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Everything posted by Roger

  1. really pops! nice
  2. WOW! have not been on here in quite some time. i can't believe it's been 10 year since i did this!
  3. I have not ordered from them since 2010. I was told today that even though I had spent thousands over the past few years that I would need to come up with a $500 order to maintain my wholesale account. I only need a double shoulder as I'm doing very limited leatherwork right now so I am looking for a new supplier. Weaver has lot me as a customer
  4. Roger


    thanks for all the replies!
  5. Roger


    ok.. i have a customer that i cover a motorcycle seat for a few years back. he has contacted me about recovering it again and was asking about buffalo and if it can be tooled? he says his horse saddle is made from buffalo hide. can anyone give me some info on working with buffalo and where i can fine it?
  6. this was done with silver acrylic paint then sealed and a black antique applied then sealed again. if it was not going to be sat on you could use silver leaf. i would imagine the process would be the same as most other surfaces. you would not want to use silver or gold leaf on anything that will be flexed or bent as it would fracture the leaf
  7. thanks for all the comments! nice to be missed. i have another seat finished up i'll try and post later today in the motorcycle section. it's nothing fancy... just another one done. i stopped counting when i got over 200
  8. hi all! been some time since i have posted. too much else going on in my life to get much leather work done but, i've managed to get this stuff out in the last month or so. hope you like!
  9. cause i liked the way it looked. i had no reason to use the rivets otherwise. i used a tandy kit for a template and cut my own pieces. it's lined with veg tan roo btw
  10. thanks! actually not too bad stitching. don't recall exactly how long but, it was under four hours. i'm thinking it was closer to 2.5 to 3 it's quite i bit faster stabbing holes and stitching when using a horse. i'm used to holding a solo seat between my knees to stitch them up
  11. this is one of only a couple projects i did over the winter. pretty much put the tools down for a few months to recharge. i also posted a seat i'm working on in the motorcycle section. hope you like. it was my first ranger belt and my first lined belt.
  12. well... i have taken quite a bit of time off. just been burned out from working a full time job and leather. here is one of the first seats i've done since picking up the tools again. it still needs color. waiting to hear back from the customer. hope you like
  13. looking good! a little black goes a long way. i have a pair of polished aluminum sides the at were given to me. i just have not taken the time to figure out how i want to use them
  14. good looking set. one thing i still have not done is a round tool bag
  15. well done! came out real nice.
  16. for sure you need to even out the edges and the lacing holes. it will really improve the finished product. i don't rivet the bottom at all on those type of seats. i glue the bottom in place with barge cement and have had no issues
  17. you can wet it some but do yourself a favor and glue it down. not only will it solve your problem but keep it from moving around while lacing it up
  18. good looking bag! would have taken me at least that long just to stitch it up
  19. have a geat day!
  20. thanks once again for all the comments!! Kate.... i feel the same way.. especially when they have put out way too much money for a mass produced "custom" seat. a one of a kind bike should have a one of a kind seat
  21. truly original! well done rickey! nice clean work
  22. thanks! yes i use an airbrush!!
  23. thanks steve! I didn't charge extra cause I really needed the income so I did what I had to do. I did have a week- ten days notice. The dog was something the customer found. I wanted something to tie the seats and bag together. He wanted something tribal and had a tattoo that I based the design on
  24. LOL!! did this set in between finishing up the last set. was a rush job while the customer was on vacation. completed in 5 days including polymer inserts i my spare time). still have a matching tool bag to do but it will follow the seats as the customer does not want to miss out on any riding this time of year.
  25. thanks kevin!!! here is everything finished up!!
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