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Status Updates posted by Spinner

  1. best source for lift the dot snap sets?

  2. Just realized how long it's been since I posted any pics, will have to remedy that.

  3. cool deal, that's the best thing is to keep your hands going on the leather...too easy to forget the little things! Hope hubby heals quickly, surgery sucks. Don't forget to post pics when you're done adjusting. As for me, same as usual - busy as a one armed paper hanger. Just posted a big update thread and have more coming soon...

  4. I saw you stopped by this morning so I thought I throw you a heya...how's the armor making going?

  5. LeatherBurnishers.com is now the official home of Ed & Beary LaBarre's popular BearMauls leatherworking mauls! http://leatherburnishers.com/BearMauls.html

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LNLeather


      On the shipping info page it says The online shopping cart will be installed soon, so as long as you can pay by pay pal, that would be the best. there is also an email address if you have any questions...

    3. Spinner


      IP - Yeah, I've mentioned this to Ed. As LNL mentioned, shopping cart should be online later this month and Paypal will be an option so hopefully that will help some. From what I hear, Beary is buried in orders so it seems to be going OK. ;)

    4. Iron Pounder

      Iron Pounder

      Ya that will help some but for example I sen a few emails and never heard a single thing back so I gave up. If I would have had a number to call I would have. Anyway to each his own if he stays busy then I wouldn't change a thing.

  6. First true Sheridan tooling on a 3MC tank bib coming up. A big THANKS to King's X for the patternwork!

  7. Just got a request for a whaletail tank bib with dual 1911 Colt 45 holsters and two mag holders integrated into it...no so sure about that one.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Bard Skye

      Bard Skye

      How much tank would this have to cover just to *hold* 2 .45's?

    3. Bard Skye

      Bard Skye

      If ya make it, be sure to post it.

      This, I *gotta* see!

    4. Spinner


      I went with LNL's thoughts and declined the job...I can just imagine what he could want this for aside from the 'holy crap' factor.

  8. One of my pieces made it into a regional motorcycle mag gallery from the Memorial Day rides...a small step in the right direction! http://kickstandup.smugmug.com/2012Events/05282012-The-Ride-to-Remember/23247987_njBVTn/1874936283_2cNwjn7#!i=1874936283&k=2cNwjn7

    1. LNLeather


      I am sure this is gonna make a lotta peole happy! Very Nice and Professional looking website. BTW - I Love both my burnishers!

    2. chancey77


      I knew you would NEVER just quit! NEVER SAY DIE! GOOD FOR YOU!!

    3. mcn


      Just put in my order.

  9. Woohoo, my bosses gave me some Bday $$ to get myself a Knipschield custom knife...can't wait to try it out!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. LNLeather


      Hm hm hm hm hm hm

      Hm hm hm hm hm hm

      Hm hm hm hm Dear Chris

      Hm hm hm hm to you!

    3. BondoBobCustomSaddles


      Don't cut yourself!!Ha Ha

    4. Knipper


      Let me know what you'd like

      and I'll get right on it!

      Happy Birthday!!!


  10. just got an order to tool & paint "St. Michael vanquishes Satan" by Guido Reni on a tank bib...this should be a good challenge! http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/6/68/Guido_Reni_031.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Pounder


      Should be a piece of cake for you

    3. Sylvia


      I'm with Crystal, I want to see it

      when you are finished.

    4. scottishshoemaker


      good pic, finished pics please!!

  11. just got an order to tool & paint "St. Michael vanquishes Satan" by Guido Reni on a tank bib...this should be a good challenge!

  12. Now that I have the nuances figured out...Flickr > Photobucket

  13. 5 bibs down, 2 to go! Then I can start on Christmas presents for my family...nothing like cutting it close!

  14. 4 tank bibs down, 3 to go! my hands are so freaking chapped from working the late nights in a cold shop...lol

    1. Ferg



      You need an old dog curled up at your feet.

    2. Kcinnick


      We have had highs around 70 and lows around 60 all week long.

    3. Bard Skye

      Bard Skye

      Sounds like it's time to invest in a shop heater.

  15. One man, 7 tank bibs, 3 gas tanks, 10 days to finish...almost feels like Reality TV!

    1. reddevil76


      sounds like what my boss calls a happy problem!

    2. Techsew Ron
  16. Power is 100% back on finally. Time to get the shop rolling again!

    1. Sylvia


      Good for you! One never realizes how

      much we rely on electricity until its

      gone for a week.

    2. Kcinnick


      I know it had to feel good to hear that humm come back. Its amazing how good the sound is in Louisiana during August.

  17. 80-100 mph winds last night...I thought Chicago was supposed to be the Windy City?! No power for 2-7 days according to power co. ;(

    1. Kcinnick


      I feel your pain. I had extended power outages for Katrina and Gustav.

    2. LNLeather


      That is scary weather... I Just hope "You & your family" are safe & sound... Also hope you have a wood stove & candles. take care!

  18. now accepting Dwolla payments

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Catchndreams


      Me To Dennis from Durango

    3. Catchndreams


      Me To Dennis from Durango

    4. Spinner


      I just started playing with it but the idea of a flat $0.25 fee for any amount is too intriguing!

  19. Getting old sucks...just had to call SLC to have them look up what I ordered a few days ago. LOL

    1. LNLeather


      You're not alone........

    2. celticleather


      Three problems with getting old . . . first the memory goes, then . . . can't remember the other two!

    3. Bevan


      oldtimers ,,,, yep I know what ya say-n

  20. I find it strange that there isn't a standard "Made in the USA" leather stamp out there already

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Spinner


      Thanks WB, I found on by Studio N that I liked with "Made in America" inside the outline of the USA.

    3. WinterBear


      Even better than the letterpress I saw then. They were all shield shaped.

    4. gunter
  21. New shop space is huge and coming together...now to finish unpacking, assembling and sorting all while working on client projects...woohoo!

  22. woohoo! Beary custom maul is ordered with a nicely figured Amboyna Burl handle! (pays to have a nice collection of exotic wood handy)

    1. LNLeather


      You're gonna love it! Besides being the proud owner of a "Bearman" maul and a Beautiful work of art, it is a Fantastic tool and you will enjoy using it - Every Time you pick it up.....

    2. tat2


      Just got mine From Beary Cobolo and olive I think,Amazing work!

  23. A good one for the car/gearhead folks out there...http://kalecoauto.com/

  24. The internet is the worlds biggest filing cabinet and trash can combined into one.

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