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Everything posted by JLSleather

  1. Yep, it looks good. Do you use a modeler? Think a bit of rounding ('speshly on the stems) would make it look even better. What color ya goin' with?
  2. Agreed. While I've not personally built a saddle, I do have a pretty good idea of the time and work that goes into those things. My brother's brother in law had a leather shop in Houston for quite a spell. Personally, I wouldn't know at a glance the difference between a roper and a wade ... but now that I've been kicked in the pants a bit (no offense taken) you can bet I'll find out (at which time I'll be back to personally thank any and all saddle builders who lit that fire under me). You are right, of course, when you say I don't understand the situation. This is why I used general facts about this TYPE of case, blended with just the right amount of humor about the following side of my wife Make no mistake, because I haven't built a saddle doesn't mean I can't appreciate them. In fact, my whole leathercraft CAUSE is making attractive items that have a PURPOSE (I like "pretty" stuff, but I like to see it get used). Guy has the drive, the artistic talent, and the desire to build a saddle has earned some respect. No mistake that I use the term saddle BUILDER. Please take no offense at any of my comments, I meant only to clarify and help. One of you boys (n girls) finds my comments at all objectionable, feel free to invite Johanna to this written permission to delete them, no offense taken.
  3. Preface this next thing with a clear statement that I know leather, and leather craft, and leather workers, but have never made a saddle (of any type or style). I do know something about the legal system. I'm not from Texas, but I think the laws are pretty standard (though not universal). Now, that said, with the understanding that the boss lady reserves the right to delete it and the saddle boys (n girls) are not s'posedta sock me in the eye ... A photograph that is placed on the internet which has no copyright or patent rights is "public domain". Don't know of anywhere you can be prosecuted for copying what is clearly not "private". A sick spouse (or one whose backside has been altered through the years) is no defense for anything. Anywhere. If you stole from me to feed your kids, I just might forgive it, but not defend it. Deliberate misrepresentation of an item for sale is fraud just about anywhere. But to prosecute, you may need to prosecute in the state where the fraud happened. This is likely to be a civil matter as well, but a fella would have to show that actual damage occurred (ie, I lost these sales, I had to pay these fees, ...). I would have thought Ebay would want to NOT be involved in this, though you can bet with the amount of money that goes through there they have plenty of their own lawyers. It is possible that one or more of these attorneys has told them NOT to act. Here's the deal... A guy posts a photo of an item. Someone else says - hey, that's my item and he has no right to it. Ebay doesn't know, and to remove a listing without actual knowledge may give the appearance of taking sides, even though they'd rather not. Ebay members don't seem to have a preference. I've seen some "leathercraft" on there where the best "feedback" I could give is to manage not to puke. And it sells anyway. And I'm sure that there are plenty of those who, if you could prove the item is stolen, would buy it anyway if it's what they want and they could be persuaded thy can get away with it. It becomes, then, a matter of personal integrity. Which is not prosecutable or actionable. If the photo was copied, I doubt there's much that can be done, unless someone went in to your shop to photograph it. If the PRODUCT was stolen that's another matter. Upon receipt of evidence of that, Ebay would become a "conspirator", a "party", and equally liable for any damages. On the other hand, I don't know of any laws which would prevent someone from copying and posting one of my photos and saying "It's one LIKE this".
  4. Yep, each his own. I prefer the computer myself ... no light table to store or maintain, patterns take up no space at all (and are always in order), and if it ever gets worn out I just print another one.
  5. I like that much better. One step further with the lines you reversed ... when you cut the design, make the lines you changed PART OF the foremost petal ... Instead of this ... This .... And maybe a little wider, to help with the illusion that it's closer, so that you have this ... Or, short version, something like this ..
  6. Welcome. Glad to see this relatively expensive software earning it's keep! Let me know if I can help in the future
  7. Who still sells those machine embossed wallets. Tandy used to have them in half a dozen designs -- deer, fish, ducks, florals .... Don't see them any more, and I can't find them with the suppliers from the directory.
  8. Actually, it's Jeff ... and I should mention that the shading and the "decorative" cuts look GOOD.
  9. That temp won't hurt anything, long as the humidity isn't bad. And, if you're going through several hundred feet of the stuff a month, don't sound like you're doing alot of "storing"
  10. Tough to design from anywhere but YOU, since you're the one who knows what you're trying to end up with. A suggestion, though ... I really thing your flowers will look more natural if you bevel the lead petal the other way (lines marked in red beveled TOWARD flower center) and use a little smaller stop tool.
