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  1. Dies
  2. Moved your post to Specialty Leatherwork > Saddles and Tack > Saddle Identification, Restoration & Repair
  3. Moved your post to leather sewing machines
  4. Could be an expensive shipment. This is a world wide forum. So you are saying you would ship free to Europe, South Africa, Australia, South America, etc.
  5. You should post in the Marketplace > Wanted section instead of posting on 9 year old posts that have nothing to do with buying or selling a machine.
  6. This is a world wide forum. Shipping anywhere for free? Pictures of what goes with the machine would be helpful. See the marketplace rules here https://leatherworker.net/forum/forum/70-announcements/
  7. Moved your post to leather sewing machines.
  8. It definitely has to do with thickness, density and hardness of the leather. It is gripping the needle and rising with the needle. Moistening the leather will make it softer, easier to pierce and retract. It will also leave more machine marks. Are you using a leather point needle? It looks like you are, and should be better than a conical point.
  9. I'd be careful of how much NFO I add to the leather. Too much and you have a soppy mess. It should help. The thread would likely break before it would lift the presser foot. Lubricated thread lubricates the needle so helps. Some members have sprayed their thread (on the cone) with silicon spray and let it soak in well. You might even hear a squeak as the needle pulls out of the leather.
  10. You should have noticed that the leather is lifting the presser foot. This happens with dense hard (and thick) leather. The needle sticks in the leather and pulls the foot up with it. Of course that destroys the loop so the hook can't grab it. Increase the spring pressure on the presser feet. Lubricated thread can help too.
  11. Buy a second set of feed dogs and grind the points off if there is enough adjustment room. Some people apply a strip of tape to the underside of the material they are sewing. Make sure the tape doesn't leave a sticky residue on your leather when you pull it off.
  12. See some info here. https://leatherworker.net/forum/topic/15122-how-to-post-pictures-on-lw/ Please avoid using 3rd party hosting as those pictures go missing when owner moves or deetes files, or the host decides to change policies. The the post becomes useless. Many members will not view unknown sites so would not be able to help provide the information you are asking for.
  13. You've got me beat by about a year. I started digitizing my magazines about 20 years ago. I was running out of shelf space between magazines and reference texts for engineering and computer programming. 2 each 4' wide shelves 6' high. Then there are the rest of the family's books. At one count 1500 approximately. I had even dumped a ton of photographic and power engineering magazines that I wish I still had. Had pulled all the ads out and stapled the informative articles and stored them in bankers boxes.
  14. The foot has a slot cut in the front of the toe so you can see the needle and the leather as the needle approaches the leather. You can cut and grind out the foot yourself. No need to buy another foot just to get an open toe.
  15. He hasn't been back since November 2 even though tagged December 5. So I am archiving this thread.
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