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Everything posted by steelhawk

  1. I found this knife sheath online somewhere with no info on who made it so I can't ask them. Does anyone know how the sheath is attached to the belt slot piece?
  2. I like it. I have a pouch for my rounds, but I like the savings of belt real estate this gives.
  3. I ended up using Aussie wax, then put them in a warm, but not too warm, oven to melt it in. They turned out nice and the customer liked them. I will post some pictures later. Thanks for the help.
  4. I tried that and still messed up, so now I put a big R (for right side holsters) on the front and write Smooth or Rough on the pattern. Also, after making more than one right hand when it should be a left hand, I modified my software so it prints a big L on the work order, and when I look at it using the software, a big red L shows up on the screen. This has helped. Here's my main screen. I wrote this software. If I check the "sound" box above the exit button, a 15 round burst of gunfire blasts off on exit. Just for fun.
  5. I spent days hand tooling a belt for my wife as a birthday present. When it came time to put her initials on it, I double checked, I triple checked, and I put them on upside down anyway.
  6. I hate it when that happens. One of my nicest holsters is too tight for the gun I made it for, an SR9c with a laser. I use it as a demo but would have preferred to sell it.
  7. I'm making a holster similar to the Hunter style of field holsters. With my regular holsters, I use Resolene for the finish. This leaves them stiff. I want this holster to retain the normal leather flexibility. With this end in mind, I'm not sure what to use. Suggestions, anyone?
  8. What did you use for the finish on the first holster?
  9. I've used the disc magnets from Tandy Leather in the cell phone cases I made for my wife. They need a liner, though. They have three sizes. I used the larger one for her Pixel 2.
  10. I had an inquiry today from a current customer for a Colt Cobra holster. I haven't seen one in person but pictures resemble a J-frame. Does any one know if they are the same? I didn't see any blue gun for it either.
  11. Its a holster. I came by the picture during a search and don't know who made it. Yes, it is outstanding tooling. What I wanted to know is if the stamp was offered for sale somewhere, like Barry King Tools. If so, I wanted to buy one and use it. But it looks like it isn't, so its more like the makers signature tooling or something like that.
  12. Here's a bigger picture showing it's use.
  13. I'm sure it's a stamp. I only showed a small portion of the leather carving that used it.
  14. I have been using Resolene, cut 50% on my double layer and other belts, done after neatsfoot oil has dried. I'm wondering if there is a better alternative.
  15. I saw this stamp used and like it's effect. Sadly, I can't find it anywhere for sale. It looks like a 9 with camo around it.
  16. A good customer ( 5 holsters already for him) wants a holster for this gun. It is 7.25 long with a 3.5 inch barrel and a 1.45 width. I didn't see a blue gun for it, unless I missed it. Has anyone here made a holster for this gun? If so, what did you use to mold it?
  17. Is the design burned on, like with a hot stamp? However he is doing it, they are outstanding. I wish I was that artistically gifted.
  18. I've been considering getting some drum dyed leather instead of using vinegaroon. I use 7/8 oz and don't see that weight offered. Can someone point me to a source for drum dyed leather in the weight I use? Thanks.
  19. A customer has asked me to make him an in-the-waistband small of the back holster. Two things come to mind. 1. He might be confused about what he wants. 2. I don't think there is such a thing, but I need more info before I contact him again. Has anyone here ever heard of something like this?
  20. I hand stitched a belt once. I also drilled all 560 holes with a dremel tool and a 1/16 drill bit. I won't do it again. Fortunately, with the Cobra 4 I don't have to. But, if you don't have a machine and want a belt, you do what's needed.
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