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Everything posted by dragonspit

  1. Love love love the color. I bought some mahogany gel stain for my project and its not quite the color I wanted, what you have is more the color I wanted. will have to note this for another time. Like the lacing as well.
  2. Extremely nice. love the design and colors and the lacing. working on my first myself and could only hope to have it look half as nice. Bob
  3. Chris, thanks for taking the time to respond. great answer and you cant see it at all. I plan to make some bike excessories, when I get a chance to replace my last two....hopefully this year. and a bib was one. but that question had been lingering in my head as I saw quite a few bibs done. right now Im just learning stuff and havent laced anything yet. besides, still paying off bills first, those pesky little elusive bills are keeping me from buying in the state of things. but its coming. thanks again. Bob
  4. Very nice bibs Spinner. the color of the Cricket caught me off guard, but when you see it on the bike it looks perfect. I think I liked the edge lacing on the last one the most. then I got to thinking, wont the lacing wear on the paint pretty hard? I mean I have had bibs on sport bikes with simply felt on the bottom and just stitching on t he sides, and that scuffed the paint after only a year. and an inline 4 aint nothin like a twin v when it comes to vibration. just curious, id still do it, they look to nice. bob
  5. looks nice to me. I havent tried any lacing yet, but its coming onthe project at hand. I can see the gaps in the corners your talking about, how do you keep that from happening?
  6. I like the color ont he portfolio. subdued just enough. I still find it interesting the idea to buy that beat up old leather and make it useful. Hey, I just notice, so do you skive the flap part of the sketchbook journal? it looks thinner. Bob
  7. I wouldnt worry about the scratches either. the color finished nice. looks like a good solid seat.
  8. you always seem to have such interesting subjects, and the work itself well done to.
  9. as usual your work and your designs are a joy to review.
  10. Cant help with the sore hands issue, but the bags look very very nice.
  11. thanks for the help folks. Im takin it all in then will practice before doing. I just got all my materials so I have some work to do before I get there. bob
  12. dragonspit


    thats just way to cool.
  13. Well I guess 6' and dry splice it is. think I will practice that onced or twiced prior to project. btw Aaron, we had lived in Beaverton for almost 20years. just left last summer to return to family and stuff on the east coast. its a beautiful area out there. Thanks so much for the help folks. now where did I put that practice piece with some holes in it.
  14. This is a rockin idea in my opinion. probably cause im new and dont know anything, lol. if you did this well enough, could we put it together as money maker for the site and sell it. if anything else just a major area of understaning. I had tons of questions, went searching in the dye and stain forum. it could be endless, but the simple things arent pinned and could be like: when you use dye, or stain. how to thin or not. examples. I really think this is a good idea. it might even take some time to do correctly but would be worth it to the general public I think. my 2 cents.
  15. I was asked to make a Bible cover for a friend which I am going to do. everyone understanding im fairly new to the game and well, ya get what I can do. The few things I have done, I sewed, but I want to lace the edges on this, and not just a single loop, maybe like a double loop. So I havve my cute little how-to book I bought when I was recently at Tandy and its got all the info you should need, but there was one thing (other than a bit o practice) I didnt understand. When you are at the start, the book shows how to begin, am I to understand that as your making your loops and and doing your work, your pulling the entire length of the lace through each of the phases of work? you just leave enough at the beginning to tie into after you come all the way around but if that is so, you would have to pull, the 7-9 time x length, through every single stitch. am I understanding that correctly? thanks in advance for any help. Bob
  16. some great ideas here, Im gonna have to use some of this somehow.
  17. Dave, as usual not only nice work, but creatively thought out. When I see things like this I realize how streamline my thinking is and need to open my mind. that being said, as new as I am, I have my hands full with just doing stuff, lol.
  18. very nicely detailed work. wish I could see it in real life.
  19. LOL its funny you said that. My brother is a long time base player. I am planning to make him a strap as my skills get better. I went to my first guitar center in years, just yesterday looking at straps and comparing just for fun. I dont know, just caught me funny you said that. yeah, yours def some steps up from that.
  20. Flaws? what flaws? that is a thing of beauty. nice, very very nice.
  21. Still, a pertty darn nice belt. looks very clean and a nice design.
  22. Did you try over at the motorcycle gear threads. There some guys over there that have done some really nice work on seats, maybe someone there could help? Bob
  23. In addition and to add what Joet said, this site has more information than you can read, and will get mutlitple answers most likely for any question asked. there is even a thread called , Paul Burnett school of Leather ornamentation, if you have not read that, its extremely helpful. I would order a Tandy catalogue, they are free, and in there, will be some great books. Standard is the AL STohman (it was the very first one I bought as well). I have only been at it a few months, but its helped me greatly. it was all of $7 us at my local Tandy store. good luck and hope to see some images from you in time.
  24. Hi Bryan, thanks for kind words. the stitching was in a little bit more, say 1/8", but I made a cut errro in my inner that I needed to trim, so I decided to trim the entire thing, which I thought I might anyway, i just took a bit more than I planned. Thought I had added enough extra but I guess that is all part of the learning curve. I would be more than happy to share any of my design if I can figure a way to transfer it, I am assuming you mean the tooling part? I used to do a lot of digital artwork and had all kinds of ways to do this, and will most likely do again so that I can catalogue and print out designs as I want, but right now, I got no pc (except at work) and no way I can think of to transfer. but let me think on it to figure a way. Just let me know what it is exactly your looking to use, the layout in general or the tooling design? Bob
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