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    Leatherworking excellence, education, entertainment & fellowship for all.

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  1. It was yard sale week in town. Everyone has "leather" sofas made of plastic. No one believes it is plastic, so I keep my mouth shut. I was looking for bookshelves, of course. ~Johanna
  2. How do I delete some of the postings I started but do not need anymore or there were no responses to, but I found my answer elsewhere.


  3. I no longer wish to receive email messages from leatherworker.net.  Please remove me from your site.

    Thank you

    Reins Mom

  4. Since I joined Leatherworker, I've started a leather business. I'm on Instagram under my business name, and would like to change my user name on Leatherworker to my business name also for consistency. Can I do that? And if I can, how do I do it?

  5. Hello Administrator!

    I'm hopping to get some help deleting a couple "New Topics" I posted in the Sewing Machine section. My computer was acting up and I didn't think it had posted, but ended up posting my message 3 times! 3rd one was the one that worked, with photo of my machine. Can you please delete the first two? Heading of Topic reads,


    Commercial Singer Treadle (motorized) w/96-10 Head
    My apologies for the goof up!
    Thanks so much!
  6. I can't upload a picture, I use an iPhone. And have tried all settings on the camera to no avail.

    i keep getting the file to big message.

    it is very frustrating as I see threads with dozens of pictures on it.

    thanks for anything you can do or suggest.


  7. Hi Admin,

    Sorry for being a pain, but can you move my thread from "Leather Machinery" to "Leather Sewing machines?"  My post is here:

    Or maybe you would prefer for me to delete it?




  8. Hope you can help.  I want to delete pics from my albums but I don't have a "my gallery" link to delete the pics.  After searching around and trying to figure it out, I have decided to delete the albums altogether but can't find a way to do that either. Can you help me?

  9. hi my names dave i have a couple  of leather projects i made 30years ago i would like to show your site how do i download a picture to this site please


  10. Good morning/afternoon,

    Can someone at Admin. level explain to me why all the photo's were removed from the "Site" Tools of a Swiss Saddler?

    This was one of the most informative sites on Leatherworker. net.  Walter Roth was, and is, a wealth of information in all facets of

    saddlery, upholstering, harness making, care of tools, identification of tools and other topics regarding leather both current & historical, the loss of his photo's on this site as a reference is a backward step.

    I am sure if you contacted him he would set you straight about his views on the loss of his photo,s without notifying him.





    1. Johanna


      *Some* of the pictures on this site were not transferred correctly during the last update, and are not showing properly. I am working to get this resolved ASAP. If you have any other complaints please let me know directly. Thank you.

  11. until
    25th Annual Boot & Saddle Makers Trade Show Wichita Falls Texas This two day event has something for everyone. With over 100 vendors and exhibitors. There are Seminars, Demos, many items on exhibit and/or for sale.Leather, Lasts, Saddle Trees, Hardware, Findings, Silver Trim, Accessories, Boot and Saddle Tools & Machinery. Awards are given out on Saturday starting at 5:00pm in the evening.
  12. until
    Pendleton Leather Show The show is open to the public and at no charge, however, everyone will be required to register. The easiest way to do this is by visiting the Online Registration page or calling us at 307-674-6679. If you pre-register, your name badge will be waiting for you at the door and you will be able to enter the show when the doors open at 9 AM. This will save everyone time waiting in line–leaving more time to shop! Bring plenty of business cards to make purchasing easier and quicker– many vendors require names and addresses especially when using a credit card. If there is a class you are interested in, but did not sign up for, we may be able to squeeze you in. Please ask at the Registration area as soon as you arrive. The show hours are 9AM-5PM both days. We have home-cooked lunch available both days, so please plan on eating at the show.
  13. Is there any formus reading apps out there that you can read this forum on. Or is there anyway to post pics using your smart phone. The only Internet I have is on my phone.

  14. All content on this site is free to anyone interested in it, and always will be as long as I have anything to say about it. Contributing Members are the Blue folks that have donated money to the board. You can purchase a package by clicking the subscriptions link on the top toolbar if you are so inclined. or donate any amount by using PayPal on the sidebar. Blue people get bigger inboxes and more site permissions, for example, they can upload bigger files, use html in their signatures, and have full video privileges. If you're blue, the rules aren't very strict. Mainly, we use blue folks as guinea pigs when we are testing a new feature. They put up with us and give honest feedback. Donations are not tax deductible, but you do get that warm fuzzy feeling from helping. If you are buying something from one of our sponsors, please tell them that you saw their ad here. If you want to run an ad and reach 1000s of leatherworkers, we can help you on any budget. Kate, the Directory Admin, has staff from her business to make you custom banners and eye catching branding, and she can get you the best placement for your specialty so customers can find you. If you want standard forum banner ads, let me know and I'll work with you. I would be lying if I didn't mention the new server costs 5 times what we used to pay and I am nervous about paying the bills. I tell myself, if the people like what we are doing, they will support us,and we'll be okay. If they don't choose to advertise here, or donate, LW will go away, because we can't afford it. We have a lot of options for advertising, and your ads will be seen by thousands of potential customers, many of whom have asked me how to disable their ad blocking software so that they DO see the ads here. Google is catching on to the directory, and thousands are shopping in there for finished goods and leather and supplies. Our basic listings for producers of leatherwork are free, but the enhanced advertising allows more pics and keywords and priorities in the searches. If you just want to bring your site more attention, oh my, we can help with that! Google loves us. What? You said your site looks terrible and hasn't been updated since your brother-in-law's ex-girlfriend's sister moved away? We have a cure for that, too- www.studio2dawgs.com But the most important thing is that you visit the site, share your experiences and pictures, and participate in the conversations. Yes, if you can help financially,. great, but leatherworker.net isn't going to ever cost you a penny if you don't want it to. It was meant to be a free resource to all leatherworkers, and it always will be. If you want to advertise here, let us know, and we'll help you get a campaign organized that's just right for your target customers and your business. We'll share what we've learned about what works and what doesn't. Thank you all for caring enough to keep the board alive. We couldn't do it without you. Johanna
  15. Read your PMs from Admin please

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