and before PETA gets involved its a long story and does not involve alcohol or any member of the equine family........although it sounds like it does.

Let me know what you need.



Corter, you are an answer to prayer. I would like to get in too. Send me a pm if/when you get to me and let me know what you need.

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Posted (edited)

wow, thanks guys, theres so many of yall! i'm working on a couple right now, in the summer i may be able to do one a week and get everyone's done by fall. I'm finishing up my own right now, I just printed some packaging and i'm working on my website, waiting on my stamp to come in early next week. Just keep posting in this thread if you'd like one, i'm going to use it as my list. pictures of my packaging/logo and more logos to come :)

Edited by corter
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a couple people wanted to see some of my work, so here's a little sneak peak at m new branding. this is a bag that wallets will ship in, there's also a box and some packaging that i'm not done printing. everything's hand printed, designed by myself. I really wanted to stay far away from the "leatherwork" stereotype, no bull horns/motorcycles because my customers aren't really that type. I went with a more crafty theme- etch like illustration and handset-looking type with a classic typeface a la mid 1800's new england


more coming later :)

  • Ambassador

Very classy way to ship your wallets Corter, and your design looks great. Now I'm going to have to look into such an idea to ship my vests in, like the cover your suit jacket comes in, I like the burlap idea a lot.


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