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Everything posted by cowdog128

  1. For the money it looks like you got a good deal, only time will tell though but i dont think you got screwed on it. let us know how it works out for ya it might be one of them diamonds in the rough.Happy trails
  2. Wow i hope my first pair look half as good keep up the good work. Happy trails
  3. As always Bob an outstanding job your work is an inspiration and keeps me striving to learn more and do better work. Happy trails and keep it up.
  4. Very nice work Chris good luck with that whole sleep thing LOL congrats to you and mama.
  5. I agree you nailed it i dont play much pool but hell i want one just cause it looks that cool keep up the good work and happy trails.
  6. cowdog128

    Whoo Hoo!

    congrats very nice work keep it up. Happy trails
  7. Real nice stands Josh keep up the good work probly be ordering in the future. Happy trails
  8. Aint it about time you change your screen name lol very nice work i would rest my umm well you know. Happy trails
  9. thats really thinking outside the box im a cowboy and a huge fan of western and sheridan carving but your sketch is really eye catching to be honest i would have never thought of it lol you have come up with an idea that appeals to a whole new group of people not just cowhands i cant wait to see it finished or even better on leather i know for a fact that with the new on the edge extreme bullriders and rodeo folk out there im sure youj turn a few heads and get some business. Anyways i have rambled on too long im looking foward to see how it turns out. Happy trails
  10. Whatever she's sellin i'm in lol nice shirts Kevin
  11. Thanks to everybody that commented for your help i am really excited to hopefully be getting into what i consider to be a dieing art and am truely thankful that there are so many experienced people willing to take their time to help me out again thanks a bunch and i am sure to be asking more later on. Happy trails
  12. Howdy folks anybody out there got a good set of plans/list of materials for a drawdown stand i could build starting in the saddlery business and trying to get my shop set up and such thanks everybody for your help and happy trails.------Hank
  13. As far as fitting the seat of a roping saddle search for Bruce Cheany on youtube he has some good videos on there.
  14. Them darn ropers win everything trucks,trailers,and now title belts whats next? lol. Anyways great work as always Bob you set the bar for all us toolin cowboys out here keep up the great work and happy trails my friend.
  15. Thats very nice work with the inlays thats an awsome concept and made a outstanding saddle. Im hopefully getting into saddle making myself ( fingers crossed lol) and this is the kind of quality work i want to crank out of shop great job and happy trails.
  16. Howdy folks im interrested in getting into making saddles but in this part of the country there isnt anybody around to learn from so does anybody have any info on a good saddle making schools i can take a look at i want to get the most (bang for my buck) so any and all help/advice would be a great help. thanks a bunch everybody and happy trails
  17. The only words that come to mind are just plain cool keep it up.
  18. You could go to a local craft/art store for tracing vellum i picked up a pack of 50 sheets for like 6 bucks at Hobby Lobby.
  19. you could try bar c saddlery the number is (352)572-2983 im not sure how close they are to ocala but they r in the neighborhood. Happy trails
  20. Hey Bruce i know Will personally and you are correct he is an awsome young roper with a bright future i saw this rope can at a rodeo i was fighting bulls at not long after he got it and you did a great job on it i know he was very proud of it. Keep up the good work happy trails
  21. I think he meant halter anyways the coloring really pops i would love to know your secret on the color and also the finish.Keep up the good work happy trails
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