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Just venting over bad customer behavior....

I love making things out of leather, but the longer I do this, the more I HATE dealing with idiot customers. Maybe 99 out of 100 customers are nice and polite, but that one sure does make up for the rest. Just finished (I hope) dealing with one of those idiots on Ebay. he bought a holster and in the purchase note/instructions he told me that I was to leave him feedback immediately and he would "consider" leaving me feedback once he received the item. I didn't think anything about it, I leave feedback once every few weeks when i have time. On the day he received his holster, he sent me this scathing message literally yelling and demanding that I leave him feedback. I replied that I would when I get around to it.  Two minutes later, he leaves a negative feedback stating that I didn't leave him feedback. I called Ebay and of course they removed his comment, so the guy messages me again because he's mad that Ebay removed his negative feedback. He's a COMPLETE pompous ass, so I told him that I blocked him from ever purchasing from me gain and that I wasn't going to leave feedback for him under ANY circumstances.  Today, I get an "official" message from Ebay telling me that a message I had sent another Ebay member was reported for inappropriate and "threatening" content. Of course it was the message I sent the idiot. He felt that my blocking him from purchasing from me again was "threatening" to him. This made me say just about every curse word I know, in the same sentence.

Ebay's "official" conclusion was:   "We're taking a neutral position regarding the report we received, but if we continue to receive similar reports, we'll have to investigate."

There needs to be a blacklist so we can all block idiots like this. 

-->end of rant....



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You can’t fix stupid but sometimes stupid needs fixed so they cannot pass the stupid gene along. 

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And from the world of "Corporate Non-chalant-ness" Ebay of course told you to behave...

I was kicked off a similar "arts" selling site for telling a customer no refund- she bought an item, wore it (posted pics to her FaceBok page wearing the damn thing out to a party) then tried to return it after 20 days... 

You sir- deserve a beer (OR a good stiff glass of Glenlivet if you were here!) Bravo and cheers to you! 

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I'm happy to shout you a beer  ...or two for that  @GaryNunn

As I often say, " theres one in every bunch" . 

I don't do social media.....period . Never have never will.  I don't sell on ebay because of  the  same/ similar pitfalls as social media .  While there are some  good honest people on both platforms, .........there are also the idiots . 

I could have a rant of my own in educating the ' uninitiated'  ( of the 'discount shop ilk' )  about  hand crafted,   but thats another story .

I have a little sign here on my computer desk: 

 " I'm not fluent in IDIOT, so please speak slowly & clearly"     :rofl:




  • Contributing Member
Posted (edited)
11 hours ago, GaryNunn said:

Just venting over bad customer behavior....

There needs to be a blacklist so we can all block idiots like this. 

There kinda is.

You can block him in your ebay settings.

In the past I and a few friends have shared the names of numpties like this one so each of us could block them

~~~  A bit of yours and a bit of SilverForgeStudio's experiences.:

My #1 son used to sell 2nd BMW car parts on ebay. One guy bought an engine head. a high performance one. About 10 days later the guy put in a claim that the head was cracked. My son gave proof to ebay that the head was perfect when sent out. Ebay dropped the case. But the seller took it to court. He wanted his couple of hundred ££ plus the mechanic's fees etc back. My son waited till it was in court then he provided the judge with photos of the head in place and the car racing at a track event and a statement from a track official which stated that the seller had raced but had pulled out of the finals due to a wrecked engine. Even the judge knew you can't race on a cracked engine head. Not only case dismissed but #1 was awarded costs. #1 son used to attend a lot of the car track events and photograph cars he supplied parts for as a kinda personal record of them.

edit: PS. Its soooo tempting but I never respond to the rude messages from other ebayers. I just report them to ebay then block them from bidding / buying



Edited by fredk
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11 hours ago, Hildebrand said:

You can’t fix stupid but sometimes stupid needs fixed so they cannot pass the stupid gene along. 

They live and breed amongst us.

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dBay and their ex-wife Paypal will NEVER under any circumstance stand behind their sellers.


Yep, You did well in all aspects except letting this get under your skin. I've been doing eBay since 2000. I've come to the conclusion that you will come across a wingnut like this every thousand customers. Many do exactly what this guy did with you. It's like they live for feedback. I leave feedback in bulks about once a month since eBay made it meaningless. When eBay decided sellers could not leave honest feedback for a buyer the entire feedback system became a waste of time. As far as eBay giving you the warning notice, don't sweat it, I've got dozens over the years. I've talked to CSR's on the phone that told me those are canned responses that go out automatically if someone reports a message whether there actually is a threat in there or not.

 My favorite dirtbag customer story...about two years ago sold a guy something, don't remember what it was. He said he never received it, tracking said he received it 3 days after he bought it, signed for at his address. Guy gets really pissed when eBay sides with me and tells him to go pound sand. Starts telling me how he is going to tell everyone about my bad business practices....blah, blah, blah.. I block him on eBay and don't respond to him at all. I also do business on Facebook under the same name so I looked him up on Facebook and blocked him from going on my biz page and posting. He apparently tried and became even more pissed. This is when he actually got around to real threats. Starting messaging me telling me how he was a bad ass biker and that him and his brothers were going to ride to Utah from Louisiana and kill me. So...while I figured this was all bravado and BS I decided I was done playing with this whack job. Figured I had his name and address, I would contact his local police and see if they wanted to talk to him about these threats. I did a google search on the guys name and address before I did and holy shit! The guy was on parole and was on the sex offender registry for rape and murder of a 14 year old girl in the 70's. Found the number for his local police, called and talked to them. They said they would investigate and that was all they would tell me. Looked up the local police blotter for his county later that week and found he had been arrested for a parole violation.

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I had a guy ask for a refund on a holster.  He had ordered 2 holsters about 6 months apart.  He provided pictures of the 6 month old holster in the message for the holster he just bought.  I responded that the pictures sent were not of the holster he purchased but didn't let him know I knew about the first holster.  Based on the zoomed in pics I'm not even sure it was a pic of my holster.  Blocked him after sending the message telling him that was not the correct holster.  

Agreed to refund a holster without my usual pics sent first.  Got it back and it was badly scorched with a heat gun.  Blocked that guy too.  

And I've gotten pretty good at weeding the difficult ones out by their questions and moving them along.  

I'll take care of legit problems.  But I won't hesitate to block folks that are trying to jerk me around.  

  • CFM

I have to admit I am the worlds worst at leaving feed back, the way i see it, if you do not hear from me, every thing is good.

if you do hear from me. it is because their is a screw up.

in all honesty,  I have been buying from ebay for years and have left maybe 3 feed backs

lol...i had no idea some guys get twitterpated that you do not stroke their egos


come to think about it...thumbs up, and voting nice nice on forums is kinda the same thing, what good does it do?

can you get a coupon for so many likes?  or a free t-shirt?  no,  it is ego stroking,,



  • 2 weeks later...
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On 9/25/2019 at 5:48 PM, Studio-N said:

dBay and their ex-wife Paypal will NEVER under any circumstance stand behind their sellers.

some even become presidents )

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