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Everything posted by Norwegian

  1. "Knotty"?
  2. It stays there, just like on a car.. Mix it right, put it on, shape it, let it dry, and sand it.. This is a tree that was "rebuilt/changed".. It was originally covered with rawhide, but ended up re-covered in "plastic".. It's now used as a hobby/trail saddle.. Hope this helps some.. Rik
  3. That is a beautiful saddle! Rik
  4. Do you have any contact information or website? Thank you! Rik
  5. Picked up the "new" machine today.. An old Rapid E stitcher.. Anyone know where I might find Service manuals, user manuals etc? The machine needs an "overhaul" and cleaning and it always feels better with some written instructions when taking a "new" machine apart.. Rik
  6. My answer is that you absolutely have the skill to make a saddle. Putting a saddle together really is not that complicated.. A good start is Stohlmans 3 books/encyclopedias on saddlemaking. They are basic and pretty easy to follow.. And some knowledge about horses and their anatomy is something you need to have.. Do you have a saddlemaker in your area? The smart saddlemakers knows that it's an art that is slowly leaving us.. And they love to teach someone that can bring the knowledge on.. The real challenge is making a saddle that fits the horse (and rider).. I've learned that it takes time and mistakes to learn this.. I'm learning, and I hope I will never stop learning. But making saddles is fun, and horses are sweet animals, so don't hesitate! Make your first saddle! The worst thing that might happen is that you learn something new, and you might have to start over again.. Just rip it off and start over with the same tree!! No big deal.. Rik
  7. Hi! Call Jeff at http://www.greyghostgraphics.com/ He can help you with the logo! Rik
  8. Hi! You can try calling Jack Jones, J & J Saddle Co, in Nebraska.. (308)665-1633 Jack is a great saddlemaker, famous in his younger days.. Made saddles for the White House, has some work at the Smithsonian etc.. Has had shops in Texas, the midwest and further east.. He knows how to make a saddle that fits both the horse and the cowboy.. I was lucky to stop by his small shop two years ago. Somehow I talked him into teaching me his way of making saddles.. I know he takes on students now and then, give him a call and try.. Rik
  9. Updating website and waiting for new maker stamps!

  10. looong day.. would trade my horses and dog for a silent gold fish today..

  11. Sweet! LOVE your "tag-line"!
  12. Thank you Mike! I'll take a look at proleptic.. Sad that it's so hard to find good literature on english saddles.. Rik
  13. Thank you Luke! I'll see if I can make something to try on the dog! Rik
  14. Does anyone know where to find books about english saddle making? I can't seem to find any..
  15. So, I have a little more(a side) of latigo than I need for tack right now.. Any ideas what latigo can be used for besides horse tack? Thanks! Rik
  16. Could try moorish soil.. It was used here in Norway in the old days.. /Rik
  17. Ser fint ut! Herlig! Go jul! /Rikard
  18. Hi! Try www.thornappleriverboots.com! Rik
  19. The Norwegians are so funny.. :D
  20. GO! Dive in! There is nothing worse than a future full of "I wish I had.."
  21. Wow! They are beautiful! Rik
  22. Thank you, Texas!
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