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Everything posted by Reaper

  1. :You_Rock_Emoticon:very VERY nice! Really like this holster without a doubt!
  2. There is allot to say about Minimalism when it comes to everything. Fancy is nice and has it's place for those who like it and bare bone functional. Personally I think of a holster as nothing more than a pocket for a handgun. It should not allow the weapon to fall out and it should be easy to put in and take out. Concealing it is a consideration where needed, but beyond that I want something that is going to last a life time and then some is possible...
  3. Thanks for the heads up Mike, make it easier to find. Input is always good and I respect what ya;ll have to say. Sounds like it should have some good info on the subject.
  4. I'll have to look that post up. I've never used two hands to holster a weapon unless the other hand is moving a cover out of the way.
  5. Very sweet, I'm betting the customer will be more than happy for sure...
  6. That little Makarov is no larger than a CZ82 or 83 so it should carry really easy anyway you do it, but drawing it would definitely be smoother from a jackass. I always figured that the vertical rig would slap against your ribs allot.?. Pilots carried them vertical for years but that was because of spending their time in the seat driving the plane I'm sure.
  7. Very nice for sure... I noticed something the other day after leaving some Horse trimmings on a table outside the other night. The dew in the morning had wet the leather and the sun dried it out each night for a number of days before I actually got around to picking it all up off the table. It had turned a deeper richer saddle tan color with a light red tint to it, I think I am going to actually do this with enough horse butt to make a holster out of and skip any type of dying. Max from the looks of that there holster it should carry that BIG revolver easily and with comfort too!
  8. cem, all the best to you. I was down for 7 hoursfor a Liver Transplant. It is kind of wild because you go out and then wake up but it isn't like your sleeping, your mind shuts off, no dreaming.

  9. JohnBarton, if you put the name on the net could you post a link so others can keep track of the individual?

  10. tat2, sounds great I hope it all works the way your wanting!

  11. I really like that Luke, I just learned how they used to attach the retention strap years back. A friend sent me his Grandfathers Duty holster for the old 38 funnel style barrel Police model. It's a BAER? Letherworks Holster from St Louis. Well he sent 3 actually, one for a 38, one for a 32 and one for a Woodsman 22. I was surprised at the use of flat brass rivets and swivels on the two Duty holsters. Kinda cool how they come up with solutions likke that.
  12. Tina, Oh yeah, I'm also liking your work for sure. The Tankards are really nice as with all you have in your gallery.

  13. I like it, reminds me of a Galco Belt Slide my brother carries his Sig 220 Carry in. I've worn his and I do like the fact that it isn't bulky at all.
  14. I think the Calvary Officers which carried in such a manner in the movies only did it because the ran out of right hand holsters.... Mexican behind the back is thug common these days of un-holstered deep iwb at the crotch, either is a good thing IMO. Because one lends to ended Thugs and the other lends to Non-Propagating Thugs. I'm with Kat and BigO on it across the board. Also wonder if that isn't going to get between the weapon and thumb effectively locking it into the holster?
  15. I like the forming and the color is nice also. couple of things I wonder about.. I wonder if the weapon being angled back like it is will lend to it jumping out down the road if the carrier has to run or is the trigger guard meant to help retain it? Also about the trigger guard inner molding, is it so deep it will actually fire the weapon if it the striker is reset and the safety is off when put into the holster?
  16. Tina, my daughter loves the purses without a doubt and bottle sleave, though she would like that for her art work for when she goes to the park and such.

  17. roo4u, grandfather used to say it to deck hands on his charter boat, you are correct it is tadpole.. lol

  18. LNLeather, I like the Souths way of saying it. Don't let your Alligator mouth write a check your Chipmonk but can't cash...

  19. Another nice S&W, this looks like the one I shot though it wasn't ported and it had rubber grips on it. I've been wanting a 625 cut for moon clips for a while now. Surprised how many 629's I come across but not any 5" 625's,
  20. Seriously... I have shot a 4 inch 44 magnum and a 44 special... The Special was easy and not bad at all... But a friend handed me his 44 magnum and a hand full of shells telling me to try it out. I shot three rounds and handed it and the unfried shells back and said done..
  21. This is a very VERY sweet looking cannon. I will admit that shooting it more than twice would be at the bottom of my list, unless it was into a bad guy....
  22. I'd only put it on the front for a couple of reason and yes one of them being a waste. Another would be comfort, not sure how Shark would be on the materials used for cloths? I do know that untreated/tanned shark skin would wear clothing thread bare over time.
  23. Only stitch along the top of the slide and then wet mold then stitch along the bottom of the frame? I use a Dasco Pro # 431 Scratch Awl which I Diamond Ground on a belt sander for cutting holes and a stitch guide I picked up from Joans with holes set in lines at different centers along the edges and also crossing from corner to corner in an X pattern. It also is clear with graph lines on it. It really helps with hand stitching, I also use some French curves I have from doing Mech Design years back for my curves and such. mm, just a thought... Oh, I trimmed it along the holes where I get 5 stitches per inch about an 1/8 inch from the edge of the holes so I can set the reveal as needs along the weapon itself.
  24. scripture? really?

    1. Johanna


      I wondered if it was just me that saw the irony?

    2. LilRay


      I chuckled at the Elves, and I'm proud someone is still willing to outwardly share their faith.

      Is it ironic that I enjoyed both? :-)

    3. whinewine


      I really don't think religious tracts should be brought up here- there is a time & a place for them, & it isn't here. If Wiccans or Pagans or Satanists or Buddhists or Muslims would espouse their beliefs on this forum, there would be a LOT of outraged members dragging out their pitchforks...

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  25. Wallet Elves? hmm Dunno, but HomeDepot has some really nice Knome's though they tend to run away every Holloween.

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