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:rockon: :fire: :trumpet::banana::notworthy::clapping:

I was sick without this forum. I am happy to know that we have such dedication to feeding our addiction. Thanks Kate, thanks Johanna, and all else who were/are involved in breathing life back into this board.


  • Ambassador

dito all the above posts i was geting grumpy the last few days and wondering what went wrong and not enjoying the morning coffee reading through all the good posts, well done to all envolved geting the forum up and running again, i just love this place, Don

  • Members

The shakes and shear panic is starting to subside! Thanks for all the work, and just in time, I'm not sure I would have made it another day!!! :thumbsup:

  • Members

Thanks Johanna. Thanks Kate. Back to normal thanks for what ever you did.

  • Members

I would also like to say a BIG THANK YOU to everyone that had a hand in getting the board back up. Mike


Ya know, I didn't realize just how many times a day I scan this board.....until it was down. Thanks Johanna, for getting it back up and running so quickly, and for all the hard work you're doing to restore the old stuff.

  • Members

Thank God for Johanna, Kate, and all the others that got this site up and running. Now I can cancel the 12 Step program for leather worker withdrawal that I was going to enroll in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was on the site the night it went down. The first 4 hours I was annoyed and figured it was a temporary thing. Tried the next morning and the site was still down and I started to get the shakes and a facial twitch. Tried later that day and it was still down, nearly went into convulsions!!!!!!!!!! Started looking for a withdrawal program to wean me off of Leatherworker.net, and the wasn't any such group!!!!!!!!!!! Figured I might give AA a try!! Nearly went out of my mind, my wife says it wouldn't take very long!!!!! Then Johanna posted the update about getting the site up and running again. I feel soooooooooooooooooo much better now; it's great to be back from the brink of insanity!!! :-)



Wow! Glad the forum is back, thanks everyone who did all the hard work! :thumbsup:

And I'm also glad it wasn't my fault it went down! :rolleyes:

  • Ambassador

I don't get it, did i miss something ???


I can only image the panic and the what the #%#@$ it took to get the site back up. Then to straighten it out. OH MY !!

Three cheers for those that got the lights back on.

Hip Hip Horay !!

Hip HIP Horay !!!



I wish i could of helped but hey who we kiddin here, I'm a freak not a geek.


Hey All,

I'm real glad we got our forum back. While we were off line, I found myself checking for updates a little to often and not doing enough leather work. Now life is again worth living thanks to Johanna and her I.T. Crew. :clapping:



It's so funny, we've all come to love this forum. Truth is it's lots of fun. I find myself checking for new posts several times a day when I should be workin'. The wife says, "You're addicted to that now", whats she know anyway.... :red_bandana: :angel_not:

Special thanks to Johanna and the team who work so hard to make this all happen. I didn't realize how much work is involved until something goes wrong like the server crash. The very least I can do is encourage everyone who uses this board to support it. Just so the funds are there to have a good server that can handle the traffic... well enough said.... :blahblahblah::blahblahblah::blahblahblah:

This is a great spot to learn from others in the leather industry, to make great friends and encourage one another..


  • Members

Help,,i'm not complaining,,just wondering,,,what happened,,

should i rebuild my page or am i jumping the gun and we havn't got that far,,

also did we loose some of the past talks??

i'm happy we're back,,whee haw

what thread do i go to to follow whats been going on,,guess somthing fried.

  • Contributing Member


If you go to the leatherworker.net home page you can read some of the details. Also the Restoring Old Posts topic under Announcements and Administrivia will give you more information. Sounds like they saved everything up till December 27th except for the pictures posted since October sometime. They will get them back up, but it will take time as they have to talk nice enough to make the computers happy again after they got so mad on January 3rd. (stupidcomputers) (Oops, that set us back another few minutes. Sorry!)

  • Moderator

:yes: Yep! What Denise said!


(add to list: see if "stupidcomputers.com" is available!)

  • Ambassador

Sorry Johanna, that domain name is already taken.


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