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OK, I will show off a little bit. I will do it without photos or other accompaniment.

Started doing leather work in 1972 as a young police officer with two hungry kids to feed and a mortgage payment to make. If I wanted something for myself I had to learn how to make it because I certainly couldn't afford to buy anything. Pretty soon the folks I worked with noticed and started asking me to do work for them, and I launched a moderately productive part-time hobby business that spanned more than 30 years.

Fast forward to the early 21st Century; as the economy circled the toilet bowl and my other business interests were drying up I decided to offer some of my holsters and accessories via on-line sales. Within a few months I had more orders than I could keep up with. Within a year or so I was renting production space and hiring trainees, then renting larger spaces and hiring more help. For about 8-1/2 years the business consumed every minute of my life, no days off, no weekends, no holidays, no vacations. I shipped orders to all 50 US states and 33 other countries.

Two years ago I retired. Sold the business to a good family who continue to produce my designs and products on the original business model, and they are doing very well.

Now I am retired. No mortgage. No debt. No stress. Seven figures in the bank.

I did not plan it this way, but it worked out better than I could have planned. Now I can get up every morning and say NYAH NYAH NYAH NYAH NYAH to anyone who expects me to do anything.

The ultimate "show off" post. Top this if you can!


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you have set the bar

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Wow... can anybody really top that? That's a great experience. 

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I would be envious... but really this reads as follows:

Man works hard, cashes in on the fruits of his labour.

Well deserved I reckon.

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I am inspired and I am sure you des3rve very well earned nyah you utter.

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And while he did not say it, . . . Lobo inspired many of us with some of the things he did, . . . his quickness to help anyone who asked him, . . . and both for the forum members who benefitted, . . . and for myself personally, . . .

Thanks, Lobo, . . . you have been a friend to all of us, . . . a mentor, . . . and an inspiration.

THIS  is the American model, . . . free enterprise doing well.

May God bless,


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A big "Thank You" to you, Lobo!  Your willingness to share your knowledge and experience are most appreciated, especially by us budding leather workers. Your detailed posts on the inner workings of your leather business are inspiring and to be modeled upon...if it ain't broke, don't try to fix it! Your "Nyah, Nyah, Nyah, Nyah's" are well earned, Sir! Enjoy!


I've got six figures in the bank....if you count the two on the right side of the decimal   



Thanks to all for the kind thoughts.

Retirement is good, except for the getting old part. Third great-grandchild is due in a week or so.

Life is good. Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah.

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I did a little simple math some time ago... One year of retirement is equivalent to 32 years or so of working.  As in, you get the same number of vacation days in one year of retirement that you would working 32 years, at 10 days off per working year (remove the weekends, rounding acceptable here).  Powerful incentive to save for an early retirement.  Congratulations on building a successful business, and having a successful exit strategy.  May you live long and healthy and blessed.


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