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All the talk in older posts about "personal protection items" have kinda inspired me to also have a go at making one. Here it is. Several layers of scrap vegtan. Dyed with a local spirit dye that didn't take too well, hand stitched with a 1.0 mm thick woven brown acrylic thread, stitch spacing done with an overstitch wheel at 4.8 mm length in an edge groove. Edge beveled with a Ivan tools no 2 beveler (only one I have...) What else? Oh yes, it is filled not with lead shot. I couldn't get hold of refill shot at the gun shop, they're sold out, so I opted to use some discontinued coins that are no longer legal tender. Their original value was 2c each, and the sap contains 30 coins.


Here's a picture of it's innards. Since this is an instrument that will live in my car door, I used scrap leather. My stock of usable scrap is at a serious low, so I had to make do with joining the piece that is sandwiched by skiving two suitable pieces and glueing it together before completing the construction. Additionally, to ensure that the coins don't move around too badly, they are in welted enclosure.


Here's a picture of the welts loaded up and ready to be closed with a piece of upholstery leather.


And here's the stitching in progress...


Final thickness at the business end: 15 mm, this photo is of the "handle" side.



Edited by Riem
Fixed mistake.
  • 2 months later...
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Be aware of the laws in your jurisdiction before making or carrying something like this.

That being said, very good work.


I have never made one, used one or seen a sap in the flesh, but I am wondering if a wrist strap might be a good idea on something like this. That would hopefully help you hold onto it in a confrontation and/or when using it.

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I think I may make one of these. Looks cool.

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I believe that the use of lead shot is to spread the weight around the shape of the head rather than have sharp parts or solids in one place which might kill rather than stun or knockout

On 23/12/2018 at 4:12 AM, twc said:

Be aware of the laws in your jurisdiction before making or carrying something like this.

That being said, very good work.

Significantly, there's a wealth of information online regarding this, likely to be unlawful in UK, also appears to be in many US states.

There are some ways and some states where they're ok, but in UK even manufacture may be unlawful, it is odd, but the legislation is a bit woolly worded to give LEOs room to decide.

There's a great example where a bath sponge can be considered a weapon due to the intent of the carrier.

Intriguing use of coins as weights, though.


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Legal to own here in Canada. Use of it will be a different story depending on circumstances.

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That looks like it will bring the ouchie. Good job.

  • 3 weeks later...
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Legal to own here in the U.S. however legal to carry various state to state and because laws are fun it's a whole other animal if you actual use it. As for novelty I'm making one right now, just filling it with #5 lead shot. The coins are cool and would hurt but lead shot or even powdered lead is used so the force is all impact and not abrasive implement. Getting hit with a solid or semi solid weight might gash someone while powder or birdshot will just transfer the kinetic energy. Still could break skin but more likely to just stun. Definitely look up any local laws especially if you've been commissioned to make one, the sale of a felonious weapon carries a serious charge. All and all if you put 10 ounces of lead shot packed tightly in a leather strap it's definitely a one way ticket to napsville.

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That is a very nice design. I have been making jack saps for many years that is how I got started in leather. I always loved impact weapons. I sell these at gun shows as novelty items along with my gun belts. The state police never have said anything about them other then I wish I could still use these. The state I live in they are Illegal to carry. Nice work.....



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I’ve been playing around making saps. Here’s a pic of my first attempts. My tooling has improved since then!



  • 6 years later...
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I've seen a number of items for sale on Amazon called "Weighted leather bookmark" the descriptions and reviews are very ambiguous which makes it difficult to figure out if they are a play on words or legitimately referring to to their use as a bookmark. They are identical to a sap except for having a weight at both ends. Less ambiguous are the tire thumpers which look like batons. 

  • Contributing Member

They might be magnetic book/page markers [?]

Like these;

Magnetic book mark, 05LWs.jpg

Magnetic book mark, 06LWs.jpg

  • 1 month later...
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I fill mine with BB's cheap and easy to find:yes:

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