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Everything posted by Beaverslayer

  1. Very nice Don. I actualy like the way you incorporated the concho's into the tooling...it looks great. Ken
  2. Looks good Kevin. One thing I'd do in the future, is to put the seam of the outer edge, under the strap. That way it will be protected when sliding in and out of the pocket. Keep up the good work. Ken
  3. :w00t: Would be nice to be able to afford a steak.
  4. Hey Matt, Great looking work there. The seat looks real good on the bike as well, and I love the green flames. Keep posting pics. Ken
  5. That looks real good Timber, I like the diferent colors you used. Ken
  6. Steve, great work. I realy like the rope bag, there's a lot of hard sewing there, isn't there? Ken
  7. Bruce...tin foil hats don't work anymore...you have to coat your whole body in Pecards...nothing gets through thatb stuff. Ken P.S. I've had no problems whith the new update on IE. The board always greets me like Norm...LOL
  8. But you're the only person any of us have evr known to kill a Yak....LOL Ken
  9. I used to go to Idaho Falls every weekend back in 98-99. I just love the country and people down there. I've never met a or been anywhere else where evryone is so friendly. Ken
  10. Paul, The purses look real good. Glad you found the way to post the pics. Now what you have to do is get an image reducer to re-size your pics. What part of southern Idaho are you at? Ken
  11. I see we are getting real close to the 10,000th post, I was just wondering if there was going to be a prize? Ken
  12. Welcome to the forum Don. Those are some beautiful saddles you've made, very clean and I love the designs. The bike seat is very nice as well. Keep up the great work, and post pics...we love pics. Ken
  13. Great job freak. The colors are so vivid, and make the piece come alive. Ken
  14. Welcome to the forum Smokey, I see that you've fiqured out the pic posting. Thats good work you're doing. Ken
  15. Welcome to the forum Cindi, Those are very nice clean looking straps, keep up the great work. It's good to have you here. Ken
  16. Welcome Chuckboy, It's good to have you here. You will find that we are all very helpful and more than willing to give free advice. Jump right in and ask away, someone here will have an answer for you. And enjoy the forum. Ken
  17. Saddle Maker, Rod and Denise Nikkel, are tree makers and are members here on the forum. You can do a search in members names to send them a private message or e-mail. I do believe there are afew more tree makers here, but their names don't come to me. Ken P.S. www.caledonleather.ca has two of thier trees in stock that a customer of his did not need, I believe you could probably pick these up fairly reasonably.
  18. Beautiful looking purse Kevin, a very professional job. Ken
  19. Yes fine ride indeed. Now to leather it up... Bruce, I gather you never go rock crawling then? Ken
  20. Good to here that Dragon. Be sure to post pics when you're done....we love pictures. Ken
  21. Dear M. Hoda, I respect your efforts to try to solicit business, there is nothing wrong with that. The problem me, and I suspect most everyone else here on this forum is, that even a 5000 sq. ft. order would be a very large investment. Even if the cost of that leather was $1.00 per sq. ft. we are talking a $5000.00 investment plus the cost of shipping. I am almost certain that there is not one person here on this forum that uses more than a 1000 sq. ft. per year of any kind of leather. And I would suspect that the average usage may be in the 200 to 300 sq. ft. mark. As we are not manufacturers or factories pumping out large quantities of garments and such, but a collection of some of the finest "Leather Crafters" in the world, that mostly specialize in "one off" pieces, we tend to keep a smaller inventory at a minimum. If you look at the "Teasers" section of this forum, you will be able to see the type of work the people here create, and will most likely come to the realization, that most everything (excluding saddles & briefcases) do not use a great deal of leather. Respectfully Ken Clark
  22. I fully concur with Marlon. As someone that has done a lot of lacing it ois much wiser to use lengths of lace the length of your reach. I have laced with laces that were 8 to 10 times the length of the area to be laced, and found that, not only did it take longer to lace, as you have to spend so much time pulling all that lace through each time, but as you pull, you are wearing down all the extra lace as well. So once you have laced a ways, you will find that your seam is gradually getting smaller. Splicing is the prefered way to go. 1) Less lace to pull each time. 2) Lace width stays consistent. 3) Your work will look much cleaner. Ken
  23. Thats some beautiful work there, I believe you will do very well with the leather. Ken
  24. Well I think I see a new line coming out if those things sell. I'll just go buy a bunch of laptops for $1000.00 and cover them in leather and make a bundle. Hand laced and all.... Ken
  25. Mahalo Hiloboy, Good to have you here. Don't worry about hanging out and learning, we are all more than happy to help you out. We also like to see pictures of everyones work, so if you have any, feel free to post some. Ken
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