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About Northmount

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    Leatherworker.net Regular

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  1. If your files are too large to post here due to file size restrictions, you need to resize your files to fit. Follow this link for some helps and suggestions. https://leatherworker.net/forum/topic/15122-how-to-post-pictures-on-lw/?do=findComment&comment=551171 There are lots of Apps, software, and online tools available on the web, or even built into your device to enable you to reduce your file sizes. 800 pixels in the longest dimension is quite adequate. Smart phone screens and many monitors don't display high res files in high resolution. People that live on the fringes of the internet appreciate smaller file sizes and high res photos may take from 10 minutes to hours to download.
  2. Welcome. Great place to be. Moved your post to Leather Sewing.
  3. If your files are too large to post here due to file size restrictions, you need to resize your files to fit. Follow this link for some helps and suggestions. https://leatherworker.net/forum/topic/15122-how-to-post-pictures-on-lw/?do=findComment&comment=551171 There are lots of Apps, software, and online tools available on the web, or even built into your device to enable you to reduce your file sizes. 800 pixels in the longest dimension is quite adequate. Smart phone screens and many monitors don't display high res files in high resolution. People that live on the fringes of the internet appreciate smaller file sizes and high res photos may take from 10 minutes to hours to download.
  4. Moved this thread to Dyes, Antiques, Stains, Glues, Waxes, Finishes and Conditioners.
  5. According to the IP address, he is located at Sechelt, British Columbia, V0N 3A3, Canada
  6. @dring Moved your post to Dyes, Antiques, Stains, Glues, Waxes, Finishes and Conditioners
  7. Please read the marketplace rules and conform. You must provide a price, condition of equipment, any information or restrictions on shipping, and photos when possible. Failure to conform may result in your ad being blocked. See the marketplace rules here https://leatherworker.net/forum/forum/70-announcements/ Description and condition of each item for sale, along with price in US$. Also pictures.
  8. Moved your post to leather sewing machines.
  9. The section at the bottom of a post is that user's 'signature'. See JLS's signature below. Not something that moderators manage. If he has an error in it, or his site is no longer available, then you need to contact him. Send him a message. And by the way, you need to quote part of a post or tag the user so they get a notification. I have turned notifications off on any posts that I make as I don't need that much overhead to contend with. I just by chance saw your reply to me. Notice I quoted your post. So you get a notification. You can also tag a user by typing the "@" symbol followed by the users name and picking it from the popup box. Like this: @JDswede See - easy! @JLSleather Your website in your signature doesn't load. http://jlsleather.com/
  10. Moved your post from wanted (since you are selling) to: Marketplace Items For Sale Machinery -- Sewing and Stitching New and Refurbished to Like New
  11. You need to tag or quote a part of the OP's post so they are more likely get a notification of your post. Not everyone sets their profile to receive notifications of posts on their posts automatically. Tag the user by typing the '@' symbol followed by the username, and picking the name from the popup box. @BullSheathLeather You have a query from SeraKate
  12. Not blocked. They downloaded just fine for me minutes ago. You need to check what firewalls or other settings on your computer, router or phone that are 'blocking' you. What message do you get, or are they just really slow downloading?
  13. Northmount

    Cobra 26 for Sale

    Resize your photos to fit.
  14. Northmount

    Cobra 26 for Sale

    You need to state whether you will ship or any restrictions on shipping. A couple pictures would help as well. How old, how much was it used. Those details would help too. See the marketplace rules here https://leatherworker.net/forum/forum/70-announcements/
  15. IP address says Ottawa (Carlington), Ontario, K2C, Canada
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