  11. I was really looking forward to this thing. Weird for me, cuz usually I'm the last guy to care about such things. While I appreciate your gracious attitude, I'd really like to conform more closely to the selfish pig that I am and have my fun in this thing I'll send you a pm, so you can confirm that I didn't send the thing to the wrong address (on top of pig-ish, I'm not that bright, either). I thought I'd missed out, but if other folks aren't "done" yet, I can still get in ... Really? Message blocked? Well, Okay. ...
  12. Yep, only one of the "tan" (or British Tan, I forget - pic is pretty close, though) On the far right. Up to you folks when they go outta here ... I can't get to use them for a WHILE (hoping to do less lacing and more stitching anyway), so you 'guys' can figure what you need. I just want the room in my shop (which is already small enough) and I'm NOT throwing them out, so you let me know when you need it. Virginia must be a few days out ... I sent a small package out there two days ago and I see it isn't delivered yet... I've gotta finish that painting, so I'll leave it to you folks to read any posts above you and not "crowd" what the last guy wanted
  13. Sorry, I was off working. This is 50 yard spools of 3/32" lace.
  14. I have WAY more lace than I'll use for a good while. Tandy calfskin lace, full spools but not new (stored). Two black, two each of two shades of brown, one that's maybe "tan". Selling for $12/spool plus actual shipping, or 7 rolls for $75 and the shipping is my problem. Maybe help somebody who likes lacing more than I do (that's not all of it, I'll still have some).
  15. Jeez ... tell me I'm not promoting Tandy again (doh!, did i say that out loud?). I'm the dissenting opinion around here, Capri. I've ordered from Springfield and paid for the wholesale club, but I've been in no real hurry to get back there. Enough about that. In any case, I know Tandy does carry some usable items, including those you mention. More important, there's something to be said for your local guy. Don't like the quality, you can go pick out your own. Build a relationship, and the guys will probably "heads up" you when they have something you usually like.
  16. Alrighty, then. Been like 10 days, and since the mail lady said it would take 2-3 days, I'm guessing Storm's card is in the wind. No tracking number, thought it was all in fun (figures). Anti-climactic now, but here's what he didN'T get...
  17. You went the right way .. AMAZING how many times I see fellas spend their budget on tools to do leather, then don't have any money for the leather (doh!). Here's the rule ... you can't do leather work without leather. Been a good while since I did any bags, but the boys I know are making them out of 7/8 oz. I like doing that stuff, but got so many people wanting either skulls or flames, which just ain't my thing. Those boys remind me ... remember the movie "Blues Brothers"? ... We got BOTH kinds o music -- country AND western... You should be able to get the tools with any of the links at the top of the page. Might want to spend the extra $3 or so and go with the saddle groover. Same as the stitching groover, but reaches a little farther and a bit more sturdy.
  18. May not have been the color you were thinking, but the way it is looks GOOD. Nice.
  19. If you're cutting out bags, I think a "strap cutter" would be fine ... inexpensive "draw guage", much cheaper and sturdy enough unless you plan to have it for years. Much as I like Stohlman's work (cuz I DO), I think the "brand" with his name on the tools are overpriced. Noticeably less money will buy tools that will do the same thing just as well. Most of my "cutting patterns" are taken out of a hide with a heavy razor knife (saves time sharpening, just replace the blade for about a quarter), an X-acto kit, and a Pro Shears. Personal preference, I'd rather cut on a "poundo" board than the poly stuff. Just my preference. Rest of your list looks good. I don't know that Stohlman's series on cases will apply to the bags, specifically, but there are alot of good principles in there, worth seeing. Diamond shaped awl ... YES.
  20. Are you talking, like Bob P., about "burnishing" edges, or are you referring to the CREASER that made that parallel border?
  21. Only "donation" I make is every so often I put some key cases or the old "wander bag" into kits and take it to the local boy scout troop. Kids love that they can bash a name on it, lace it together, and USE it. Never count the cost, I mean, they're dirt cheap to begin with and my only labor is seeing some kids have fun and a sense of accomplishment. Grown men can get their own, I think.
  22. Okay, call me crazy lazy ... I was doing some fishing scenes, and had some blue left in the jar .... pictures tomorrow when they're dry. Got a little behind tonight when my old buddy showed up with the checkbook I made him about 8 years ago. Held up pretty well for spending that long under a 300 lb guy Oh, yeah ... the woodgrain is one of those pull the trigger on the airbrush and close your eyes things. Taking the advice of another crafter on the site, I left the lid off the glue bottle, too. Back to key cases , here's another pattern in case someone is looking for one. Came in some stuff off of Ebay, I bought some stuff, came with like 20 of these key case kits (what WAS I thinking, I hate these things. 3-4 were old n moldy, went in the trash - figgered I'd paint the rest ...
  23. WVC.... It's easier to tell if we have a photo, but pro'lly the #1 reason for marks in the background is leather still too wet.
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