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Everything posted by whinewine

  1. Even better is THEN to hire a kid to run it while you sit inside in the warm & watch him lol...
  2. Beautiful! Love the wolf. If you don't mind me asking, what weight leather? How many layers? teeth are???
  3. Hello: what is the size of the purse dies, if you still remember? Thanks.
  4. I'm just joshing with you, Art. Relax! (And I don't know on what level we disagree, if at all...- it's just that you seemed to get a touch uptight when mentioning 'PURSE' ) I really love the bag, but I likewise would give it to my wife (as per the next post, by Aaron), but wouldn't wear it myself... except with my renfaire and leather demonstrating garb.
  5. Actually, that would make good song lyrics: 'I'm old. I'm American. I'm a man...' So, Art: then what you're saying is that IF you were asked to dress in Period garb as an 18th Century reenactor, you would refuse to wear a possibles bag (with fringe? or without fringe?) because it would be (in your words) a "PURSE"... Interesting, because a possibles bag is also American (and is found in other cultures as well)...
  6. Just a curious observation: So a man riding/sitting on a saddle covered with lots of floral, swirly, Sheridan-style acanthus-type designs in a natural color is considered riding something that is 'masculine', and yet a guy carrying a simple bag (most probably carrying a small laptop, or a Tablet, or notebook) in the same color with a minimalist bit of design on the flap is 'girly'? IF the bag were covered in the above noted, swirly floral/acanthus designs, would it then be masculine, like the saddle? Just wondering...lol
  7. Beautiful bag, Edvin. I love the simple, elegant design. Just gorgeous!
  8. Just signed up to take a 2 day, intensive scrimshaw class/workshop. It'll be close to the end of this month. I can hardly wait! I need to take a break from leather after the season.

    1. Tina


      I wish I could too, that sounds sooooo fun :-)

  9. All beautiful, Tina! Absolutely! russ
  10. Love it! [although mine is in actual use as my tooling slab. It was the cutter's mistake & was free, but for those who ask, I tell them it's mine & when I die, they'll take it out & set it on top of me...]
  11. Getting ready for Celtic Classic in Bethlehem, PA this weekend.

  12. I went to Scandinavia this Summer (Norway, Sweden, Russia, Finland, Denmark, Latvia & Iceland)- I took travelers checks- they're not used anymore & no one wanted to take them- I came back with them all. However, EVERYONE accepted credit/debit cards (even in Russia, where the only 'official' currency is the ruble... ). Granted, I was only in the larger metro areas- I don't know about the rural, off the beaten track areas. In the US, I prefer to write checks- although many checks are electronically processed at the point of purchase now. I rarely carry more than $20 in cash.
  13. Not to hijack this thread, but I recently acquired one of the Hides To Art stamps as payment for doing an article for them. It is a border stamp and it is stainless steel & gives a nice crisp impression. I do use it and like it very much and will most likely get more as the need arises. They do have some interesting designs not found elsewhere. Yes, they are good stamps.
  14. Thank you, Edvin. Your work is beautiful & the tutorial is greatly appreciated! russ
  15. Beautiful! Do you do your own metal work for edging the leather or is it commercially available (and from whom?) Gorgeous work, Edvin!
  16. Goat is generally no thicker than 3-1/2 oz, maybe 4 oz, tops. Truly, I don't believe it exists in the weights you want- they're small (tiny, actually) compared to cattle.
  17. Still- if you paid via paypal, you should dispute this.
  18. Once you're added the sno seal, I don't really know if they'll accept dye (maybe/perhaps [doubtful, though,] spirit, NOT water-based dyes, and...they can't be dyed lighter than the darkest areas. I would not even attempt a dye job because it probably wouldn't take, and definitely (if it did take) would never be a uniform color because the worn areas would always look different than the non worn areas. However, it looks like the soles (pretty worn, btw) are coming off in spots. There is a product called 'shoe goop' which is pretty good at holding/repairing soles coming unglued. Bottom line, if I were you, I'd invest in a tube of shoe goop, repair the soles & wear your free boots till they totally fall apart. You might even use a dremel to add new, deeper grooves in the soles to give some traction, 'cause there isn't much there. (Personally, I wouldn't invest that much time in them, but I do have friends who would spend much, much more time trying to fix broken things than the things are actually worth.)
  19. You still should have (maybe still can?) dispute the whole matter with ebay/paypal. You can get your full purchase price & initial shipping cost refunded. But there is a time limit, so don't delay. I was ripped once by a seller who kept making excuses (her son had it, the post office misplaced it, blah, blah)- suddenly the time limit was up & she then stopped answering my emails & I couldn't file a claim with ebay. I was new & trusting at the time. No more!
  20. Oh- super nice, Andy! They'll love it.
  21. My son uses it at the shows we do. He's got the smartphone (I have a tracfone so it won't work for me). It's great- no contracts, no commitments & only 2.7% deducted! Apple is now selling the reader for $10, BUT, there is a $10 rebate (or gift card- I can't remember what he told me)- but either way, it's still free. He needs to show me how to use the smartphone and the reader before our last show of the season, since he isn't able to be there, though.
  22. Also ClearLac from Springfield (which, btw, is exactly the same as neatlac & [i believe}, wyosheen- same manufacturer- LCI... Master Quick Shine is also nice & glossy.
  23. Absolutely stunning, kevin! WOW! is all I can say!
  24. We just had an earthquake! Weird, strange feeling- was at the computer, thought I was having a stroke or something.

  25. We finally had a good show yesterday: in addition, we listened to good Celtic music all day, sampled/bought/drank good wines & sold lots& lots of good leather stuff. A VERY good day! Yeah!

    1. Crystal


      I am happy for you, Russ!

    2. CitizenKate


      That gave me something to smile about. Sounds like a fabulous day to me.

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