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Hey all! Long time no talk!

I just wanted to drop you all a line and let everyone know I am still here and still trying to work some crap out.

Seems like no matter how bad you think things can be, there is always the possibility of worse things that could happen.

For example: I thought I was in a bad situation a while back with my wife. Well, that has taken a back seat to the fact that my dad

has recently been diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gerhigs disease). If you dont know what that is, it is a disease with no cure

and an almost 100% falality rate within 2 years. We have a second opinion apt. scheduled for Sept. 4 at

Washington University in St. Louis.

I do want everyone that has PM'd me with all the nice messages that I really do appreciate the thoughts very much.

Regarding all you crazy people that have sent monitary support, I thank you very much also and I absolutely intend on holding up my

end of the deal with the custom wallet give-away.

Johanna, thank you for providing this site, for if it did not exist, I would not have such an amazing group of generous and supportive friends.

I plan on paying everything forward in the future and you can bank on the fact that I will do everything I can to help insure a little bit of the

future of Leatherworker.net

Thats it for now. Again, Thank you all very much.


  • Members

Glad to see your back, our prayers are with you!


Good to see you Kevin!

Sorry to hear about your Dad. I know what that is like. Keep the faith and just BE THERE for him.

We are here if you need us!

  • Ambassador

thanks for letting us know how you are going....good luck with your dad

  • Moderator

Glad to hear from you, Kevin, just wish that all your news was good. Sorry about your father...that just bites.

LW is a wonderful place, isn't it? Like a big family.

hugs {{Kevin}}



So sorry to hear about your Dad. You're in my prayers.


  • Members

Glad to see you back around Kevin. I hope everything went well with your fathers second appointment.

Hope you can get back to some leatherwork soon as it may be theraputic for ya.


been thinking about you kevin!

thanks for popping in and giving us a heads up.

contiued prayers for you and your dad


Thank you guys for your nice words.

Well, Just got back from the Dr. apt. in St. Louis last night and it is confirmed. My dad has ALS.

  • Members
Thank you guys for your nice words.

Well, Just got back from the Dr. apt. in St. Louis last night and it is confirmed. My dad has ALS.

Sorry to hear the news Kevin. I'm sure guys were optomistic about a different outcome. Best wishes

  • Members


You and your dad are in my prayers.

I went through ALS with my mother, so I know what you're up against.

Best wishes,


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