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Everything posted by whinewine

  1. There are many threads here on the boss. Just do a search for Tipmann Boss.... FWIW, I have one that I purchased that was a demo & we had lots of trouble with it. Mr. Tippmann personally had me ship it back & it was totally gone over- broken & bent parts were replaced- I love it now - works like a dream . Their customer service is superb! For the small amount of machine stitching we do, it fills the bill admirably. Yeah, an electric would be nice, (& maybe sometime in the future), but for $1000 less, you can't beat the Boss, IMO, [plus there are many that show up on ebay for $$$ less than retail.].
  2. Very neat. I like. Are the other pictures leather also? russ
  3. Nice: I really DO like the pipe!
  4. Clear lac, made by LCI, sold by Springfield leather. See one of the banners at the top of the pages. They may ship- talk to kevin or Emma. Good people.
  5. And look at the advertising banners at the top of this page and other pages. Eventually it'll show up. They are advertisers on LW.net
  6. The hatred & bitching demonstrated throughout this thread is definitely It's over. Let it go. Grow up. Stop
  7. Tandy had/still has?? patent leather on sale 1 or 2 months ago. I got 3 very nice sides- a textured pink, a textured green & a smooth blue for (I believe) $50/side . Call your local tandy & ask (don't go through their website- it probably won't be listed as it was a special odd lot ).
  8. Springfield sells a version of leather glow, very similar to the old stuff (& very different from the stuff tandy now sells, which is not nice at all). russ
  9. And let me know if/when you're coming (via pm). I live about an hour south. We could meet up (& crash at my place if you're tired). russ
  10. For the tri-bolt, people have taken 3 bolts of the appropriate size, aligned them & welded them together. As far as I know, the tri-bolts are not commercially available, because the market is so, so limited for them.
  11. Just finished carving 3 flasks. First work I've done since my operation. I'm looking at it as PT before the actual physical therapy starts. Shoulder hurts, but such is life.

  12. It's a lacquer based finish, NOT water based, so one can use it over eco flo dyes without them running.
  13. Clear-lac is sold by Springfield, although there may be others also selling it under their own brand names. I believe LCI is the manufacturer.
  14. Happy Birthdays, Harold & Spinner!

  15. Basic is a nice brand of tools, no longer made. They definitely fill a niche that Craftool doesn't fill. The images in the large sizes are quite nice; the smaller tools in the line are not as finely cast. IMO. They are not steel, but I don't know what (cast zinc?). I have some; I wish I would have gotten more in the '70s. BTW, they put the Baron tools to shame- the inpressions (as you can see) are deeper & more crisp than the Barons. You need a heavy maul or a weighted mallet.
  16. A little while back, there was a thread on this. I tried it, & it works, although I didn't leave it in but just a few minutes. As far as the ridges, just put another piece of FS bag between the ridged side & the holster itself- with the smooth side against the holster- that prevents the bumps from appearing. What I don't like is that the FS seals the bag instead of continuing to draw moisture out. (I would rather have continued suction & less moisture, but doing this on a budget, I guess I can't complain- so I've got to cut the bag, oh well...)
  17. Ferg: my suggestion would be to call. If the #'s been disconnected, then it might be a good indication that they may be out of business . A woman, Cathy Schlim (not a member here, I believe) helped a bunch of us get ours. I don't have her email anymore, but Gtwister (a member here) might have it. Send him a PM. russ
  18. Henley= gemosphere.tripod.com/GEMOSPHERE/swivel_knives.html or EXTREMEALL@aol.com or (318)631-3545 Louis or Tony Henley or (318)636-0262 fax # or write 422 Pro St., Shreveport, LA 71105 Beader blades available in 1/16, 3/32,1/8, 5/32 *** Btw, Website prices are outdated***
  19. Did you try wetting the leather? If you would use fairly thin veg tan, wet it, form it around, let dry, then sew, your holes wouldn't rip out.
  20. You could try them, although, [1] unless they have them listed in their archives, and, [2] someone is actually willing to search through them, they may simply tell one what she/he wishes to hear, whether or not it is accurate** (or, more likely, the response would be "there is nothing in our archives"). It is entirely possible that production records of each individual tool designation might not have been kept. {Concerning ** on # [2] above, for example, on Tandy's blog, a question was asked about the old ruby blades & stropping, & the answer given was that they needed to be stropped as often as steel blades... that is totally wrong :wtf: . Ruby is the second hardest substance, after diamond- steel doesn't compare in hardness. But this is one of the inaccuracies one gets from some of the corporate people who really don't know.) But enough- Good luck!
  21. Yes, I know there is a formula somewhere- I think it is in one of the Bruce Grant books, but I'm nowhere near that area right now, so i can't really give an answer- I'll try to look for it maybe tomorrow, if I get back. Sorry I can't give a definitive answer right now.
  22. Another suggestion is to seek out an independent insurance agent- one who sells insurance from many different companies, rather than just one. (We have all our other insurances through him, & he COULD get us vendor's insurance, but we got the better deal through 'Vendors of the US'.) It's a possibility to check out for whatever your particular needs may be.
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