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Everything posted by Ladykahu

  1. From the album: LadyKahu

    © © leatherworker.net

  2. Ladykahu


    From the album: LadyKahu

    © © leatherworker.net

  3. From the album: LadyKahu

    © © leatherworker.net

  4. From the album: LadyKahu

    © © leatherworker.net

  5. From the album: LadyKahu

    © © leatherworker.net

  6. From the album: LadyKahu

    © © leatherworker.net

  7. From the album: LadyKahu

    Some of the worst sewing I have done! there is something to be said for a worktable vs a log beside the campfire! I have 11 other stool frames to slowly make up for sale. anyone got any ideas on what I should charge for these? (on the presumption my stitching will be up to standard on the rest) I have looked on etsy etc but can't find anything similar out there for a comparable price :-(

    © © leatherworker.net

  8. From the album: LadyKahu

    Just got some antique to add to a couple and the edges to burnish!

    © © leatherworker.net

  9. Hi and Welcome Big wave from wayyyyyy over west melbourne :-) Natalie
  10. Note to self: when warming vinegar and steel wool to make vinegaroon. DO NOT FORGET the pot is on the stove!! House smells kinda funny now :-(

  11. Hello and welcome :-) I am in Melbourne and am just learning as well Natalie
  12. felt hats are done with 'blocks' maybe try doing some reading on how else the felt hat people shape theirs when they don't have blocks available? http://melbournehatblocks.com.au/products.php?c=2 http://www.hatblocksbydesign.com.au/products http://www.hatblocks.co.uk/brimblocks.html#Tunedupbrims Natalie
  13. I saw the morgan oak at lefflers last time I was there! there where some nice hides !! .. and a couple I wouldn't have picked if I was choosing. Do you go in and select yourself ? or mail order? They are out of my price range until I start selling a bit more stuff, but its given me something to compare with in the mean time and seeing as how I can get in to hand pick, I just spend ages going through the 'cheaper' options till I find something usable. Natalie
  14. That linked pdf file is great for an explanation on the cutting ends of needles ... thanks for that Natalie
  15. By using flash.. your are ruling out anyone with an "i" device (ipad, iphone etc) and most mobile devices as well.. flash just don't work well from a 'gadget'. In a few years time I strongly suspect 'flash' will no longer exist because of mobile usage. (that was me wearing my computer tech hat) Natalie
  16. LOVE that eye detail! is it embossed in or painted? They are all looking really great. this one kinda has a 'looking down his nose at you' feel about it from the photos :-) Natalie
  17. Ladykahu


    I have ordered via email from them. I live in australia and got my order just fine. very well packaged (it was a used box, but as a greenie I like that) and in the usual time from for something from america. Looks like email orders might be the better idea with them. I will be ordering further things through them, as they seem to be the only ones who will ship me 'flammable' items. Natalie
  18. Hi also what colour is the thread? Thanks Natalie
  19. Love the design! heheh.. I enjoy humour in crafts and wish I was better at it myself Natalie
  20. I wouldn't throw it out. Go for a dark dye and hope it hides the blemishes.. and complete the purse, you will learn a LOT along the way just doing the process.. which might stop you goofing up something else on your second one. I would try and dip dye, so you get really good soakage from the dye to cover the differences in leather. Natalie
  21. Gotta love this forum !!! Only here would someone go and shoot a bit of leather for someone else to see what it really looks like ! Gave me a good chuckle thanks guys
  22. Not sure if I am ready for the bad jokes.. but could you please add me.. Natalie
  23. Hi Sorry to hijack a little.. but its in the same vein... Do hand crank singer home machines work on thinner leather? The old style treadly type ones.. I am thinking about doing a few months bus tour around aus.. and would like to take a machine with me. Natalie
  24. I received my order for a few bits an bobs from Birdsall leather on wed.. only to find they had sent the wrong size buckle blank. I popped onto the website to contact them and let them know, saying I was happy to keep the large and would order more smalls.. if they would please actually send me the smalls! Got an email today saying they would send me the smalls free of charge and sorry for the mix up! Gotta love service like that. Birdsall Natalie
  25. These guys do a fantastic range of 'metalic' colours that work really well http://www.jacquardproducts.com/products/paints/lumiere/colors.php they have a great brass that I used on my grandsons canon on the belt I made him. Natalie
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